National Anthem

Displaying 1 - 7 of 7 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
1 Kaepernick, Nike, and the unnecessary backlash
Northern Iowan 115:5, p.3
Wauters discusses the controversy surrounding football player Colin Kaepernick's decision to kneel during the national anthem, Nike's decision to use Kaepernick in one of their campaigns, and subsequent support and backlash. In the author's opinion, both showing respect for the country and calling attention to racial inequality and police brutality are important; photo.
2 Who's disrespecting who when athletes kneel?
Northern Iowan 114:10, p.6
The author discusses the topic of athletes kneeling during the National Anthem. He provides input from both sides of the discussion of Colin Kaepernick's movement; photo.
3 Panther fans invited to sing their way to the McLeod
Northern Iowan 108:17, p.6
Sports Marketing Department is sponsoring a new competition; "Sing Your Way to the McLeod Center". Each person or group will perform the National Anthem for a chance to sing prior to a ball game. Ben Jacobson and Texas Tenor John Hagen will judge.
4 Reader: sing National Anthem
College Eye 53:5, p.2

Audrey Johnson writes about the need for people to sing along with the National Anthem at sporting events.

5 Letters to the editor
College Eye 34:30, p.2
Pvt. Loren T. Walsh criticizes students for lack of respect by not observing the proper behavior during the national anthem.
6 What often happens
Old Gold 0:0, p.312
Poem about people forgetting the words to the national anthem.
7 Sifting of the salt and pepper shaker
College Eye 13:26, p.4
Collection of comments about campus life.