Noecker--Norbert L. (Class of 1930)
Displaying 1 - 50 of 65 in reverse chronological order
# | Title | Date | Summary |
1 | Former student to be grand marshall of parade Northern Iowan 85:10, p.9 |
Profile of Norbert Noecker. | |
2 | Alumnus' gift aids cross country team Northern Iowa Today 13:1, p.8 |
Norbert Noecker donates $60,000. | |
3 | $60,000 trust fund for men's cc Northern Iowan 81:8, p.13 |
Norbert Noecker, alumnus, gave a $60,000 scholarship trust fund to the Cross Country team. | |
4 | Visions of the future Alumnus 66:1, p.10 |
Scenes from 1980 Homecoming and reunion; photo. |
5 | Norbert Noecker grows mighty pines from 2" seedlings Alumnus 65:4, p.28 |
Profile of Christmas tree grower Norbert Noecker; photo. | |
6 | UNI honors alumni classes Northern Iowan 77:14, p.5 |
Schedule of activities for alumni. | |
7 | Reunion to feature busy schedule at UNI, Honor 50-, 40- and 25-year classes Public Relations News Release 1980:148, p.1 |
This years homecoming/reunion will be busy with reunion for the class of 1930, 1940, and 1955. | |
8 | Mr. and Mrs. Norbert Neocher Alumnus 32:1, p.26 |
The parents of Jon Hugo, who was born on July 14, 1947. | |
9 | Norbert L. Noecker Alumnus 31:2, p.16 |
Has purchased a lake resort on highway M-40 four miles south of Allegan, Michigan. The resort is an 80-acre tract including half of a 30-acre spring lake. He is also the consultant for an archery tackle manufacturer. | |
10 | Norbert L. Noecker Alumnus 27:3, p.22 |
Translated a French manuscript on vitamins; will conduct research on vitamins. | |
11 | Norbert L. Noecker Alumnus 26:2, p.28 |
Married Ann Paxson on November 29, 1941. | |
12 | Norbert L. Noecker Alumnus 24:2, p.27 |
Is instructor of biology at Notre Dame University. He received his M. S. from Iowa State College in 1932 and his Ph. D. from the University of Wisconsin in 1937. | |
13 | The Prowl Alumnus 23:3, p.13 |
New stadium planned; will bring seating to 8000; will include locker and equipment rooms; shower, storage, and rest rooms; indoor running track; seasons highlights and previews; MVP winners. | |
14 | Norbert L. Noecker Alumnus 22:2, p.25 |
Employed with the Bureau of Entomology and Plant Quarantine for U. S. Department of Agriculture in Morristown, New Jersey. | |
15 | Work in Arizona intrigues graduate of '30 class Alumnus 19:2, p.14 |
Norbert Noecker recounts experiences working in Arizona. | |
16 | Wonder who will be the most valuable Tutor athlete in 1947?; bronze plaques tell sports history since 1929 College Eye 26:22, p.4 |
Plaques installed in Men's Gymnasium list most valuable athletes. | |
17 | Track Old Gold 0:0, p.154 |
Season highlights; photos. | |
18 | Thin-clad drill for grueling track season Alumnus 15:2, p.16 |
Track and field season preview. | |
19 | Tutor tracksters finish their first week Public Relations News Release 1930:275, p.1 |
Track team prepares for Iowa Indoor Conference Meet at Des Moines. | |
20 | New material must be drafted Public Relations News Release 1929:565, p.1 |
Potential runners for ISTC cross country team. | |
21 | Tracksters emerge victorious as season ends Alumnus 14:3, p.19 |
Achievements and records of 1930 track team; photo. | |
22 | Athletic Board presents award to Norbert Noecker College Eye 21:36, p.1 |
Brief profile of Norbert Noecker, recipient of the 1930 scholastic athletic award; photo. | |
23 | Westminster Foundation College Eye 21:35, p.6 |
Encourages Presbyterian students to attend church school classes. | |
24 | Kappa Delta Pi Old Gold 0:0, p.270 |
Officers, honorary members, and members; photos. | |
25 | Biology Club Old Gold 0:0, p.230 |
Officers and members; photos. | |
26 | T. C. Club Old Gold 0:0, p.175 |
Officers and members; photo. | |
27 | Track Old Gold 0:0, p.172 |
1929 schedule; photos. |
28 | Graduates Old Gold 0:0, p.63 |
Graduate photos. | |
29 | Here is the varsity track squad Public Relations News Release 1929:537, p.104 |
Track team wins ninth straight meet; list of team members. | |
30 | Iowa State Teachers college tracksters will journey to Decorah Public Relations News Release 1929:505, p.1 |
Varsity track squad travels to Decorah to compete with Luther, Upper Iowa, Dubuque Uviverstity, and Columbia. | |
31 | Varsity and Freshman track athletes from three Iowa schools Public Relations News Release 1929:492, p.1 |
ISTC, Coe and Cornell participate in first of three triangular track meets; ISTC runners and their races given. | |
32 | Men teachers of the future in training Public Relations News Release 1929:455, p.1 |
Four men receive straight A's; others with high grade points noted. | |
33 | Iowa State Teachers College roster of track entries Public Relations News Release 1929:452, p.1 |
Coach Dickinson announces ISTC's entries in the Drake Relays. | |
34 | Iowa State Teacher College's entry list for the Drake Relays Public Relations News Release 1929:428, p.1 |
Track and field team prepares for Drake Relays. | |
35 | Track squad ready for hard season Alumnus 14:2, p.20 |
Season preview; photo. | |
36 | Tutor tracksters will hit their stride Public Relations News Release 1929:273, p.1 |
The track team prepares for the upcoming season. | |
37 | Biology Club College Eye 21:11, p.5 |
Roster of officers. | |
38 | Kappa Delta Pi College Eye 21:9, p.5 |
Roster of people who will take examinations for admittance into the Kappa Delta Pi national honorary scholastic fraternity. | |
39 | Noecker to captain cross country team College Eye 21:6, p.4 |
Norbert Noecker was chosen captain by his teammates; he is the leader in points this season. | |
40 | Cross-country team meets Simpson on Homecoming College Eye 21:4, p.6 |
Coach Dickinson is optimistic for a victory as Noecker, Hardington, and Gasser look very strong in practice. | |
41 | Cross-country men start training College Eye 21:2, p.6 |
Jack Frost has failed to return to the team but Norb Noecker looks to be very promising this season. | |
42 | Baseball and track letters awarded College Eye 20:37, p.6 |
Roster of letter winners. | |
43 | Junior B. A. Old Gold 0:0, p.88 |
Officers and class roll; photo. | |
44 | Track Old Gold 0:0, p.163 |
Schedule for season; photos. | |
45 | Cross Country Old Gold 0:0, p.165 |
Results for 1929 season; photos. | |
46 | T. C. Club Old Gold 0:0, p.166 |
Officers and members; photo. | |
47 | Biology Club Old Gold 0:0, p.213 |
Officers and members; photo. | |
48 | T. C. athletes prepare for indoor classic College Eye 20:25, p.4 |
Roster of men and the events in which they will participate. | |
49 | Biology Club College Eye 20:24, p.5 |
Elect officers. | |
50 | To bolster Tutor cinder squad College Eye 20:23, p.6 |
Preview of the upcoming track season; photo. |