
Displaying 1 - 5 of 5 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
1 Disbandment bill sparks UNISA controversy
Northern Iowan 76:32, p.1
The UNISA bill calls for the disbandment or restructuring of UNISA.
2 NI needs 'clean slate' before it criticizes
Northern Iowan 76:31, p.2
Feels the Northern Iowan should have a reporter at each UNISA meeting before it starts criticizing others about their apathy in attending UNISA meetings.
3 Setting things straight
Northern Iowan 76:31, p.2
Wants everyone to be aware of the facts surrounding Steven O'Brien's letter and also gives input on his proposed UNISA bill..
4 College of Humanities And Fine Arts Honoraries
Old Gold 0:0, p.37

List of honoraries from the College of Humanities and Fine Arts;

5 Music recital
Northern Iowan 75:49, p.5
UNI faculty will give a recital this Sunday.