Olson--Emerald L. (Class of 1932)
Displaying 1 - 37 of 37 in reverse chronological order
# | Title | Date | Summary |
1 | Rev. Emerald L. Olson Alumnus 35:3, p.15 |
Pastor of the First Congregational Church in Whiting, Indiana. | |
2 | To Give Chicago Sermon Alumnus 33:2, p.20 |
Emerald L. Olson is a guest speaker at the People's church in Chicago, Illinois. | |
3 | The Rev. Emerald L. Olson Alumnus 32:4, p.18 |
Pastor of the Plymouth congregational church in Whiting, Indiana. | |
4 | Emerald Olson Alumnus 29:4, p.22 |
Was ordained in the First Congregational Church, West Chicago, Illinois, June 20, after graduating from the Chicago Theological Seminary. He and his wife reside in West Chicago. | |
5 | The Reverend and Mrs. Emerald Olson, (Nellie Gowin) Alumnus 29:1, p.23 |
Live at Washington at Arbor, West Chicago, Ill., where Rev. Olson is minister of the First Congregational Church. He is also attending Chicago Theological Seminary. | |
6 | Rev. Emerald L. Olson Alumnus 28:1, p.24 |
Pastor of the First Congregational Church in Chicago, Illinois. | |
7 | Emerald L. Olson, Nellie Gowin Alumnus 23:3, p.27 |
Married to the former Nellie Gowin. They have two children, David and Marilyn. Emerald will begin his second year teaching science at Clarion High School in September. He also expects to attend the University of Iowa summer session for eight weeks. | |
8 | Robb is strong for Teachers Alumnus 20:3, p.4 |
Half of the agents of a local investing firm are ISTC alumni. | |
9 | Lambda Delta Lambda Old Gold 0:0, p.224 |
Officers, purpose, and members; local chapter of physical science group organized in 1931; photos. | |
10 | Lambda Delta Lambda Old Gold 0:0, p.239 |
Names of officers and members; photo. | |
11 | Debate Old Gold 0:0, p.183 |
Overview of the 1932 debate season and names of members. |
12 | Class of 1932 Old Gold 0:0, p.81 |
Photos and names of the Class of 1932. | |
13 | Formal initiation exercises Public Relations News Release 1931:361, p.1 |
Delta Sigma Rho initiated new members. | |
14 | Nine debaters who were recently elected to membership Public Relations News Release 1931:297, p.1 |
Delta Sigma Rho initiates new memebers; list of special guests included. | |
15 | Fifty Iowa State Teachers College debaters Public Relations News Release 1931:293, p.1 |
Hamilton Club and debate teams host banquet in Bartlett Hall. | |
16 | Tutors place in forensic meet; local teams tie Wisconsin U. for second honors; Carleton is first College Eye 23:36, p.1 |
Results of recent competition; photo. | |
17 | Nine Iowa State Teachers College students Public Relations News Release 1931:245, p.1 |
Initiated into Delta Sigma Rho. | |
18 | Six speakers will represent Teachers at frat tournament College Eye 23:34, p.1 |
ISTC Delta Sigma Rho members will go to Madison, Wisconsin. | |
19 | Six speakers representing Public Relations News Release 1931:246, p.1 |
Will travel to Madison, Wisconsin, for a Delta Sigma Rho debate tounament | |
20 | Forensic warriors at the Iowa State Teachers College Public Relations News Release 1931:244, p.1 |
Debaters have many matches this week. | |
21 | Debaters have heavy schedule; local speakers participate in eighth forensic contest during past week College Eye 23:31, p.2 |
Results of recent competition; photo. | |
22 | Emerald Olson, of this city Public Relations News Release 1931:237, p.1 |
Is a very accomplished debater. | |
23 | Debaters from the Iowa State Teachers College Public Relations News Release 1931:234, p.1 |
Team debates a different school each day this week. | |
24 | Charles Vandaworker, Kingsley Public Relations News Release 1931:229, p.1 |
Debates St. Olaf on Wednesday. | |
25 | Thorrel Fest, Audubon Public Relations News Release 1931:228, p.1 |
Joins other debaters in contest against Luther and St. Olaf Colleges. | |
26 | Debaters from the Iowa State Teachers College Public Relations News Release 1931:215, p.1 |
Team debates Coe and University of Dubuque. | |
27 | Kappa Delta Pi, national honorary society Public Relations News Release 1930:65, p.1 |
Sixteen new members inducted. | |
28 | Alpha Chi Epsilon Old Gold 0:0, p.293 |
Officers, honorary members, active members, and pledges; photo. | |
29 | Men teachers of the future in training Public Relations News Release 1929:455, p.1 |
Four men receive straight A's; others with high grade points noted. | |
30 | Alpha Chi Epsilon and Chi Pi Theta Public Relations News Release 1929:298, p.1 |
Student groups elect officers. | |
31 | Brief Notes College Eye 21:22, p.3 |
Roster of Alpha Chi Epsilon officers; Theta Gamma enjoyed a bridge party; Pi Theta Pi held winter formal; Y. W. C. A. held a meeting. | |
32 | Alpha Chi Epsilon College Eye 21:13, p.7 |
Roster of intramural managers and pledges on probation. | |
33 | Alpha Chi Epsilon College Eye 21:5, p.9 |
Roster of officers and pledges; news about members. | |
34 | Milo Bixler and Emerald Olson College Eye 20:13, p.5 |
Visited the Olson home. | |
35 | Dinner given to honor Slosson College Eye 20:9, p.5 |
Dr. Slosson of chemistry honored. | |
36 | Student Council elected and making plans College Eye 20:5, p.1 |
Vote tallies; roster of officers. | |
37 | Student council to be chosen by popular vote College Eye 20:4, p.1 |
Roster of candidates. |