Mueller--Herman A. (Classes of 1894 and 1895)

Displaying 1 - 50 of 68 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
1 Herman A. Mueller
Alumnus 27:4, p.32
Died in Des Moines, Iowa, on January 25, 1943, after being ill for three months from cancer.
2 Herman A. Mueller
Alumnus 25:4, p.26
He was recently elected president of the Madison County Historical Society for the 38th consecutive year. He has served in that capacity since the organization's founding.
3 Cora Irwin Mueller, wife of H. A. Mueller
Alumnus 25:2, p.36
Died at her home in St. Charles, January 4, 1941. She is survived by her husband, three children, Byron Irwin, of La Harpe, Illinois; daughter (Jack Sayro) of Des Moines; and Herman A. Jr., of St Charles; two grandchildren, one sister, and two brothers.
4 Herman A. Mueller
Alumnus 25:2, p.9
Addressed a meeting of the Ringgold County Historical Society at Mt. Ayr. He is the president of the Madison County Historical Society. He outlined the work of his own society and offered suggestions for the local society to follow.
5 H. A. Mueller
Alumnus 23:1, p.20
Now an agent for the Hartford Fire Insurance Company in St. Charles, Iowa; sends in memories called forth by a recent picture in The Alumnus. "You could not smoke on the campus," and asks: "Wonder if the co-eds smoke cigarettes these days there?
6 Alumni write of cadets, "war", pioneer days
Alumnus 20:4, p.17
Alumni recall experiences in Student Battalion; accidental gunshot death of cadet; sham battles; marriage performed by Principal Gilchrist
7 Five of seven children choose Iowa State Teachers College
Alumnus 20:2, p.10
Alumnus Herman Mueller recalls early days of institution; life on College Hill; members of his family who attended school here.
8 H. A. Mueller
Alumnus 20:2, p.18
Elected secretary for the St. Charles, Iowa, branch of the Red Cross.
9 H. A. Mueller
Alumnus 19:3, p.18
Assistant cashier of J. F. Johnson's Bank in St. Charles, Iowa, and the superintendent of the Methodist Sunday School there.
10 Herman A. Mueller
Alumnus 19:2, p.19
Superintendent at the Methodist Sunday School and publicity director of the regional community club.
11 H. A. Mueller
Alumnus 15:3, p.29
Elected president of the Madison County Historical Society at its annual meeting at Winterset. He is one of nine charter members of the organization, which was founded in 1904. His daughter is Catherine.
12 H. A. Mueller
Alumnus 15:2, p.26
Elected secretary of the Model Lodge, No. 315, of A. F. & A. M. in a joint installation at the Masonic Hall at St. Charles, Iowa. Mr. Mueller was also elected secretary of the Red Cross Association of that city.
13 H. A. Mueller
Alumnus 14:2, p.29
Serves as banker and a farmer, president of the Madison County Historical Society, superintendent of the Methodist Sunday School; now running for mayor. He has a daughter named Catherine.
14 Herman A. Mueller
Alumni News Letter 6:4, p.6
Herman Mueller holds charge of the dedication of the monument at Winterset commemorating Jesse Hiatt's discovery of the Delicious Apple in 1872.
15 Herman A. Mueller
Alumni News Letter 6:3, p.5
Herman Mueller, president of the Madison County Historical Society, formulates plans to convert the site of Iowa's original delicious apple tree into a public park and memorial.
16 H. A. Mueller
Alumni News Letter 4:3, p.7
H. A. Mueller holds many community positions and is very active in community life. Visited Commencement in June.
17 The alumni
Quarterly News Letter to the Alumni 0:0, p.1
Reports of activities of ISTC alumni.
18 Official Notes
College Eye 4:27, p.3
News of alumni and General Assembly activity.
19 State Teachers College men in politics
College Eye 3:30, p.494
Roster of alumni who hold or are running for public office.
20 H. A. Mueller
Normal Eyte 17:19, p.300
Bank cashier in St. Charles, Iowa.
21 A recent issue of the Truro Graph
Normal Eyte 16:23, p.362
Praise for work of H. A. Mueller.
22 H. A. Mueller
Normal Eyte 15:34, p.533
Elected president of Madison County Historical Society.
23 The name of H. A. Mueller
Normal Eyte 14:31, p.486
Spoke at meeting of Iowa Academy of Science.
24 H. A. Mueller
Normal Eyte 13:33, p.521
Auditor in Madison County.
25 H. A. Mueller
Normal Eyte 13:24, p.381
Auditor in Madison County.
26 A large number of alumni
Normal Eyte 12:35, p.554
Many alumni attended Commencement.
27 There is in Madison County
Normal Eyte 12:33, p.519
H. A. Mueller is president of group of former Normalites there.
28 Herman Mueller
Normal Eyte 10:16, p.380
Donated fossils to Museum.
29 Herman L. Mueller
Normal Eyte 10:10, p.240
Elected auditor of Madison County.
30 H. A. Mueller
Normal Eyte 10:5, p.105
Candidate for auditor in Madison County.
31 Herman A. Mueller
Normal Eyte 9:30, p.713
Candidate for county auditor.
32 Hermann A. Mueller
Normal Eyte 9:29, p.687
Completed four years courses.
33 Herman A. Mueller
Normal Eyte 9:27, p.639
Was teaching at the Webster City High School.
34 The teachers of Hamilton, Webster, Wright, and Humboldt Counties
Normal Eyte 9:11, p.258
ISNS alumni attend meeting.
35 The members of the alumni
Normal Eyte 9:7, p.155
Group of alumni organizes in Madison County.
36 H. A. Mueller
Normal Eyte 9:4, p.82
Teaching at Webster City; Lillian Crossley and Ella Clarke are there, too.
37 On the roll of honor at S. U. I.
Normal Eyte 8:23, p.323
Many Normalites doing very well at University of Iowa.
38 Many thanks are due to Herman Mueller
Normal Eyte 8:12, p.167
For contributions to alumni column.
39 Aristo
Normal Eyte 8:8, p.116
Debate government ownership of railroads.
40 H. A. Mueller
Normal Eyte 8:4, p.54
Assisting in geology at University of Iowa; J. J. Lambert and Theodore Anderson also on staff there.
41 We take pleasure
Normal Eyte 8:4, p.54
Many Normalites enrolled at University of Iowa.
42 Herman A. Mueller
Normal Eyte 8:1, p.11
Publishes article.
43 Twenty-nine of our alumni are enrolled
Normal Eyte 7:9, p.101
At University of Iowa.
44 H. A. Mueller
Normal Eyte 7:5, p.52
One of thirty-five Normalites at University of Iowa.
45 H. A. Mueller
Normal Eyte 7:4, p.42
Studying at University of Iowa.
46 H. E. Mueller
Normal Eyte 6:26, p.308
Will attend University of Iowa.
47 The S. I. T. A.
Normal Eyte 5:26, p.239
Southwestern Iowa Teachers Association met; many Normalites attend.
48 Military officers
Normal Eyte 4:36, p.598
Group photo; photo.
49 Fourth Year class
Normal Eyte 4:36, p.590
Composite class photo on two pages; photo.
50 The regular business meeting
Normal Eyte 4:34, p.538
Elect officers of Athletic Association; financial report; report on state convention.