Northeast Iowa Food Bank

Displaying 1 - 39 of 39 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
1 Students raise money for food insecurity
Northern Iowan 118:54, p.1
Dr. Holly Donohoe partners with Executive Director of the Northeast Iowa Food Bank Barb Prather to create a service-learning project for Financial Resource Management students. Students helped raise money to provide 10,000 meals for people in need; photo.
2 The show goes on for Glee Club
Northern Iowan 117:23, p.4
The Varsity Men's Glee Club is releasing a CD of holiday songs in place of the annual Variety Show; photo.
3 Panther Portrait: NSSLHA Formal
Northern Iowan 116:38, p.4
The UNI chapter of the National Student Speech Learning Hearing Association (NSSLHA) held its first formal for members. The NSLHA is an organization that is made up of undergraduate and graduate students who study communication disorders; photos.
4 Packing the Dome for MLK Day
Northern Iowan 116:29, p.1
Around 1,500 volunteers gathered at the UNI-Dome on Martin Luther King Jr. National Day of Service to pack backpacks for the Northeast Iowa Food Bank. It was the largest volunteer event in the Cedar Valley to date, packing 48,000 bags; photos.
5 UNI gears up for MLK Day of Service
Northern Iowan 116:28, p.1
UNI students and community members will participate in Pack the Dome: Martin Luther King Jr. National Day of Service in the UNI-Dome on January 20. The event is a collaboration among the Northeast Iowa Food Bank, John Deere, the Office of Community Engagement, Service and Leadership Council, Panther Pantry, and the Volunteer Center of Cedar Valley. Volunteers will pack 40,000 bags for the Nrtheast Iowa Food Bank's Backpack Program to serve children in schools across northeast Iowa; photo.
6 Local Food and Film Fest held at Hearst Center
Northern Iowan 115:40, p.8
The fifth annual Local Food and Film Festival took place at the Hearst Center for the Arts on March 2; photos.
7 Pantry is 'by students, for students'
Northern Iowan 115:29, p.2
Panther Pantry, a food pantry available to UNI students, is open 7 days a week to provide food to food-insecure students.
8 MLK Day of serving food-insecure kids
Northern Iowan 115:28, p.4
The forth annual MLK Day of Service in Maucker Union packaged food for the BackPack program. The program is organized by the Service and Leadership Council (SLC), Northeast Iowa Food Bank, Volunteer Center of the Cedar Valley, and AmeriCorps; photos.
9 Food insecurity leads to new pantry
Northern Iowan 115:26, p.2

The university is constructing a new food and essentials pantry in the Maucker Union basement. It will be student-run and is tentatively slated to open in January 2019; photo.

10 Panther Portrait: Welcome Home Concert
Northern Iowan 115:2, p.4
The Varsity Men's Glee Club performed their Welcome Home concert in Lang Auditorium. Admission was free, but the audience was asked to bring free will donations that would be given to the Northeast Iowa Food Bank; photos.
11 Glee Club to hold Welcome Back Concert
Northern Iowan 115:1, p.8
The UNI Varsity Men's Glee Club will perform their fourth annual Welcome Home concert at 6 P.M. on August 24. The concert will be held in Lang Auditorium with a suggested $3 donation; proceeds go to the Northeast Iowa Food Bank; photo.
12 Community service on Martin Luther King Jr. Day
Northern Iowan 114:28, p.5
Students have the opportunity to package meals for the Northeast Iowa Food Bank as a part of a service day for Martin Luther King Jr. Day; photo.
13 SLC gives back during National Volunteer Week at UNI
Northern Iowan 112:51, p.4

Service and Leadership Council (SLC) provided opportunities during National Volunteer Week, including Service Project Night in Maucker Union on April 13; photo.

14 Honors week: Comics, trivia and pomp
Northern Iowan 112:49, p.4

Multiple events will take place during Honors Week, April 11-15. They include: a book discussion of "Enrique's Journey" by Sonia Nazario, hosted by Sigma Delta Pi in Lang Auditorium; a quiz bowl, hosted by the Honors Student Advisory Board (HSAB) in Maucker Union; professor Harry Brod and his class on the topic "Graphic Novels: Narrative Art and Sequential Story Telling" in the Honors Cottage; Phi Alpha Theta's induction ceremony and speaker Chris Shackelford in Seerley Hall; honors Olympics hosted by HSAB; Sigma Gamma Epsilon hosting an earth science museum in Latham Hall; and Phi Sigma Pi hosting a movie screening called "Lift the Blindfold - A Documentary on Homelessness in New York" in the Honors Cottage.

15 MLK Day of Service draws crowd
Northern Iowan 112:29, p.1

Over 300 volunteers packaged meals on MLK Day of Service at Maucker Ballroom for the Northeast Iowa Foodbank; photos.

16 Noehren Hall 'great scare for a great cause"
Northern Iowan 112:19, p.4

Noehren Hall held a haunted house fundraiser for Halloween, with proceeds going to the Northeast Iowa Food Bank; photo.

17 Halloween tradition dripping with antici...pation
Northern Iowan 112:18, p.2

Alpha Psi Omega is holding their annual showing of "Rocky Horror Picture Show" in the Gallagher-Bluedorn Performing Arts Center (GBPAC). This is the 40th anniversary of the movie and the 90th anniversary of Alpha Psi Omega; photo.

18 Pi Sigma Epsilon, UNI Dining Centers, local food bank to help families in need
Public Relations News Release 2014:117, p.1
Pi Sigma Epsilon (PSE) has teamed up with UNI Dining Services and the Food Bank to help families in need this holiday season. Families can sign up to enjoy a meal on the UNI campus November 17, 18, and 20.
19 UNI to host annual Polar Bare Run, Walk or Roll
Public Relations News Release 2014:93, p.1
UNI will host the annual Polar Bare Run, Walk or Roll, November 11, on the UNI campus. Registration is free and will be open until the day of the event.
20 UNI Center for Energy and Environmental Education to host Cedar Valley Local Food Fair
Public Relations News Release 2013:196, p.1
UNI's Center for Energy and Environmental Education will help host the Cedar Valley Local Food Fair. The Fair will be held at the Grout Museum District in Waterloo. There will be several exhibitions and booths for visitors to learn about local food.
21 UNI dishes up altruism
Northern Iowan 110:30, p.1
On Martin Luther King Jr. Day over 170 students gathered in Maucker Union to serve the Cedar Valley. The Service and Leadership Council hosted the day of service where students packaged meals for local families in need; photo.
22 Caroling choir brings joy to UNI
Northern Iowan 110:27, p.1
The 36th annual Varsity Men's Glee Club Christmas Variety Show was a success. The Glee Club works all semester long to prepare the Christmas Variety Show. This year the Glee Club also raised donations for the Northeast Iowa Food Bank; photo.
23 A noodle invasion: pirates, pastors, and pasta
Northern Iowan 110:7, p.1
UNI Freethinkers and Inquirers hosted their sixth annual Flying Spaghetti Monster dinner. The proceeds from the tickets sales for the dinner benefitted the Northeast Iowa Food Bank; photo.
24 Panther Plot produces Harvest Fest
Northern Iowan 110:6, p.1
The Panther Plot welcomed students and community members to their Harvest Festival. The Panther Plot was created to help students to learn about where their food comes from. The food grown is given to the Dining Centers and local food bank; photo.
25 World hunger comes to life
Northern Iowan 109:42, p.1
The Political Science Society held its second annual Oxfam Hunger Banquet. Attendees were given a card determining what their income level was. This also dictated the food they were served while at the banquet raising awareness of world hunger; photo.
26 Panther Plot to provide new opportunities to students
Northern Iowan 109:37, p.5
Students have started a new organization entitled Panther Plot Student Garden. This will allow students to create and tend to a community garden here at UNI.
27 UNI to host Martin Luther King, Jr. Day of Service
Public Relations News Release 2012:173, p.1
There are various service projects available for students to participate in on Martin Luther King Jr. Day. Michael Blackwell will be speaking at the luncheon.
28 UNI's CEEE partners with Northeast Iowa Food and Fitness Initiative (FFI) to serve area schools
Public Relations News Release 2012:109, p.1
UNI Center for Energy and Environmental Education (CEEE) works with Northeast Iowa Food and Fitness Initiative to promote healthy foods in local schools. The goal for this project is to promote a healthy lifestyle for Iowa residents.
29 Volunteer Tuesdays make it easy to give back
Northern Iowan 109:6, p.6
Two shifts are available; 2-5 and 5-8. Service projects vary each week. Assisting with a haunted house, the Northeast Iowa Food Bank, Grout Museum, and Homecoming are some of the activities; photo.
30 'tis the season of holiday giving
Northern Iowan 108:27, p.7
Opportunities for sharing with those in need during the Christmas season; photo.
31 Phi Beta Sigma hosts homeless sleep-out
Northern Iowan 108:23, p.7
Bobby Elam, the sole member of Phi Beta Sigma, held a lonely vigil to raise awareness for the homeless, photo.
32 'Extreme Makeover: Home Edition" pep rally brings community together
Northern Iowan 108:8, p.6
Students and members of the Cedar Valley gathered in the McLeod Center to learn how they can help a family in need of a new home. The cheerleaders, dance team, and Independence marching band kept the crowd excited; photo.
33 UNI students participate in 24/7 Prayer Week and 24/7 Service Week
Northern Iowan 107:51, p.1
Brothers and Sisters in Christ kicked off Prayer Week Thursday night. A kickoff celebration was held at the Lutheran Student Center. The Freethinkers and Inquirers are holding a service week with new projects daily; photo.
34 Volunteer Tuesdays
Northern Iowan 107:44, p.1
The Student Leadership Center sponsors two shifts of volunteer activities, 2-5 and 5-8. Students volunteer at organizations such as the Salvation Army and the Northeast Iowa Food Bank; photo.
35 UNI Entrepreneurs fight hunger in the Cedar Valley
Northern Iowan 107:34, p.6
Group participating in a competition sponsored by Campbell Soup to battle hunger in the Cedar Valley. Goal is $5000 or 5000 pounds of food donated to the food bank.
36 UNI food drive gives back to community
Northern Iowan 107:24, p.4
Fall food drive has teamed with the Northeast Iowa Food Bank. Food or cash donations are welcome at Essentials. Any donation will help. One dollar can purchase eleven dollars' worth of food.
37 UNI supports America Recycles Day
Public Relations News Release 2010:144, p.1
This nationwide effort focuses on increasing recycling volume, cutting waste and maintaining a healthy environment. For more than 30 years, the university has donated prepared and leftover food to the Salvation Army and the Northeast Iowa Food Bank.
38 Youth to participate in 'Operation Pride' summer camp
Public Relations News Release 2009:486, p.1
One hundred students from the Waterloo-Cedar Falls area will stay busy this summer while participating in the camp. Activities include dodgeball, kickball, red rover, Frisbee, and board games.
39 University Book & Supply and NISG donate to Northeast Iowa Food Bank
Public Relations News Release 2009:243, p.1
A unique partnership between the Book and Supply and the Student Government has provided a $1,500 contribution on behalf of the two entities to the Northeast Iowa Food Bank. UBS donated 25 cents for every book sold back to the bookstore.