Nu Omicron Nu Sigma Phi
Displaying 1 - 50 of 416 in reverse chronological order
# | Title | Date | Summary |
1 | VOV's alter title to Nu Sigma Phi College Eye 42:5, p.9 |
Wish to shorten name that was based on the combination of several older groups' names. | |
2 | Pledges announced at Teachers College Public Relations News Release 1950:70, p.1 |
Pledges to six fraternities and sororities and the Pep Club have been announced by organization officers. Students listed. | |
3 | Rendezvous College Eye 42:4, p.7 |
News from Greek organizations | |
4 | Rendezvous College Eye 42:3, p.7 |
News of Greek organizations. | |
5 | Nu omicron nu sigma phi Old Gold 0:0, p.189 |
Brief description of the group; photo. |
6 | Rendezvous College Eye 41:29, p.7 |
News from Greek organizations on campus. | |
7 | Rendezvous College Eye 41:28, p.7 |
News from Greek organizations on campus. | |
8 | Rendezvous College Eye 41:27, p.7 |
News from Greek organizations on campus. | |
9 | Rendezvous College Eye 41:25, p.7 |
News from Greek organizations on campus. | |
10 | Rendezvous College Eye 41:24, p.7 |
News from Greek organizations on campus. | |
11 | Rendezvous College Eye 41:23, p.7 |
News from Greek organizations on campus. | |
12 | Rendezvous College Eye 41:21, p.7 |
News from Greek organizations on campus. | |
13 | Rendezvous College Eye 41:20, p.6 |
News from Greek organizations on campus. | |
14 | Rendezvous College Eye 41:18, p.8 |
News from Greek organizations on campus. | |
15 | Rendezvous College Eye 41:17, p.6 |
News from Greek organizations on campus. | |
16 | Rendezvous College Eye 41:16, p.7 |
News from Greek organizations on campus. | |
17 | Rendezvous College Eye 41:7, p.6 |
News from Greek organizations. | |
18 | Special group events College Eye 41:6, p.6 |
Schedule of Homecoming activities. | |
19 | Rendezvous College Eye 41:5, p.7 |
News from the Greek societies on campus. | |
20 | Rendezvous College Eye 41:3, p.6 |
Greek news. | |
21 | Nu Omicron Nu Sigma Phi Old Gold 0:0, p.55 |
Brief description of the group; photo. | |
22 | Rendezvous College Eye 40:30, p.7 |
Greeks announced their recent and upcoming activities. | |
23 | Rendezvous College Eye 40:28, p.7 |
Greeks announce their recent and upcoming activities. | |
24 | Rendezvous College Eye 40:27, p.7 |
Greeks announces their recent and upcoming activities and events. | |
25 | Rendezvous College Eye 40:26, p.7 |
Greek organizations and their activities. | |
26 | Rendezvous College Eye 40:23, p.7 |
News about Greek organizations and their activities. | |
27 | Rendezvous College Eye 40:15, p.7 |
News and events of campus Greek organizations. | |
28 | Rendezvous College Eye 40:11, p.7 |
Greeks announce their recent and upcoming activities. | |
29 | Nu Omicron Nu Sigma Phi Old Gold 0:0, p.269 |
Brief description of the group; photo. | |
30 | Popularity Candidates Old Gold 0:0, p.126 |
Eighteen candidates, their hometowns, and sponsoring organization in the popularity contest; photo. | |
31 | Old Gold Beauty Parade Old Gold 0:0, p.120 |
Coeds selected and sponsored by campus organizations; photo. | |
32 | Rendezvous College Eye 39:28, p.6 |
News from Greek organizations. | |
33 | Rendezvous College Eye 39:26, p.4 |
News and events of campus Greek organizations. | |
34 | Rendezvous College Eye 39:20, p.7 |
Greeks and their activities. | |
35 | Rendezvous College Eye 39:16, p.6 |
Greeks announce their recent and upcoming activities. | |
36 | Rendezvous College Eye 39:15, p.2 |
Greeks and their recent and upcoming activities. | |
37 | Rendezvous College Eye 39:14, p.4 |
Greeks and their activities. | |
38 | Rendezvous College Eye 39:7, p.6 |
Greeks and their activities. | |
39 | Rendezvous College Eye 39:4, p.6 |
Greek organizations and their activities. | |
40 | Nu Omicron Nu Sigma Phi Old Gold 0:0, p.198 |
Brief description of the group; photo. | |
41 | Nu Omicron Nu Sigma Phi Old Gold 0:0, p.166 |
The Nu Omicron Nu Sigma Phi stays involved on campus; photo. | |
42 | She's simply gotta' give 'details' at her sorority five pound party College Eye 37:33, p.6 |
Engagements call for a five-pound box of chocolates; news from Greek organizations. | |
43 | Runft new intersorority president College Eye 37:31, p.3 |
News from Greek organizations. | |
44 | Trophies are awarded College Eye 37:30, p.1 |
For scholarship among Greek organizations. | |
45 | Intersorority dance a memory as sororities obtain pledges College Eye 37:28, p.3 |
News from the Greek organizations. | |
46 | Sorority actives assigned to new pledge daughters College Eye 37:27, p.3 |
News from Greek organizations | |
47 | Intersorority dance scheduled April 6 with Primmer's band College Eye 37:26, p.5 |
Description of the dance; news from Greek organizations. | |
48 | Hell Week over for some; others still are suffering College Eye 37:25, p.4 |
List of women initiated into sororities. | |
49 | Sixty-one don pledge pins; begin Greek life as preps College Eye 37:14, p.3 |
List of new pledges. | |
50 | Sober weather quiets Greek women and preps just sober College Eye 37:5, p.3 |
Greek society news. |