O'Brien--Michael F. (Class of 1961)

Displaying 1 - 23 of 23 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
1 Alumnus captures his vision of Korea in photographs, book
Alumnus 67:1, p.23
Profile of Michael O'Brien; photo.
2 Oil cans presented
College Eye 52:30, p.6
Myrna Pierce and Michael O'Brien win large oil cans; list of those who won small oil cans.
3 Journalists at ISTC honored
Public Relations News Release 1960:398, p.1
Myrna Pierce and Michael O'Brien are granted top awards for noteworthy service in student publications. College Eye and Old Gold staff are presented with awards for excellence of service.
4 Top journalism awards given to ISTC students
Alumnus 46:2, p.14
Myrna Pierce and Michael O'Brien honored; others cited as well.
5 Mike O'Brien senior art show to open Sunday
College Eye 52:23, p.2
6 O'Brien to give senior art show at ISTC
Public Relations News Release 1960:267, p.1
The works of Michael O'Brien are displayed at the Senior Art Show in the Arts and Industries Building. The show will include oil paintings, sculpture, weavings, mosaics, and watercolors.
7 ISTC holds festive yearbook event
Public Relations News Release 1960:202, p.1
Old Gold sponsors a beauty pageant, coronation ball, and personality contest to kick off their annual sales campaign.
8 Eye, Old Gold heads to attend ACP convention
College Eye 52:10, p.5
Will attend meeting in Chicago.
9 Students head homecoming committees at ISTC
Public Relations News Release 1960:52, p.1
Homecoming committee members are chosen for the 1960-61 homecoming celebrations. Activities include an inter-fraternity sing, variety show, parade, alumni dinner, dance, and the crowning of the homecoming queen.
10 Old Gold Staff
Old Gold 0:0, p.3
Old Gold Staff. Helen Knickman, Executive Editor. Michael O'Brien, Associate Editor. Marla Putzier, Business Manager. Birch Robison, Art Editor. Elaine Pitzenberger, Copy Editor. Thomas Crane, Photo Editor.
11 Old Gold Result of Year Long Effort
Old Gold 0:0, p.159
The Old Gold Staff are very proud of this years 1960 OLD GOLD. This year's highlights were the five colored pictures and the addition of the Royalty and Popularity Section. This year's book sales topped last years during the annual Old Gold Week.
12 Honor... Alpha Phi Gamma Promotes Welfare of Journalism
Old Gold 0:0, p.170
Gridiron Dinner and Publications Picnic are a few of the activities sponsored by Alpha Phi Gamma, the national honorary co-educational journalistic fraternity. To become a member a student must hold a major staff position for one year on either the Old Gold or the College Eye staffs. The organization is sponsored by Mr. Bernard DeHoff.
13 '60 Homecoming theme announced
College Eye 51:30, p.1
Theme will be "The Fabulous 60s".
14 Old Gold names staff
College Eye 51:22, p.1
Michael O'Brien will be executive editor; list of other staff members.
15 Old Gold Features Six Full-Color Pages
Old Gold 0:0, p.145
The humdrum of voices and clacking of flying keyboards echoed up and down the corridor, as the students were trying to finish the yearbook; deadlines needed to be met, and last minute procrastination had to be done in order to achieve this; photo.
16 College Players Offers Dramatic Opportunities
Old Gold 0:0, p.190
The College Players' fall and spring activities included, holding an open house for new members, decorating a float for the Homecoming parade, working on the sets for two fall shows, and a speaker on the "Broadway Scene," and other activities; photo.
17 Tau Kappa Epsilon Wins Football Intramurals
Old Gold 0:0, p.217

Tau Kappa Epsilon participated in all intramural activities, and won the football championship; they even held a Christmas caroling party and a chili supper with their sister, Tau Sigma Delta; the Red Carnation Ball was an elaborate Spring event; photo.

18 Bare legged plague hits campus; TC dons Bermudas
College Eye 50:30, p.1
Everyone urged to wear shorts on Bermuda Day; photo.
19 Have toga, will act
College Eye 50:30, p.4
A look at the costume production for "Julius Caesar".
20 New editors chosen for next year
College Eye 50:28, p.5
Jim Daman will be College Eye executive editor; Myrna Pierce will be managing editor; Helen Knickman will be executive editor of the Old Gold; Michael O'Brien will be associate editor; list of other staff members; photo.
21 Stadium Houses Freshmen Men
Old Gold 0:0, p.132
Description of the hall that houses freshmen male students and photos of day to day life in the hall; photos.
22 Newman Club Has Three-fold Purpose
Old Gold 0:0, p.192
Description of the organization for Catholic students on campus; photo.
23 Class of 1961
Old Gold 0:0, p.291
Freshman class in 1958; photo.