Oleson--C. J. (Classes of 1901 and 1902)

Displaying 1 - 41 of 41 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
1 Computer Club
Northern Iowan 86:9, p.5
Will meet.
2 What's Up
Northern Iowan 85:52, p.6
Meetings and activities.
3 What's Up
Northern Iowan 85:36, p.5
Meetings and activities.
4 What's Up
Northern Iowan 85:31, p.7
Meetings and activities.
5 What's Up
Northern Iowan 85:23, p.4
Meetings and activities.
6 What's Up
Northern Iowan 85:19, p.4
Meetings and activities.
7 What's Up
Northern Iowan 85:13, p.4
Meetings and activities.
8 What's up
Northern Iowan 84:54, p.5
Meetings and activities.
9 What's Up
Northern Iowan 84:50, p.6
Meetings and activities.
10 What's Up
Northern Iowan 84:44, p.7
Meetings and activities.
11 What's Up
Northern Iowan 84:40, p.8
Meetings and activities.
12 What's Up
Northern Iowan 84:30, p.3
Meetings and activities.
13 What's up
Northern Iowan 84:28, p.6
Meetings and activities.
14 What's up
Northern Iowan 84:24, p.7
Meetings and activities.
15 What's Up
Northern Iowan 84:18, p.8
Meetings and activities.
16 What's Up
Northern Iowan 84:15, p.4
Meetings and activities.
17 What's Up
Northern Iowan 84:12, p.4
Meetings and activities.
18 What's Up
Northern Iowan 84:8, p.7
Meetings and activities.
19 What's Up?
Northern Iowan 81:48, p.8
Meetings and activities planned; annual spring banquet for recreation majors will be held; Barbara Smith, JoAnn Verburg, and Jerry Stockdale will speak; Campus Prayer Night will be held.
20 What's Up
Northern Iowan 81:38, p.6
Meetings and activities planned; resume seminar will be held as well as a meeting for psychology majors; ACTION will meet; Students for an Active Senate will also meet; GTU to present program on nitrate pollution of ground water; John Buck will speak.
21 What's up
Northern Iowan 80:47, p.5
Meetings and activities; Iowa Sociological Association; Stress Management; Action Party.
22 The UNI Computer Club
Northern Iowan 80:46, p.11
Will hear speaker from Deere & Company.
23 What's up
Northern Iowan 80:40, p.5
Meetings and activities; Christ for UNI; Coretta Scott King.
24 The next meeting
Northern Iowan 80:37, p.4
Computer Club will meet.
25 What's up
Northern Iowan 80:33, p.4
Meetings and activities; Youth for MDA.
26 The next meeting
Northern Iowan 80:32, p.4
Computer Club will meet to decide on name and to learn about the Harris computer.
27 Computer Club underway
Northern Iowan 80:31, p.4
About 70 students attend meeting; establish objectives.
28 The UNI Computer Club
Northern Iowan 80:29, p.7
Now being formed.
29 C. J. Oleson
Alumnus 17:4, p.24
Pastor of the Calvary Methodist Episcopal Church in Los Angeles, California.
30 C. J. Oleson
Alumni News Letter 6:4, p.5
C. J. Oleson serves as a pastor of the Methodist Episcopal Church at El Segunda, California.
31 C. J. Oleson
Normal Eyte 20:22, p.376
Is a preacher in Deansboro, New York.
32 C. J. Oleson
Normal Eyte 19:27, p.430

Pastor in Massachusetts.

33 C. J. Oleson
Normal Eyte 17:23, p.360
Graduated from Northwestern University; will study theology in Boston.
34 C. J. Oleson
Normal Eyte 14:28, p.443
Studying at Northwestern University.
35 Society
Normal Eyte 13:12, p.183
Chrestos presented literary program; Zetas enjoy music; Alphas hear papers; Shakes present advertising program; Aristos hear papers.
36 C. J. Oleson
Normal Eyte 13:12, p.189
Doing missionary work; brother Ole in in North Dakota.
37 Mr. Richard Wyant
Normal Eyte 12:3, p.41
Cedar Falls YMCA secretary invites men to use the city facilities until the campus bathrooms are ready in January 1902.
38 Appointments in cadet corps
Normal Eyte 12:3, p.44
Roster of Student Battalion officers.
39 In general; candidates for graduation in June
Normal Eyte 11:33, p.808
Roster of candidates for graduation in June.
40 Society
Normal Eyte 10:7, p.157
Roster of new literary society members.
41 O. N. Oleson
Normal Eyte 9:11, p.258

Visited brother.