Mukai--Karen (Classes of 1967--1971--and 1978)

Displaying 1 - 10 of 10 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
1 College Hill Arts Fest to brighten up UNI campus during weekend
Northern Iowan 99:60, p.7
Major UNI summer event is a taste of artistic culture; photo.
2 Festival plans to delight the eyes and ears of Cedar Falls
Northern Iowan 98:60, p.6
A schedule of this year's events and performers at the College Hill Arts Festival is given.
3 Keeping the tradition alive; artists flock to 23rd College Hill Arts Festival for weekend event
Northern Iowan 97:60, p.6
Discusses the activities taking place at the College Hill Arts Festival.
4 Annual Cedar Falls tradition returns
Northern Iowan 95:60, p.6
Seventy-five artists are showing their work at the 21st Annual College Hill Arts Festival this weekend; photo.
5 20th annual College Hill Arts Festival
Northern Iowan 94:60, p.6
Seventy artists will display their works at the College Hill Arts Festival July 17-18, 1998; music, food, and children's activities will also be offered.
6 Arts Festival plans drawn
Northern Iowan 92:59, p.1
Activities for College Hill Arts Festival; photo.
7 Cedar Falls experiences theatre, art, music, good food with 17th annual College Hill Arts Festival
Northern Iowan 91:65, p.5
Activities at festival; photo.
8 Northern Iowa Alumni Association elects new officcers, board members.
Public Relations News Release 1988:131, p.1
Mimi Kingsbury, president, Kate Murphy, president-elect; Lee Rainey, vice president, Gary Shontz, treasurer; and Noreen Hermansen, secretary. New board members: Joy Corning, Paul Weaver, Dale Gootee.
9 Northern Iowa Alumni Association elects new officers, board members
Public Relations News Release 1987:67, p.1

The Alumni Association board of directors elects new officers and members. The terms of Robert Dieter, Paul Barnes, Robert Justis, Karen Mukai, Kathy Braun, Jim Thielen, and John Leahy expire.

10 UNI Alumni Association Expands its Board, Adds New Members
Public Relations News Release 1985:103, p.1

New members were elected to the UNI Alumni Association board and have conducted major items of business.