Octopus Bar

Displaying 1 - 8 of 8 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
1 Live music performances at Octopus
Northern Iowan 118:5, p.5
Information about the Octopus and upcoming performances there.
2 Panther Portrait: College Hill farmers market
Northern Iowan 117:15, p.5
The College Hill Farmers Market on October 1 was held in the middle of the street instead of the Octopus parking lot; photos.
3 College Hill parking changes arrive
Northern Iowan 117:14, p.2

The City of Cedar Falls, the College Hill Partnership, and UNI have added a 50 cent hourly fee to two parking lots on College Hill which used to be free. New Pay Station Smart Meters along with an app called 'Park Smarter' are now in use to help with parking in these areas; photo.

4 Elizabeth Moen performs at Octo
Northern Iowan 115:37, p.5
Katie Sin and Elizabeth Moen, both Iowa natives, performed at College Hill's Octopus Bar on February 17; photos.
5 Panther Portrait: LowRay
Northern Iowan 115:22, p.4
The Twin Cities band LowRay performed at the Octopus bar on November 1; photos.
6 College Hill hosts third annual Oktoberfest
Northern Iowan 115:7, p.1
College Hill hosted Oktoberfest, which included live music, food, beer, and a beard contest; photos.
7 Talking science and religion over beer
Northern Iowan 112:45, p.5

UNI Freethinkers and Inquirers (UNIFI) held Pint with a Prof on March 24, featuring professors Steve O'Kane and Jerry Soneson discussing "Religion and Science: Friends or Enemies," photo.

8 Students share 'Pint with a Prof'
Northern Iowan 112:23, p.1

UNI Freethinkers and Inquirers (UNIFI) hosted Pint with a Prof at College Hill's Octopus bar on November 11, featuring Fernando Calderón's talk "Subservsion Comes in the Form of a Student."