Nims--Myrtle (Class of 1895)

Displaying 1 - 17 of 17 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
1 Mrs. Myrtle (Nimms) Huff
Normal Eyte 12:11, p.169
Now in Iowa City, where her husband is studying dentistry.
2 Myrtle Nims
Normal Eyte 9:29, p.687
Teacher at Maquoketa.
3 Myrtle Nims
Normal Eyte 9:27, p.643
Married Fay S. Hunt.
4 Miss Myrtle Nims
Normal Eyte 6:30, p.351
Will teach in Maquoketa; Clara Dodd will continue to teach there.
5 They say that all things decay
Normal Eyte 4:32, p.507
Roster of chapel orations and topics.
6 Election returns are coming in
Normal Eyte 4:28, p.442
Myrtle Nims and Edith Knickerbocker will teach at Cresco.
7 The main feature
Normal Eyte 4:27, p.427
Description of Neotrophian program; featured debate with Clios, a new activity for women's societies.
8 Flag Day exercises
Normal Eyte 4:22, p.347
Description of program.
9 Officers were installed
Normal Eyte 4:9, p.138
Roster of officers.
10 The Neotrophian Society
Normal Eyte 4:2, p.28
Install new officers.
11 The reception
Normal Eyte 4:1, p.7
Description of term opening reception.
12 Miss Myrtle Nims
Normal Eyte 3:34, p.270
Has been ill.
13 Misses Georgia Johnson and Myrtle Nims
Normal Eyte 3:28, p.222
Absent due to illness.
14 Neotrophian public
Normal Eyte 3:20, p.154
Detailed description of the program.
15 Neotrophian public
Normal Eyte 3:18, p.143
Program for session.
16 Mrs. Nims
Normal Eyte 3:8, p.63
Visiting her daughter Myrtie.
17 The Neotrophian Society
Normal Eyte 3:6, p.47
Roster of new officers.