
Displaying 1 - 50 of 64 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
1 UNI gets a "Taste of Culture"
Northern Iowan 114:24, p.4
The Taste of Culture event celebrates International Education Week and all of the international students at UNI. At the event, there was food samples form all over the world as well as students educating the public about their culture and countries; photo.
2 Survey favors diverse faculty
Northern Iowan 112:52, p.3

An anonymous author discusses diversity and multiculturalism among faculty at UNI, and students' views on the subjects.

3 Free Speech
Northern Iowan 112:52, p.1

Campus conversations about free speech and racism recently have included forums, panels, student demonstrations, reports, and classroom discussions; photo.

4 UNI 7: Activism impacts campus nearly half a century later
Northern Iowan 112:47, p.1

In 1970, a group of students that became known as the UNI Seven led a demonstration and movement on campus that eventually resulted in a space for multi-cultural students to gather; photo.

5 African Union seeks to educate UNI students
Northern Iowan 110:24, p.6
The African Union hosted their fourth annual Multicultural Night. The event featured native music and dancing. The African Union hopes that their events help to educate others about different cultures.
6 UNI offers race, privilege and difference teacher workshop
Public Relations News Release 2011:242, p.1
In an effort to create multicultural classrooms UNI will offer a workshop on exploring race and the people that make it up.
7 Get uncomfortable
Northern Iowan 108:7, p.4
Students urged to take advantage of the diversity of backgrounds and countries on campus. This year multicultural students make up 7.4 percent of the student body. Introduce yourself and have a conversation with a student from another country.
8 Paul Gorski working with UNI faculty on best ways to address and prevent bias-related issues
Public Relations News Release 2009:391, p.1
Gorski will meet with faculty and staff members from a variety of departments during his three-day visit, and he will conduct workshops with other faculty groups for the remainder of his stay.
9 Multicultural Teaching Alliance to host teacher reception
Public Relations News Release 2009:170, p.1
According to Janet McClain, director of the MIT Program, the primary focus of this reception, annually held during American Education Week (AEW), is to recognize local educators that promote diversity and educational excellence in their classrooms.
10 Multilingual: A requirement for life
Northern Iowan 106:14, p.6
With growing Hispanic populations and the prediction that white America will be in the minority in the future, learning another language would be most helpful.
11 UNI to hold week of events focused on diversity
Public Relations News Release 2008:47, p.1
The Center for Multicultural Education will host "Close Up on Diversity," a series of events that focus on diversity. The theme of the week will be "Authenticity and Inclusion."
12 UNI Multicultural Leadership Retreat will be held November 2 through 4
Public Relations News Release 2007:241, p.1
The multicultural retreat "Stronger: A Vision & A Reality" will be held for both students and non-students.
13 News Brief/Calendar of Events
Public Relations News Release 2006:0, p.1
Multicultural Super Saturday will be taking place Saturday, November 18.
14 Monday, Sept. 12
Public Relations News Release 2005:0, p.1
Multicultural Festival takes place in Maucker Union Courtyard, Breanna Hennessy speaks at Earth Science Seminar, and Patrick Kuhse speaks on ethics.
15 Diversity Week at UNI, Sept. 11-17
Public Relations News Release 2005:0, p.1
Schedule of events during diversity week.
16 News Brief/ Calendar of Events
Public Relations News Release 2005:0, p.1
Schedule of events taking place at UNI from September 6-12.
17 Former congressman to speak at UNI
Public Relations News Release 2000:200, p.1
Ronald Dellums will speak about multicultural education in today's society.
18 Multicultural Teaching Alliance
Northern Iowan 97:15, p.4
Will meet.
19 Multiculturalism in the 21st century
Public Relations News Release 1999:315, p.1
Winona Laduke will discuss the future of Native American culture in the 21st century.
20 UNI Diversity Week scheduled for Sept. 12-17
Public Relations News Release 1999:33, p.1
Diversity Week schedule of events and speakers.
21 Fuentes urges 'embracing' of other cultures, people
Northern Iowan 95:47, p.5
Carlos Fuentes spoke on the importance of multiculturalism, language, and society March 29.
22 Hu-DeHart to speak on new millennium, culture
Northern Iowan 95:40, p.6
Evelyn Hu-DeHart will speak on multiculturalism with respect to the new millennium Tuesday in the Union Expansion; photo.
23 Separatism not to be encouraged
Northern Iowan 95:22, p.9
Multiculturalism is being confused with cultural pluralism.
24 English second language students at West Intermediate School in Waterloo to attend pool party, pizza lunch at Price Lab School Feb. 13
Public Relations News Release 1997:215, p.1
Cheryl Timion's sixth grade students are participating in project with Sharon Porter's English as a Second Language class in Waterloo.
25 What's Up
Northern Iowan 94:21, p.3
Schedule of activities and meetings.
26 "Recognizing International Women in the Community: Cultural Give and Take Coming to America" topic for Difficult Dialogues Friday, Oct. 10
Public Relations News Release 1997:64, p.1
Different Dialogues discussion will focus on international women in the community. Facilitator will be Virginia Hash.
27 What's Up
Northern Iowan 94:8, p.3
Schedule of activities and meetings.
28 What's Up
Northern Iowan 94:6, p.4
Schedule of activities and meetings.
29 What's Up
Northern Iowan 93:43, p.3
Activities and meetings.
30 University of Northern Iowa hosting a multicultural campus visit for minority students at Cedar Falls and Northern University High Schools Wednesday
Public Relations News Release 1996:275, p.1
Admissions will host a multicultural campus visit for students in Cedar Falls high schools.
31 What's Up
Northern Iowan 93:21, p.3
Activities and meetings.
32 What's Up
Northern Iowan 93:7, p.5
Schedule of activities and meetings.
33 What's Up
Northern Iowan 93:6, p.3
Schedule of activities and meetings.
34 What's Up
Northern Iowan 92:54, p.6
Activities and meetings.
35 University should review dining policy for fairness
Northern Iowan 92:48, p.9
Believes dining centers ignore Christian holidays but honor other traditions' celebrations.
36 UNI students should study multiplicity within American life, society
Northern Iowan 92:48, p.10
Believes that students should appreciate different American traditions.
37 Curriculums should include perspectives from different groups
Northern Iowan 92:44, p.7
Believes in multiculturalism.
38 Blackwell named director of multicultural education
Northern Iowa Today 79:2, p.20
Michael Blackwell will occupy new position; brief biographical sketch; photo.
39 Blackwell named multicultural head
Northern Iowan 92:11, p.6
Michael Blackwell named multicultural education director; photo.
40 What's Up
Northern Iowan 92:6, p.5
Meetings and activities planned.
41 Career Conference explores multi-cultural workplaces
Northern Edition 3:6, p.9
Fifth annual conference offers workshops.
42 Multicultural Teaching Alliance
Northern Iowan 91:39, p.3
Will meet.
43 Understanding differences important for equality; "Equality cannot be achieved merely by placing human similarities above human differences"
Northern Iowan 91:31, p.10
Disagrees with recent essay on multiculturalism.
44 Breaking the ignorance of society's cycle
Northern Edition 2:30, p.3
Memories of race discrimination.
45 Multiculturalism encourages prejudices
Northern Iowan 91:29, p.7
Believes that similarities should be placed above differences.
46 Multiculturalism brings nation close to equality
Northern Iowan 91:24, p.7
Urges deeper understanding of issue.
47 Columnist guilty of intolerance
Northern Iowan 91:23, p.6
Believes columnist made hasty conclusions about opponents of multiculturalism.
48 Radical right uses stealth tactics to undermine multiculturalism
Northern Iowan 91:21, p.4
Claims that people are stealing books on controversial topics from libraries.
49 Diversity should unify society; assuming all people have same perspective dangerous
Northern Iowan 91:17, p.8
Defends purposes of diversity.
50 No hidden agenda in multiculturalism
Northern Iowan 91:17, p.9
Believes that diversity does not promote polarity.