Nissen--Nora (Student--1934)

Displaying 1 - 13 of 13 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
1 Phi Sigma Phi
Old Gold 0:0, p.69

Description of activities, officers, and members; photos.

2 Cecilians
Old Gold 0:0, p.200

Began in 1889; performances, officers, and members; photo.

3 The traditional program of Christmas music will be presented Sunday afternoon
Public Relations News Release 1935:324, p.1
Program for the event.
4 Advanced music students will give the fall term advanced recital
Public Relations News Release 1935:245, p.1
Program for the recital.
5 Dr. Harold Bosley will preach the sermon at the interdenominational church services
Public Relations News Release 1935:226, p.1
His topic for this Armistice service will be "What is my Country."
6 Players of the principal roles in the opera and the two Christmas oratorios have been selected
Public Relations News Release 1935:111, p.1
Cast members.
7 Cecilians
Old Gold 0:0, p.188
Organized in 1889; brief description, officers and members; photo.
8 Cecilian officers
College Eye 26:44, p.135
Dorothy Oelrich is head of the glee club.
9 Musicians at the Teachers College will celebrate spring in a two day music festival
Public Relations News Release 1934:1042, p.1
Program for the festival.
10 Conducting rehearsals for the Christmas oratorio proved almost too much for Edward Kurtz
Public Relations News Release 1934:747, p.1
Handel's Messiah has been presented for twenty-eight years, but now Mr. Kurtz plans on varying the Yuletide programs from year to year.
11 Music department to present Bach's Christmas Oratorio
College Eye 26:23, p.1
Four students soloists will be featured with large group of faculty and students.
12 For the first time the Yuletide musical will be changed to Bach's Christmas music
Public Relations News Release 1934:727, p.1
Five Faculty members will join the glee clubs to make up the chorus, other music faculty will play in the orchestra.
13 German Club
Old Gold 0:0, p.182
Officers, history, and members; organized in 1931; photos.