Nissen--Nora (Student--1934)
Displaying 1 - 13 of 13 in reverse chronological order
# | Title | Date | Summary |
1 | Phi Sigma Phi Old Gold 0:0, p.69 |
Description of activities, officers, and members; photos. |
2 | Cecilians Old Gold 0:0, p.200 |
Began in 1889; performances, officers, and members; photo. |
3 | The traditional program of Christmas music will be presented Sunday afternoon Public Relations News Release 1935:324, p.1 |
Program for the event. | |
4 | Advanced music students will give the fall term advanced recital Public Relations News Release 1935:245, p.1 |
Program for the recital. | |
5 | Dr. Harold Bosley will preach the sermon at the interdenominational church services Public Relations News Release 1935:226, p.1 |
His topic for this Armistice service will be "What is my Country." | |
6 | Players of the principal roles in the opera and the two Christmas oratorios have been selected Public Relations News Release 1935:111, p.1 |
Cast members. | |
7 | Cecilians Old Gold 0:0, p.188 |
Organized in 1889; brief description, officers and members; photo. | |
8 | Cecilian officers College Eye 26:44, p.135 |
Dorothy Oelrich is head of the glee club. | |
9 | Musicians at the Teachers College will celebrate spring in a two day music festival Public Relations News Release 1934:1042, p.1 |
Program for the festival. | |
10 | Conducting rehearsals for the Christmas oratorio proved almost too much for Edward Kurtz Public Relations News Release 1934:747, p.1 |
Handel's Messiah has been presented for twenty-eight years, but now Mr. Kurtz plans on varying the Yuletide programs from year to year. | |
11 | Music department to present Bach's Christmas Oratorio College Eye 26:23, p.1 |
Four students soloists will be featured with large group of faculty and students. | |
12 | For the first time the Yuletide musical will be changed to Bach's Christmas music Public Relations News Release 1934:727, p.1 |
Five Faculty members will join the glee clubs to make up the chorus, other music faculty will play in the orchestra. | |
13 | German Club Old Gold 0:0, p.182 |
Officers, history, and members; organized in 1931; photos. |