Moses--Frederic William (Music Faculty)

Displaying 1 - 5 of 5 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
1 Fredric Moses to be featured in UNI faculty concert
Public Relations News Release 1969:528, p.1
Frederic Moses, a bass-baritone, will present a concert on April 26 in Music Hall. He wil be accompanied by Professor Holstad on the piano.
2 Three UNI music students plan Monday recital
Public Relations News Release 1969:388, p.1
The joint recital, held in Music Hall, is given in partial fulfillment of the B. A. degree requirement.
3 Iowa City Couple to Present Concert at UNI
Public Relations News Release 1969:299, p.1
Robert and Amy Lou Levy will present a guest concert at UNI.
4 Hearst-Latham Cantata to be Performed on Sunday
Public Relations News Release 1969:151, p.1
Performance of James Heart's "Blind with Rainbows."
5 Chamber recital to include brass, choir, madrigal
Northern Iowan 65:24, p.8