Noehren Hall

Displaying 1 - 50 of 140 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
1 Construction in motion on campus
Northern Iowan 119:2, p.1
Caroline Christensen writes about the various construction that will continue throughout the year. Buildings including ITTC, Redecker Center, and the Campanile will all have maintenance work done; photo.
2 Yessenia Rodriguez: Latina and proud
Northern Iowan 118:44, p.1
An article about Yessenia Rodriguez, UNI student and active member of numerous campus activities and organizations for NI Women's History Month; photo.
3 UNI continues adapting to COVID-19
Northern Iowan 117:3, p.1
UNI will begin releasing university data related to Covid-19, after the state's two other Regents universities. Students, faculty, and staff are asked to complete a Panther Health Check survey. University President Mark Nook emailed students concerning crowds of students visiting off-campus areas and not following Covid protocols, actions which could be subject to discipline on campus. The university began contact tracing and quarantine for students who have been exposed to or tested positive for Covid-19. An anonymous student shares her experience of quarantine after being exposed to someone who tested positive; photo.
4 DOR makes changes, looks ahead
Northern Iowan 116:2, p.2
Changes made by the Department of Residence (DOR) include closing Dancer Hall and the first floor of Campbell Hall as well as changing the hours of Rialto Dining Center and Piazza Dining Center for the academic school year. These changes were made to conserve resources to make future improvements to the housing and dining programs; photo.
5 Food insecurity leads to new pantry
Northern Iowan 115:26, p.2

The university is constructing a new food and essentials pantry in the Maucker Union basement. It will be student-run and is tentatively slated to open in January 2019; photo.

6 Dorms experience Labor Day weekend flooding
Northern Iowan 115:5, p.5
Over Labor Day weekend, on-campus residence halls Campbell, Noehren, Rider, and Hagemann experienced flooding due to high amounts of rainfall. Campbell Hall was the only residence where student rooms were affected.
7 Rider RLC replaced by actual panther
Northern Iowan 114:47, p.5
In this satirical article written for April Fools, a panther has replaced Rider Hall's Residence Life Coordinator.
8 RLC vacancy in Rider Hall filled
Northern Iowan 114:7, p.5
Rider Hall 's Residence Life Coordinator (RLC) position has been filled after their last RLC left in September 2017. Rider and Hagemann Hall have been sharing their RLC until this time. Students give their reactions to not having an RLC and the news they are getting a new one; photo.
9 Noehren Hall 'great scare for a great cause"
Northern Iowan 112:19, p.4

Noehren Hall held a haunted house fundraiser for Halloween, with proceeds going to the Northeast Iowa Food Bank; photo.

10 Hoping for happily ever after
Northern Iowan 112:14, p.1

Homecoming week's kick-off Pride Cry event was held at Lawther Field on October 12. The week's theme is "Once Upon a Time." Pride Cry finalists included the Student Admissions Ambassadors (SAA), Connecting Alumni to Students (CATS), Noehren Hall, Alpha Delta Pi and Sigma Alpha Epsilon, Dance Marathon and Camp Adventure. The Homecoming Court was also announced, including Molly Norman, Emily Thompson, Camryn Wrage, Alicia Hornfeck, Natalie Rork, Kantinka Kyeremateng, Jamal White, Kody Gafkjen, Archie Hardin, and Robert Orman.

11 Hall on Hudson haunts for hunger
Northern Iowan 111:18, p.1
Noehren Hall held a haunted house food drive in order to raise money and collect cans for the Northeast Iowa Food Bank; photo.
12 Kickoff to Homecoming week
Northern Iowan 111:6, p.4

Students crowded Lawther Field to celebrate UNI's Homecoming kickoff.

13 Parking insufficient at UNI
Northern Iowan 110:45, p.1
There are about 9200 parking spots available on the UNI campus. However, parking permits for A and B lots are oversold. This means that not everyone with a permit is guaranteed a parking spot; photo.
14 You live, you learn; new for fall 2013: living learning communities provide unique experiences
Northern Iowa Today 95:3, p.20
Department of Residence will provide academic learning communities for first year students in business, elementary education, and music; other learning communities will be offered as well; photo.
15 Changes made in student computer centers
Northern Iowan 109:3, p.3
ITS has closed the student computer centers in Bartlett Hall and Rod Library. A new lab has opened in Panther Village. Ninety-five new computers are located in various centers on campus. New Duplex printers were purchased to cut paper usage.
16 A lapse in security
Northern Iowan 108:30, p.4
Concerns expressed about skywalk not being locked at 9:00pm like other campus buildings.
17 Close to 30 bike tires damaged
Northern Iowan 108:10, p.1
Bike tires were slashed in bike racks near Noehren Hall last week. This much damage has not been reported in several years. Bikers urged to be vigilant and observe the bike racks for anything strange; photo.
18 Freshmen should utilize springboard housing
Northern Iowan 108:2, p.5
Writer recalls living in springboard housing. This type is available in Bender, Campbell, Dancer, Hagemann, and Noehren Halls. Students are housed with students similar in age and also new to campus. Upperclassmen do not stay in their rooms very much.
19 UNI presents Commitment to c.a.r.e. Awards
Public Relations News Release 2009:451, p.1
The award was designed to acknowledge and honor the efforts of those who have significantly contributed to enhancing sustainability efforts. Awards were received by Tyler Lorenzen,Philip Wilson, Halil Dulgeroglu, and James Walters.
20 Warm weather encourages students to enjoy outdoors
Northern Iowan 106:52, p.1
Students enjoy food, fun, and games; photo.
21 UNI students prove they have talent
Northern Iowan 106:9, p.9
Proboard intends to get students involved in campus activities. "UNI's Got Talent" program was a success. Many students participated and many more were in the audience.
22 Mud sliding
Northern Iowan 105:54, p.2
John Schuler and Pete Galloway enjoying the thunderstorms Sunday evening; photo.
23 Academic resources aid students
Northern Iowan 105:54, p.
Help is available for college students from several sources at the University of Northern Iowa; photo.
24 Trick of treat in dorms
Northern Iowan 105:19, p.5
Costumes were everywhere for Halloween in the dorms. Some dorms greeted trick or treaters in the lobbies, but others had door to door trick or treating; photo.
25 Trick-or-Treating in UNI Residence Halls, Oct. 31
Public Relations News Release 2008:171, p.1
Eight halls will be open to community Trick-or-treaters.Residence hall trick-or-treating is sponsored by ProBoard, the student organization of the Residence Hall Programming Board that represents ten residence halls.
26 Quad power outage causes issues
Northern Iowan 105:12, p.1
The cause of a six hour power outage affecting Hageman, Noehren, Rider, and Shull Halls, Reducer Center, Gallagher-Bluedorn, and academic buildings remains undetermined; photo.
27 Panther Portraits: this week in Noehren Hall
Northern Iowan 105:2, p.13
Barbeque, hula hoops, and grocery bingo highlight the first week for residents; photo.
28 'Wheelchair Sports Camp' June 4-7 at UNI
Public Relations News Release 2007:712, p.1
Student campers will be building their skills with track chairs and on throwing events. Afternoons will be devoted to basketball,, with bocce ball breaks. They will also practice rugby, tennis, rock climbing, and strength training skills.
29 UNI housing overflow left 42 students displaced
Northern Iowan 103:3, p.1
Due to an increase in the number of students wanting to live on campus, forty-two students are living temporarily in lounges; photo.
30 Wheelchair sport camp at UNI; Campers live college lifestyle while participating
Northern Iowan 102:54, p.1
First annual wheelchair sports camp will be held this summer. Attendees will participate in a variety of sports activities.
31 UNI's Relay for Life raises more than $72,000 for the American Cancer Society
Public Relations News Release 2004:0, p.1
Over 1500 students and community members participated in the Relay.
32 Two Senate stores to close next year
Northern Iowan 100:48, p.1
Senate stores in Noehren and Campbell Halls to be closed due to budget constraints.
33 Alumni profile: Gary Berryman
Northern Iowa Today 85:1, p.20
Accomplishments of UNI alumni, Garry Berryman, who studied accounting, reflects on his career journey, and educational experience at UNI; photo.
34 Quads find their niche on campus
Northern Iowan 96:51, p.10
Each of the four residence halls within the Regents Complex has its own identity; photo.
35 Noehren Hall: it's not just for upperclassmen anymore
Northern Iowan 96:48, p.1
Noehren Hall to accept sophomore and freshmen residents for next year.
36 Noehren Hall coordinator adds flare to residence hall
Northern Iowan 96:21, p.12
Profile of David Schmid; photo.
37 Hit the road, jack
Northern Iowan 94:55, p.1
Terry Furlong assists Katy Thomsen in moving out of Noehren Hall; photo.
38 Assistant hall coordinators have much to offer
Northern Iowan 94:50, p.11
Campbell Hall and Dancer Hall will be getting Assistant Hall Coordinators this fall; Assistant Hall Coordinators are already on staff in Noehren and Bender Halls; photo.
39 "Family Feud" brings Noehren Hall closer
Northern Iowan 94:40, p.1
Noehren Hall residents played their version of "Family Feud" Monday and Tuesday; photo.
40 Residence halls get summer face-lifts
Northern Iowan 94:1, p.7
Several residence halls undergoing interior and exterior renovations including doors, tuckpointing, and data and telephone lines; photo.
41 Dorms change policy; four will be smoke-free
Northern Iowan 93:43, p.1
Bender, Campbell, Hagemann, and Noehren Halls will be smoke free next fall.
42 'Smiles in aisles' pay off for Galliano
Northern Iowan 93:34, p.10
Lawther Hall's Galliano House won Rowdy House Photo contest; Hagemann Hall's Amy House and Noehren Hall's Orion House received honorable mentions; photo.
43 Arnold's column way out of line; slam to Demeter House RA unfair
Northern Iowan 93:24, p.6
Demeter House resident responds to Nick Arnold's November 15 column "Roughhousing: Contagious disease."
44 Arnold's column way out of line; advice to Arnold: Don't be a sore loser
Northern Iowan 93:24, p.6
Demeter House resident comments on Nick Arnold's November 15 column "Roughhousing: Contagious disease".
45 Roughhousing: contagious disease
Northern Iowan 93:22, p.5
Columnist comments on a football game between his house, Zeus, and Demeter House, both from Noehren Hall.
46 Condom Olympics promote safer sex
Northern Iowan 92:39, p.14
Attempts to show that condoms work; photo.
47 Noehren holds volunteer fair
Northern Iowan 92:13, p.4
Volunteer organizations offer opportunities in Noehren Hall.
48 ESS employees honored for outstanding service
Campus News Network 5:10, p.1
Judy Dolan and Doug Koschmeder honored; photo.
49 NICE promotes awareness of the dangers of walking alone on campus
Northern Edition 2:27, p.7
Escort service provided by Northern Iowa Campus Escorts.
50 Noehren's Mocktails and Karaoke Night
Northern Edition 2:26, p.10
Party will highlight fun without alcohol.