Morgan--Siobahn M. (Earth Science Faculty)
Displaying 1 - 50 of 50 in reverse chronological order
# | Title | Date | Summary |
1 | View the night sky with UNI's Observatory Show Northern Iowan 118:54, p.4 |
UNI students gather on McCollum Science Hall's rooftop to watch the Observatory Show led by Professor Siobahn M. Morgan and a student assistant, Billy Lange; photo. | |
2 | Blue moon lands on Halloween Northern Iowan 117:22, p.4 |
A blue moon takes place on Halloween; photo. | |
3 | Observatory show reaches for the stars Northern Iowan 115:21, p.1 |
The observatory dome on top of McCollum Hall is open for a show every Thursday and facilitated by Siobahn Morgan, the head of the earth and environmental sciences department; photo. | |
4 | The great American eclipse of 2017 Northern Iowan 114:1, p.1 |
The United States had their first solar eclipse on the first day of classes, August 24. The Department of Earth and Environmental Science, UNI STEM, and The Iowa Academy of Science organized a viewing party in the Rod Library and in front of the Campanile. Despite the cloudy day, over one hundred people attended the viewing party; photo. | |
5 | "Stellar" constellations on Earth Northern Iowan 111:30, p.1 |
Until spring break students are able to view the stars indoors at Latham hall; photo. | |
6 | Bringing the stars closer to home Northern Iowan 110:46, p.4 |
Siobhan Morgan, head of the earth Science department, puts on the planetarium and observatory shows on campus. These shows are given every Thursday. Morgan likes doing these shows because she loves to see the students get excited about the sky; photo. | |
7 | Observatory offers views from out of this world Northern Iowan 109:4, p.6 |
Siobahn Morgan conducts an observatory show each Thursday evening. The event starts at 9:00pm. Students learn about objects in the sky and get close up views, using the 12 inch reflecting telescope. | |
8 | UNI opens observatory to the public Public Relations News Release 2012:30, p.1 |
Thursday, August 30 at 9:00pm is the date and time for the open house in McCollum Science Hall. People will be able to see the moons of Jupiter. Shows are scheduled every Thursday until Thanksgiving. | |
9 | Partial solar eclipse to be visible in Iowa Public Relations News Release 2011:315, p.1 |
Siobahn Morgan, head of the Department of Earth Science, annouced a free and open to the public showing of the partial eclipse. The event will take place west of the UNI-Dome | |
10 | UNI to host special viewing of supernova Public Relations News Release 2011:32, p.1 |
Viewing of a supernova nearly 20 million light years away will be held on the grassy field west of the campanile and will be sponsored by the Earth Science Department. | |
11 | UNI I am Experiencing the UNIverse Northern Iowan 108:2, p.11 |
Siobahn Morgan shares the universe with students; taking them to the observatory on the roof of McCollum Science Hall on Thursday evenings. In the winter they meet in the planetarium in Latham Hall; photo. | |
12 | Iowans to witness transit of Venus Public Relations News Release 2011:321, p.1 |
The June 5 event was last seen in 2004 and will next occur in 2117. Free viewing is possible west of the UNI-Dome. People warned to not observe without solar filters on their equipment. | |
13 | UNI planetarium to host public astronomy presentations on Thursdays Public Relations News Release 2009:273, p.1 |
The Department of Earth Science will hold the presentations in Latham Hall on Thursdays at 7 and 8 p.m. through March 11. The computer-controlled system can show the location of current objects in the sky. Admission is free. | |
14 | NISG Senate meeting: January 28 Northern Iowan 105:32, p.1 |
Siobahn Morgan, coordinator of the Liberal Arts Core, met with NISG to answer questions about classes and programs. Reports received concerning harassment policies inclusion of gender, a request for funding for NISG debates, and office computers | |
15 | Things to do before leaving UNI Northern Iowan 105:15, p.8 |
Consider an astronomy class, go to a theatre event, take a walk on campus, listen to the Campanile, play with the squirrels, take a road trip with friends, attend an athletic event, and go to College Hill at least once. | |
16 | External funding supports projects Northern Iowan 105:4, p.1 |
External funding increased by 26% for 2008. | |
17 | Iowa Mathematics & Science Education Partnership gives funding for 13 grants to improve the state's math and science education system Public Relations News Release 2008:66, p.1 |
The three goals of IMSEP are: to improve mathematics and science performance of Iowa students; to prepare more high-quality mathematics and science teachers for Iowa's schools; and to promote statewide collaboration and cooperation. | |
18 | High School seniors awarded McaPS scholarships at UNI Public Relations News Release 2007:633, p. |
Iowa high school students have been awarded a Mathematical, Computational and Physical Sciences (MCaPS) scholarship at UNI. | |
19 | UNI receives $590,456 NSF grant for undergraduate scholarships in science Public Relations News Release 2007:170, p.1 |
Scholarships from the National Science Foundation will be available to seven students beginning in the fall of 2008. | |
20 | The American Democracy Project at UNI will sponsor a forum Monday, September 17 Public Relations News Release 2007:142, p.1 |
"How can UNI contribute to the development of responsible citizens?" will be the topic of the forum sponsored by the American Democracy Project September 17. | |
21 | UNI professor sheds light on celestial light source Public Relations News Release 2006:0, p.1 |
Siobahn Morgan reported on some of the issues of Polaris, or the North Star. | |
22 | Three UNI students present winning papers at Sigma Xi research conference Public Relations News Release 2005:0, p.1 |
UNI students presented research papers at the 13th annual Sigma Xi Student Research Conference. | |
23 | Wednesday, April 12 Public Relations News Release 2005:0, p.3 |
NISG Student Bash will take place; Sigma Xi Student Research Conference will occur; Career workshop on resumes will be held; "Hydrogen and Fuel Cells" will be the topic for a lecture by Romesh Kumar; Walt Whitman live will be performed by Bill Koch. |
24 | Monday, Feb. 20 Public Relations News Release 2005:0, p.2 |
Sigma Xi lecture will take place with a discussion of nanomaterials by Diandra L. Leslie-Pelecky. | |
25 | T. A.s are vital to professors, students Northern Iowan 102:33, p.7 |
Teaching assistants help around campus in many ways including grading tests and taking attendance; photo. | |
26 | UNI Sigma Xi Student Research Conference winners announced Public Relations News Release 2004:0, p.1 |
Graduate and undergraduate student winners honored for their research in physics, chemistry, biology, and environmental studies. | |
27 | Hubble Space Telescope celebrating 15th service anniversary Public Relations News Release 2004:0, p.1 |
More than ten thousand papers have been written using information from the telescope. | |
28 | UNI to host student research conference Public Relations News Release 2004:0, p.1 |
Sigma Xi Student Research Conference will be held April 5. | |
29 | Computer entrepreneur to speak at UNI Science Symposium Public Relations News Release 2004:0, p.1 |
Randy Dumse will speak about how his career started as a UNI student. | |
30 | Four UNI faculty receive Regents Awards for Faculty Execellence Public Relations News Release 2003:0, p.1 |
Award recipients include Rebecca Burkhardt, Steve Corbin, Mark Grey, and Siobahn Morgan. | |
31 | Mars closest to Earth in 60,000 years -- UNI celebrates Public Relations News Release 2003:0, p.1 |
Department of Earth Science plans to make the most of this rare occurrence. | |
32 | Asteroid threat or fluke? Public Relations News Release 2002:28, p.1 |
Siobahn Morgan will confront the issue about an asteroid striking Earth in 2019. | |
33 | Living and Working in Antarctica to be UNI Science Symposium topic Nov. 15 Public Relations News Release 2001:199, p.1 |
Jeff Tamplin will present, "Life and Work in Antarctica, the Last Frontier" as a part of the annual Science, Mathematics and Technology Symposium. | |
34 | UNI chapter of Sigma Gamma Epsilon initiates three new members Public Relations News Release 2001:10, p.1 |
Three members are initiated during the spring semester. | |
35 | UNI chapter of Sigma Gamma Epsilon initiates three new members Public Relations News Release 2000:442, p.1 |
36 | Professor points out mistake Northern Iowan 97:19, p.8 |
Corrects a mistake made in a article about Dr. M. B. Smith in the October 24, 2000, issue of the Northern Iowan. | |
37 | Total lunar eclipse to occur on Sunday Public Relations News Release 2000:4, p.1 |
Siobahn Morgan discusses the upcoming lunar total eclipse. | |
38 | Technology takes classes, teachers into next millenium Northern Iowan 95:33, p.5 |
More instructors are placing course materials on the Internet; photo. | |
39 | Observatory another victim of golf course plans Northern Iowan 94:55, p.11 |
Proposed golf course would force the removal of the Hillside Observatory. | |
40 | Five faculty members recognized for outstanding teaching Northern Iowa Today 24:2, p.8 |
Kenneth Brown, Donald DeGraaf, Richard Fehlman, Siobahn Morgan, and David McKibbin honored. | |
41 | University Book and Supply presents Outstanding Teaching Awards Campus News Network 6:21, p.3 |
Kenneth Brown, Donald DeGraaf, Richard Fehlman, Siobahn Morgan, and David McKibbin received awards from bookstore. | |
42 | Five University of Northern Iowa faculty recognized for contributions to teaching Public Relations News Release 1995:449, p.1 |
Biographical sketches of Kenneth Brown, Donald DeGraaf, Richard Fehlman, Siobahn Morgan, and David McKibbin. | |
43 | UNI to offer summer telecourses Northern Iowan 92:53, p.4 |
Will offer courses in sociology, film, psychology, and astronomy. | |
44 | University of Northern Iowa to offer summer telecourses in June Public Relations News Release 1995:338, p.1 |
Four telecourses will be broadcast over Iowa Public Television beginning June 1. | |
45 | An astronomical party Campus News Network 6:14, p.2 |
Public is invited to Hillside Observatory March 25-27 to view the sky. | |
46 | Public viewing of astronomical sites will be held at Hillside Observatory March 25, 26 and 27 Public Relations News Release 1995:266, p.1 |
Hillside Observatory will host an astronomical party. | |
47 | Star-gazing party Saturday Northern Iowan 91:2, p.8 |
Computerized telescope will be available at Hickory Hills Park. | |
48 | Moonwalk 25th anniversary Public Relations News Release 1993:654, p.1 |
Siobahn Morgan reminds readers of the 25th anniversary of the moonwalk. | |
49 | University of Northern Iowa student attends conference in Washington D.C. Public Relations News Release 1993:372, p.1 |
James Anderson presented at the 183rd meeting of the American Astronomical Society. | |
50 | University of Northern Iowa student receives NASA award Public Relations News Release 1992:580, p.1 |
UNI students named winners of NASA scholarships. |