Morse--Andrew Quentin (Class of 2009)

Displaying 1 - 50 of 67 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
1 UNI unveils 2023-2028 strategic plan
Northern Iowan 119:38, p.2
Erin McRae explains UNI's 2023-2028 strategic plan in-depth which consists of four main goals; photo.
2 House GOP tax hike on graduate students raises concerns
Northern Iowan 114:26, p.1
The Republican proposed tax reform package is concerning to some graduate students. The tax reform would no longer allow students to postpone paying back student loans when attending graduate school; photo.
3 Andrew Morse
Northern Iowa Today 97:1, p.31
Andrew Morse graduated with a Ph.D. in higher education administration from the University of Tennessee and started working at the Board of Governors, State University System of Florida.
4 Dear UNI Community
Northern Iowan 108:42, p.12
Support shown for President Allen and Provost Gibson by two former student body presidents.
5 Price Lab in perspective
Northern Iowan 108:40, p.4
Support is needed, even with the changing of higher education. The public is urged to look at political candidates' stand on support for education.
6 University of Northern Iowa to host commencements in the UNI-Dome May 9
Public Relations News Release 2008:506, p.1
More than 1,500 students are eligible to participate including the members of the Class of 1959 who will be attending their Golden Reunion. Sandy Stevens of Glen Ellyn, Ill., will welcome the new graduates as alumni.
7 UNI Lux Service Award recipients named
Public Relations News Release 2008:500, p.1
Three students have been honored: Abdulellah Alsheddi, Tyler Bilyeu, and Andrew Morse. The honor is confered to those who best represent the ideal of service to the university community.
8 NISG election postponed
Northern Iowan 105:39, p.1
Early campaigning controversy, trials, and appeals force the postponement.
9 Vote Adam and Jake
Northern Iowan 105:32, p.7
Supports Adam Haselhuhn and Jake Rudy in the upcoming Northern Iowa Student Government election.
10 NISG recently appointed positions
Northern Iowan 105:21, p.4
Roster of new NISG senators and officers.
11 Homecoming 2008
Northern Iowan 105:11, p.12
Themes of past Homecoming events, 2007 facts, food drive, and last year's sell-out football crowd remembered; photo.
12 Who is that guy?
Northern Iowan 105:9, p.11
Nate Housley is a campus organizer working with Progressive Future. This ten state organization has a goal of registering a half million young voters in time for the 2008 election; photo.
13 FINALLY! Gilchrist reopens after fire damage repaired
Northern Iowan 105:1, p.1
Three years after the fire, Gilchrist Hall re-opens featuring one stop services for students; photo.
14 Alderman Scholar recipients announced at UNI
Public Relations News Release 2007:691, p.1
The Alderman Scholars Program, a scholarship made possible by a $3.6 million gift given to UNI by the estate of Everett Alderman, was established in honor of Alderman's parents, A. Bruce Alderman and Gertrude Welty Alderman, and his wife, Marthe Alderman.
15 A window into NISG President Andrew Morse's life
Northern Iowan 104:43, p.2
Snap shot of the life of the Northern Iowa Student Government President; photo.
16 Students spend day at capitol
Northern Iowan 104:40, p.3
Thirty students spent a day talking with legislators about tuition and other college expenses; photo.
17 Culture Corner: an e-mail for everyone
Northern Iowan 104:39, p.5
Current NISG president Andrew Morse sent E-mail to all students supporting Adam Bentley for president. Action met with mixed reactions; photo.
18 Student Body President Morse endorses Bentley-Doudna
Northern Iowan 104:38, p.14
Letter of support for Bentley-Doudna ticket for NISG election; photo.
19 UNI students to lobby in favor of higher education
Northern Iowan 104:38, p.9
Students take concerns about increases in tuition, financial aid, and textbooks to the Iowa legislature.
20 Student body president supports Bentley-Doudna
Northern Iowan 104:38, p.12
Current President Andrew Morse expresses support for the Bentley-Doudna ticket.
21 UNI's Morse named Truman Scholar finalist in national competition
Public Relations News Release 2007:454, p.1
Andrew Morse is one of four finalist named for the State of Iowa for the Harry S. Truman Scholarship.
22 UNI's Leaders on Leadership Series continues with government trio, February 21
Public Relations News Release 2007:425, p.1
The "Leaders on Leadership" series will host its third lecture February 21.
23 Weekend shuttle service in the works
Northern Iowan 104:33, p.3
Northern Iowa Student Government is awaiting Cedar Falls City Council approval of a proposed weekend shuttle starting in August of 2008.
24 A letter from the Student Body President
Northern Iowan 104:32, p.8
Update on work being done by Northern Iowa Student Government; shuttle, smoking on campus, landlord ordinance oversight, and student government elections.
25 Dear Panthers
Northern Iowan 104:32, p.13
Pernell Cezar and Clarence Lobdell, candidates for president and vice president of student government, explain their campaign; photo.
26 In response to "Defending our Homes," by Mr. Roos:
Northern Iowan 104:27, p.8
Nicholas Roos criticized for not doing research on the activities of the NISG president Andrew Morse.
27 From your President
Northern Iowan 104:26, p.8
Andrew Morse reviews major accomplishments of the NISG this semester.
28 In regards to Culture Corner: Defending our homes (November 30)
Northern Iowan 104:26, p.8
Northern Iowan reporter challenged on the facts of the effects of NISG president Andrew Morse.
29 Culture corner: defending our homes
Northern Iowan 104:25, p.7
Pending Cedar Falls City Council legislation may adversely affect college students. Support voiced for Dave Sires in run off election.
30 UNI Residence Halls to open early for Iowa Caucuses
Public Relations News Release 2007:295, p.1
The residence halls will be opening January 3 for students wishing to participate in the Iowa caucuses.
31 Letter from Andrew Morse
Northern Iowan 104:19, p.4
Campus safety walk notes problem areas.
32 NISG sheds light on dark sides of campus
Northern Iowan 104:18, p.1
Safety walk around campus included President Allen, Director of Public Safety, several NISG members, faculty, and staff; walk comes in wake of several reported assaults; photo.
33 Concerned students
Northern Iowan 104:16, p.8
Response to suggestions for improvements to the Campus SafeRide system during Homecoming.
34 Homecoming Safe Ride a success
Northern Iowan 104:15, p.7
Report from NISG president Andrew Morse on the Safe Ride program, textbook information, and student involvement in the upcoming political debate; photo.
35 Thank you for a great Homecoming
Northern Iowan 104:15, p.7
Appreciation for those who contributed to a successful Homecoming weekend; photo.
36 Pride prowls through the UNI-Dome
Northern Iowan 104:14, p.1
Excitement builds for the Homecoming game with Southern Illinois. The Dome is sold out for the eighth time; photo.
37 Homecoming plan focuses on safety
Northern Iowan 104:13, p.1
Campus programs include information on alcohol use violations, alternative transportation, and safe tailgating; photo.
38 UNI's homecoming plan focuses on safety
Public Relations News Release 2007:205, p.1
Students and administrators are teaming up to encourage safe choices during Homecoming.
39 A vision for Cedar Falls
Northern Iowan 104:10, p.5
College Hill improvements, dealing with absentee landlords, and improved communication with student government are major areas of Councilman Enshayan's vision.
40 Take a "safe ride" this Homecoming
Northern Iowan 104:10, p.1
A Panther Shuttle bus will run between 10:00pm and 2:30am on Homecoming weekend. The bus will make stops in downtown, campus housing, Coconuts, and throughout campus.
41 UNI to implement Homecoming Safe Ride
Northern Iowan 104:10, p.5
UNI students to have an enhanced voice with city leaders. Panther Shuttle to run during Homecoming weekend. Appreciation for the Jacobson gift; photo.
42 Richard O. Jacobson at UNI Monday, September 24, for $3 million gift celebration
Public Relations News Release 2007:168, p.1
Richard Jacobson will be celebrating his gift for the new Richard O. Jacobson Human Performance Complex.
43 Student government committee not just blowing smoke
Northern Iowan 104:4, p.3
UNI smoking policy is under review; photo.
44 Student government makes textbook information available online
Northern Iowan 104:4, p.1
Textbook Tracks is a website on the Northern Iowa Student Government homepage that provides information needed to explore the best places to purchase textbooks; photo.
45 Bash with Ben brings campus together
Northern Iowan 104:4, p.4
The second annual Bash with Ben was a huge success. Faculty, staff, and students ate and visited on a beautiful day; photo.
46 The American Democracy Project at UNI will sponsor a forum Monday, September 17
Public Relations News Release 2007:142, p.1
"How can UNI contribute to the development of responsible citizens?" will be the topic of the forum sponsored by the American Democracy Project September 17.
47 UNI to launch national search for new provost and vice president for academic affairs
Public Relations News Release 2007:135, p.1
Bemjamin Allen has appointed a committee to conduct a search for a new provost and vice president for academic affairs.
48 Student body president Andrew Morse shares a welcome message with students
Northern Iowan 104:1, p.1
Northern Iowa Student Government president encourages students to take part in campus activities; photo.
49 UNI classes begin Monday, August 20; "Welcome Week" offers variety of activities
Public Relations News Release 2007:105, p.1
"Welcome Week" begins August 17.
50 Full force freshmen recruitment
Northern Iowan 103:59, p.1
Freshmen orientation welcomes new students and parents to campus; photo.