Myers--Ben F. (Education Faculty--1991)

Displaying 1 - 5 of 5 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
1 Price Lab School summer session registration to be (Friday) April 19
Public Relations News Release 1990:467, p.1
Times for summer school registration at Price Lab School announced.
2 Price Lab School summer session registration to be Thursday (April 19)
Public Relations News Release 1989:558, p.1
Summer session registration for Price Laboratory School begins for parents with children in kindergarten through fourth grade. Programs will cover literature, social studies, music, vocabulary, and physical education.
3 Price Lab School summer session registration to be on Thursday (April 20.)
Public Relations News Release 1988:420, p.1
Principal Lynn Nielsen says instructional programs have been planned to meet a variety of educational needs from remediation to enrichment. List of class offered, instructor and a brief description.
4 Price Lab summer school registration to be held April 21
Public Relations News Release 1987:324, p.1
Caretakers of students in pre-kindergarten through sixth grade at Price Lab School begin registering for summer classes. Instructors organized programs on island life, transportation, archaeology, music, art, language arts, and self-confidence.
5 Price Lab summer school registration to be April 22
Public Relations News Release 1986:357, p.1
Registration will begin for the six-week summer session held for elementary students in grades pre-kindergarten through sixth; children must be four years old at minimum.