Movie Screening
# | Title | Date | Summary |
1 | Black Histor Preview Northern Iowan 119:35, p.4 |
A timeline of Black History Month events happening on campus next week. Some of the events include the Tunnel of Oppression, a Skate Party, and Toast for Change. | |
2 | Northeast Premiere Kinnick The Documentary Northern Iowan 119:20, p.5 |
On Thursday November 3, 2022, UNI will host the Northeast Iowa premiere of "Kinnick: The Documentary" in Lang Auditorium. Trevor Meyers writes a summary of the documentary as well as other information about the showing and what streaming sites it will soon be available on. | |
3 | Panther Preview Northern Iowan 119:19, p.5 |
A timeline of events happening on campus next week. Some of the events include a UNI volleyball game, Walking Tacos with the XI's, and Wellness Bingo. | |
4 | Goodall: A life amongst the jungle Northern Iowan 118:43, p.4 |
The Gallagher Bluedorn Performing Arts Center (GBPAC) had the showing of a documentary on Jane Goodall that included an accompanying symphony. | |
5 | Film Appreciation Club features 'best worst movie ever' Northern Iowan 118:36, p.1 |
"The Room," a film written, directed, and acted in by Tommy Wiseau, was screened by the Film Appreciation Club. The audience participated in throwing spoons and quoting lines from the "worst best movie ever." | |
6 | Local journalism thrives in 'Storm Lake' Northern Iowan 118:27, p.2 |
"Storm Lake," a documentary about a family-run newspaper in Storm Lake, Iowa, was screened in the John Deere Auditorium in the Curris Business Building on Thursday. A member of the newspaper, Tom Cullen, participated in a Q&A after the documentary; photo. | |
7 | "Dream with ME" premieres its first screening Northern Iowan 118:2, p.4 |
Theo Loeckle writes his review of "Dream with ME" which was produced at UNI by Jim Bray and Gretta Berghammer. The film uses hip-hop theatre to reflect on events such as the pandemic that happened the past year by following multiple characters and their stories; photo. | |
8 | Panther Portrait: Maucker Movie with CAB Northern Iowan 117:43, p.5 |
The Campus Activities Board (CAB) screened "Mean Girls" on March 18 as part of their "Maucker Movies" series; photos. | |
9 | Virtual French Film Festival comes to UNI Northern Iowan 117:31, p.4 |
UNI's Department of Languages and Literature will host a virtual French Film Festival through February and March; photo. | |
10 | Finding treasure under the moon Northern Iowan 116:1, p.4 |
The 1980s classic film "The Goonies" is the sixth and final installment of the "Movies Under the Moon" summer drive-in movies presented by Gallagher Bluedorn Performing Arts Center (GBPAC), the Hearst Center for the Arts, and Community Main Street; photos. | |
11 | 'MountainFilm' comes to UNI Northern Iowan 116:42, p.4 |
The Film Appreciation Club, in collaboration with the Philosophy Club and Green Project, hosted the "MountainFilm on Tour" screening event on March 6 in the Kamerick Art Building. The ten short films covered topics from India to mountain biking and bee keeping; photo. | |
12 | 'MountainFilm' event to be held Northern Iowan 116:40, p.4 |
The Film Appreciation Club, Philosophy Club, and Green Project will co-host the MountainFilm On Tour film festival screening event in the Kamerick Art Building on March 6; photo. | |
13 | Women's History Month events coming up at UNI Northern Iowan 116:40, p.5 |
Events will be held throughout March to celebrate Women's History Month. Sexuality, Women and Gender (SWAG) will host the forum "Jackie and Jill Robinson: Women and the Need to Be Better at Politics" on March 2 in Rod Library. The Women's History Month Kickoff and Art Expo will be on March 3 in the Center for Multicultural Education (CME), and there will be a documentary screening on Carrie Chapman Catt followed by a panel on the same date. On March 5, Col. Beth Behn (Chief of Staff, Army Sustainment Command) will give the lecture "A Rising Tide: The Final Victorious Wave of the Women's Suffrage Movement, 1916-1920." The Philosophy and Religion 50th Anniversary Lecture will be held on March 6, given by Tracy Bonfitto, Curator of Art at the Harry Ransom Center at the University of Texas at Austin: "A Visible Scar: Loss and Memory in the Works of Zarina Hashmi and Rummana Hussein." Future events will include Women in Red: Wikipedia Editathon in Rod Library, Bingo Night in Curris Business Building, communication studies professor Catherine Palczewski's lecture "Bodies that Argue: How Suffragists Constituted White Women's Citizenship During the 1919 Prison Special Tour" as the last installment of the Phi Alpha Theta lecture series, the even "Women of War: Stories of Veteran Women," a movie night and RodCon keynote speaker Gabby Rivera in the Gallagher Bluedorn Performing Arts Center. The month will conclude with Women of Excellence on March 27. | |
14 | 'Warrior Women' documentary screened Northern Iowan 116:39, p.5 |
The documentary "Warrior Women" was screened in Lang Hall Auditorium on February 24 to kick off Women's History Month. The film covered decades and discussed issues faced by Native Americans across the country, with a focus on the story of Madonna Thunder Hawk, a leader of the American Indian Movement (AIM). The screening was followed by a question and answer session with director Elizabeth Castle and Thunder Hawk; photo. | |
15 | Film informs on trauma-informed care Northern Iowan 116:30, p.5 |
The UNI Department of Social Work hosted a film screening of "Like Any Other Kid" and subsequent discussion about the use of therapeutic approaches to promote behavioral change in the juvenile justice system, specifically the Missouri Method. Graduate student and co-president of the Master's in Social Work Student Association (MWSWA) Nicole Valentine assisted in coordinating the event and spoke on trauma and rehabilitation; photo. | |
16 | Panther Portrait: Rocky Horror Picture Show Northern Iowan 116:19, p.4 |
Alpha Psi Omega held UNI's annual midnight showing of "The Rocky Horror Picture Show" at Stayer-Wood Theater on November 1. David Harnois of TheatreUNI hosted; photos. | |
17 | Weekly club unites anime fans Northern Iowan 116:19, p.4 |
The Anime Club, which launched in 2016, meets weekly to watch anime - Japanese animated shows and films - and discuss them; photos. | |
18 | UNI Proud and GSS present Pride Week 2019 Northern Iowan 115:45, p.2 |
UNI Proud and Gender and Sexuality Services (GSS) will host events throughout Pride Week, April 1-5. Events will include a kickoff, Art Gay-la, Queer Monologues, LGBT Q&A event, movie screening of Boy Erased, and the Drag Ball; photos. | |
19 | Mountainfilm On Tour makes first visit to Iowa Northern Iowan 115:42, p.1 |
Film Appreciation Club, Green Project, and Philosophy Club hosted Mountainfilm On Tour, a film festival, with funding from the Northern Iowa Student Government (NISG). The evening consisted of 11 short documentaries focused on environmental, political, and social issues; photos. | |
20 | Local Food and Film Fest held at Hearst Center Northern Iowan 115:40, p.8 |
The fifth annual Local Food and Film Festival took place at the Hearst Center for the Arts on March 2; photos. | |
21 | Chiang shows documentary in Lang Northern Iowan 115:33, p.1 |
Filmmaker S. Leo Chiang screened two of his documentaries then answered questions on February 4 in Lang Auditorium; photos. | |
22 | Clohesy Series invites S. Leo Chiang Northern Iowan 115:32, p.2 |
Filmmaker S. Leo Chiang will visit campus and present two of his films as a part of the Clohesy Documentary Series. | |
23 | UNI hosts advanced screening of 'Film Lounge' Northern Iowan 115:32, p.4 |
Student Tarrell Christie's "The Spaceman" and professor of art Jeffery Byrd's "Proving Ground" short films were aired during an episode of "The Film Lounge," an Iowa Public Television program showcasing Iowan artists; photos. | |
24 | 'Twilight' to be screened for saga's 10th anniversary Northern Iowan 115:23, p.5 |
A screening of the first 'Twilight' film will be held in the Interpreter's Theatre on November 13 to celebrate the 10th anniversary of its release. Student Hannah Twitchell organized the celebration; photo. | |
25 | Honors week: Comics, trivia and pomp Northern Iowan 112:49, p.4 |
Multiple events will take place during Honors Week, April 11-15. They include: a book discussion of "Enrique's Journey" by Sonia Nazario, hosted by Sigma Delta Pi in Lang Auditorium; a quiz bowl, hosted by the Honors Student Advisory Board (HSAB) in Maucker Union; professor Harry Brod and his class on the topic "Graphic Novels: Narrative Art and Sequential Story Telling" in the Honors Cottage; Phi Alpha Theta's induction ceremony and speaker Chris Shackelford in Seerley Hall; honors Olympics hosted by HSAB; Sigma Gamma Epsilon hosting an earth science museum in Latham Hall; and Phi Sigma Pi hosting a movie screening called "Lift the Blindfold - A Documentary on Homelessness in New York" in the Honors Cottage. |
26 | We are survivors Northern Iowan 112:4, p.1 |
Student Vanessa McNeal's film "We Are Survivors," which tells the stories of eight sexual assault survivors, will be screened on April 5 in McCollum Science Hall; photos. |
27 | Panel to discuss disability issues Northern Iowan 112:36, p.2 |
Rod Library and Student Disability Services will hold a screening of the film "The New Asylums: Mental Illness and the Criminal Justice System" and a panel discussion on disabilities as a social justice issue in the Center for Multicultural Education on February 17. |
28 | "Curse" plagues child of UNI professor Northern Iowan 112:23, p.4 |
On November 5, Dance Marathon and the Sociology Club hosted a screening of the documentary "Our Curse," about Congenital Central Hypoventilation Syndrome (CCHS), followed by a personal presentation from professor Carissa Froyum, whose son has CCHS. |
29 | Halloween tradition dripping with antici...pation Northern Iowan 112:18, p.2 |
Alpha Psi Omega is holding their annual showing of "Rocky Horror Picture Show" in the Gallagher-Bluedorn Performing Arts Center (GBPAC). This is the 40th anniversary of the movie and the 90th anniversary of Alpha Psi Omega; photo. |
30 | Cleaning up UNI creek :, p. |
The UNI Creek Clean-Up took place on April 19 for Earth Week; members of the UNI community worked at Dry Run Creek. Other events were held in celebration of Earth Week, including speaker Doug Cameron, an Earth Day Celebration, and a film screening. |