Olsen--Roy W. (Class of 1939)

Displaying 1 - 50 of 52 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
1 As a memorial
Old Gold 0:0, p.10
Brief description of the memorial; photo.
2 Roy Olsen
Alumnus 30:2, p.21
Cedar Falls, Captain, Army Air Forces.
3 British king honors Olsen
Alumnus 28:4, p.20
King George VI confers Distinguished Flying Cross on Roy Olsen, who was killed in action on June 23, 1943.
4 Father receives medal
Alumnus 28:2, p.10
Legion of Merit awarded posthumously to Roy W. Olsen, whose plane was shot down in June 1943.
5 Among those who serve
Alumnus 28:1, p.16
Extensive survey of wide range of war-time activities and service of ISTC alumni; photo.
6 Another award to Capt. Olsen
Alumnus 28:1, p.4
Roy W. Olsen, killed in action June 23, 1943, awarded Legion of Merit, Purple Heart, and Silver Star; description of the battle in which he was killed; photo.
7 Roll of Honor
Alumnus 27:4, p.20
Neil W. Johnson, Dwight G. Bacon, and Roy Olsen have been reported as killed in the war; Robert McCowen and H. Allen Oehlert are reported as missing in action.
8 Capt. Roy Olsen killed in action in Pacific area
College Eye 34:35, p.1
Received Distinguished Flying Cross; photo.
9 Kampus to Khaki
College Eye 34:32, p.3
News about ISTC students and staff, who are in military service.
10 Capt. Roy Olsen 'feeds Japs to crocodiles'
College Eye 34:27, p.1
Roy Olsen tells about his service in the Pacific.
11 Roy W. Olsen
Alumnus 27:1, p.23
First lieutenant in the air corps located somewhere in Hawaii.
12 Alumni man Uncle Sam's battle fronts
Alumnus 26:4, p.1
Survey of ISTC alumni in military service; photo.
13 Roy Olsen
Alumnus 26:1, p.23
In a course of primary flight instruction at the Palo Airport in King City, California.
14 Martha Petersen
Alumnus 23:4, p.25
Married Charles W. Shedd, on May 29. Charles will be pastor at Anchor Heights Presbyterian Church, Chicago, this year, where they will reside. Martha has taught two years at Williams.
15 The Prowl
Alumnus 23:3, p.13
New stadium planned; will bring seating to 8000; will include locker and equipment rooms; shower, storage, and rest rooms; indoor running track; seasons highlights and previews; MVP winners.
16 "I" Club
Old Gold 0:0, p.230
Brief description of the group and list of members; photo.
17 Representative students
Old Gold 0:0, p.136
Brief description of representatives; photos.
18 1939 Track and Field
Old Gold 0:0, p.174
Brief description of the group and list of members; photos.
19 Who's Who
Old Gold 0:0, p.134
Brief description of who's who and what they do; photos.
20 Seniors
Old Gold 0:0, p.116

List of graduates; photos.

21 Men's Union
Old Gold 0:0, p.39
Brief description of the group and list of members; photos.
22 Alpha Chi Epsilon
Old Gold 0:0, p.182
Brief description of the group and list of members; photos.
23 The Old Gold
Old Gold 0:0, p.207
Brief description of the group and list of members; photos.
24 Rho Epsilon Rho
Old Gold 0:0, p.229

Brief description of the group and list of members; photo.

25 Press Club
Old Gold 0:0, p.230
Brief description of the group and list of members; photo.
26 The Prowl . . . .
Alumnus 23:2, p.13

Season previews and wrap-ups; photo.

27 Olsen repeats at center
College Eye 30:22, p.4
Olsen makes first team as the center for his third straight year.
28 Leading the senior men
College Eye 30:20, p.1
Jordan and Olsen are two of the four most representative students.
29 Four seniors are honored; awarded Old Gold acclaim; all-around ability
College Eye 30:20, p.1
New recipients of the Old Gold most representative student awards go to two senior men and women who have been in many activities throughout their college years.
30 Bring better bands for winter dances
College Eye 30:17, p.3
Roy Olsen leads the efforts.
31 Olsen announces committees for Old Gold Beauty dance
College Eye 30:17, p.3
32 Inquiring reporter finds 'Star Dust' leads
College Eye 30:17, p.1
Students and faculty are surveyed on their favorite music.
33 Annual announces beauty poll
College Eye 30:15, p.1
Contest will be held in January.
34 Men vie at play tomorrow
College Eye 30:3, p.1
Men's Union will sponsor Play Day.
35 A word the wise is sufficient
College Eye 30:1, p.1
Roy Olsen welcomes two new freshmen; photo.
36 These three are worth knowing
College Eye 30:1, p.8
Profiles of Sue Lund, Roy Olsen, and Joe Beavo; photo.
37 Panther prowl
Alumnus 22:3, p.12
Sports wrap-up: track, tennis, and golf teams finish well; baseball has hard season; current school track records; roster of letter-winners.
38 Pep and Power
Old Gold 0:0, p.96

Two groups show school spirit; photos.

39 The 1938 Old Gold
Old Gold 0:0, p.188
Brief description of group and list of members; photos.
40 The College Eye
Old Gold 0:0, p.190
Brief description of group and list of members; photos.
41 Typists and accountants
Old Gold 0:0, p.207
Brief description of groups and list of members; photos.
42 Panthers prance cinder path
Old Gold 0:0, p.216
Brief description of the group and list of members; photos.
43 Alpha Chi Epsilon
Old Gold 0:0, p.64
List of members and activities throughout the year; photos.
44 Press Club 'razz' dinner holds 'nothing sacred'
College Eye 29:32, p.1
Will offer satiric skits and present awards.
45 Trackmen to challenge reign of the Nodaks; but loss of nine lettermen roughens the road to glory
Alumnus 22:2, p.13

1938 track season preview.

46 The Line
College Eye 29:12, p.2
Campus gossip.
47 Athletes honored at assembly
Alumnus 21:3, p.17

John Tolan wins scholarship award; Ivan Moore and Robert Curtis win MVPs; list of other letter-winners.

48 Panthers defend crown
Old Gold 0:0, p.210

Coach Dickinson started the season with half of last year's squad and had to work on filling the gaps; photos.

49 Alpha Chi Epsilon
Old Gold 0:0, p.68
Activities, officers, and members; photos.
50 The Line
College Eye 28:33, p.2
Campus gossip.