
Displaying 1 - 50 of 127 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
1 UNI Suzuki School announces orchestra auditions
Public Relations News Release 2014:16, p.1
Auditions for the Northern Iowa Youth Orchestra will be held August 29. Auditions for the Northern Iowa Junior Orchestra will be held September 19. School orchestra membership is required for membership in either of the orchestras.
2 UNI Suzuki School violin and viola beginners class announced
Public Relations News Release 2013:125, p.1
Parents can register their children for UNI Suzuki School's violin and viola beginners class. This class is for ages 4 to 7. Students will receive both group and individual lessons as well as the opportunity to perform several times; photo.
3 UNI Suzuki School to offer Northern Iowa Youth Orchestra for high school students
Public Relations News Release 2013:55, p.1
The Northern Iowa Youth Orchestra is looking for advanced string students grades nine through twelve. Students will be coached in both small ensemble and large ensemble settings. Students need a teacher recommendation to apply.
4 UNI Suzuki School announces Northern Iowa Junior Orchestra season
Public Relations News Release 2013:45, p.1
UNI's Suzuki School will be holding auditions for students grades five through eight. The orchestra will present several concerts. This is a great opportunity for students to further their skills.
5 UNI Suzuki School fall registration is open
Public Relations News Release 2013:12, p.1
UNI's Suzuki School is accepting registration for the 2013-14 academic year. Students as young as 4 years old can register for cello and guitar. Adult students are also welcome.
6 UNI Suzuki School to present youth orchestra concert
Public Relations News Release 2012:230, p.1
The Northern Iowa Youth Orchestra will present a concert at the Cedar Heights Presbyterian Church. Members of the orchestra are from local high schools and Claudia Restrepo is the director of the group.
7 UNI Suzuki School Sponsored Orchestras seeks members
Public Relations News Release 2011:25, p.1
Three orchestras within the UNI Suzuki School are looking for new members for the 2011-2012 school year.
8 Northern Iowa Junior Orchestra seeking members
Public Relations News Release 2010:36, p.1
This orchestra is for string students in grades 6 through 8 and meets regularly from 5 to 7 p.m. on Fridays for rehearsals. Students must have the recommendation of their school orchestra or private lesson instructor. Tom Schilke is the music director.
9 UNI's Suzuki School now accepting applications
Public Relations News Release 2008:618, p.1
The school offers Suzuki method music instruction with teachers for students of all ages including adult students and all levels in violin, viola, cello, harp and flute. The Suzuki guitar will also be added to the curriculum this fall.
10 Performing Arts Center Planning Committee at University of Northern Iowa investigating further three general campus sites.
Public Relations News Release 1988:282, p.1
Three sites selected for a center that would serve the needs of both the University and the community.
11 The "Messiah" to be Performed at UNI
Public Relations News Release 1972:196, p.1
To be presented in the Men's Gym on Dec. 12 by the department of music.
12 700 UNI Students to be Honored at May 12 Convocation
Public Relations News Release 1971:591, p.1
Convocation will take place May 12th in the Men's Gym.
13 UNI Orchestra to Tour March 2-3
Public Relations News Release 1971:420, p.1
The UNI Orchestra will perform six concerts on a two-day tour of Central and Northeastern Iowa on March 2nd and 3rd.
14 UNI Concert Chorale and Orchestra to Present Oratorio Dec. 13
Public Relations News Release 1970:247, p.1
"Good Tidings of Great Joy, An Advent Oratorio" will be presented by the UNI Concert Chorale and Orchestra on Sunday in the Men's Gym.
15 Tallcorn Music Camp to Open at UNI July 26
Public Relations News Release 1969:710, p.1
UNI Tallcorn Music Camp being held July 26 through August 1; list of activities
16 UNI Orchestra, Chorus, and Band to Perform
Public Relations News Release 1969:704, p.1

A free, three-part concert is being held in Music Hall on Tuesday, July 21 at 8:15 p.m.

17 Six soloists, SCI orchestra give concert
College Eye 60:50, p.6
18 SCI orchestra to perform Tuesday
Public Relations News Release 1960:510, p.1
Professor Myron E. Russell directs the SCI orchestra in their only summer performance of the year. Russell will be assisted by graduate students Sidney Stott, Leonard Heath, Eugene Dunlop, Douglas Rosenthal, and Robert Reeves.
19 Elementary orchestra performs at Lincoln
Public Relations News Release 1960:302, p.1
Professor Alfred Moon directs the Price Laboratory Elementary orchestra with the assistance of Mrs. Robert Eyerly in their exchange concert at Lincoln Elementary.
20 Jvone Maxwell to appear in ISTC concert
Public Relations News Release 1960:110, p.1
Jvone Maxwell, assistant professor of music, performs as a pianist at the first Iowa State Teachers College Orchestra concert. The performance will be directed by Professor Myron Russell.
21 ISTC orchestra concert Tuesday
College Eye 50:35, p.6
Performance program.
22 Spring Music Festival to feature choir, orchestra, small groups
College Eye 50:28, p.1
Description of the event.
23 OLD GOLD Dance
Old Gold 0:0, p.101
"Royalty in Rhythm" was the theme; in the center of attention were Naomi Harold, the first OLD GOLD Queen, and her attendants, and the OLD GOLD popularity winners; music was supplied by the Del Clayton orchestra; photo.
24 Music Presents Many Concerts
Old Gold 0:0, p.88
Description of the activities over the year for the Music department, with the highlight being the Christmas Concert; photos.
25 Orchestra
Old Gold 0:0, p.109
Brief description of the group; photo.
26 Special To: Spirit Lake Beacon
Public Relations News Release 1951:155, p.1
Beverly Bramblett, Spirit Lake, was one of 21 students accepted for recognition in the 1951-52 edition of "Who's Who Among Students in American Universities and Colleges," it was announced today.
27 Woody Herman's orchestra signed to appear at Winona State Teachers College, Winona, Minnesota
Public Relations News Release 1951:62, p.1
Five minutes before Nancy Foss, director of social life at the Commons, obtained a clear phone line to Woody Herman's manager, the orchestra was booked for a higher fee than that quoted to Teachers college.
28 Two new vocalists will be featured when Harry James and his orchestra present a concert in the auditorium on October 1
Public Relations News Release 1951:43, p.1
The two newcomers are Patti O'Connor and Bobby Mack. O'Connor is a show business veteran and sister of movie actor Donald O'Connor. Mack, in 1946, won the national title in the All-American teen-ager band-singer contest at Carnegie Hall in New York City.
29 A re-emphasis of life's goals by placing God first is urgently needed in America
Public Relations News Release 1951:12, p.1
Rev. G. E. Graham spoke Sunday morning at the baccalaureate service in the college auditorium. Two hundred eighty-nine summer students are candidates for graduation Thursday night.
30 Three of the nation's most unusual orchestras will present a program Sunday, May 13, at 3:30 p.m. in the college auditorium
Public Relations News Release 1950:356, p.1
They are the separate and complete orchestras of the third, fourth and fifth grades of the campus laboratory school. Each orchestra includes 50 to 55 youngsters playing string, woodwind, and brass instruments.
31 ISTC concerts April 4-5
Public Relations News Release 1950:282, p.1
On Wednesday (April 4) the 60-piece orchestra will play a morning concert directed by Roland Searight. The 62-voice college choir will sing its home concert Thursday (April 5) conducted by Assistant Professor Maurice Gerow.
32 Two Contatas to Mark ISTC Advent Program
Public Relations News Release 1950:143, p.1
Two eighteenth-century Advent cantatas will be sung by the 55-voice chapel choir in the college auditorium. Director Arthur Christmann said a small orchestra, vocal and instrumental soloists will also take part in the program.
33 Music
Old Gold 0:0, p.37
Music can be heard all over campus, thanks to the rooms offered in most buildings for practice. With Dr. Edward Kurtz as the head, the department aims to give a general background in musicianship and student recitals are given each Friday; photo.
34 Band, Orchestra to present May concert next week
College Eye 38:30, p.1
Performance program.
35 Teachers College campus school concert
Public Relations News Release 1946:271, p.1
All school concert will be held in the campus school auditorium. Orchestra and vocal selections will be performed. Melvin Schneider is the supervisor.
36 Parent Teacher association to hear campus school orchestra
Public Relations News Release 1946:42, p.1
Melvin Schneider will conduct the orchestra at the beginning of the meeting. Herb Hake will moderate a panel discussion entitled, "How Much Homework".
37 Music Department's May Festival to be held in College Auditorium
College Eye 36:29, p.1
Description of the program.
38 Spring Orchestra Concert
Public Relations News Release 1943:51, p.1

This article contains specifics on the concert.

39 Teacher Piano Soloist
Public Relations News Release 1943:47, p.1
Russell Baum, instructor in piano at Iowa State Teachers College, will be a piano soloist with the school's orchestra at the first spring concert.
40 1943 Winter Orchestra Concert
Public Relations News Release 1943:21, p.1
The symphony orchestra concert has been postponed due to Dr. Edward Kurtz's, conductor, being sick.
41 Tutor Timetable
College Eye 32:39, p.1
Meetings and events scheduled.
42 Tutor Ticklers
Old Gold 0:0, p.116
Brief description of the group; photo.
43 Orchestra
Old Gold 0:0, p.230
Brief description of the group; photo.
44 Krulish reveals orchestra choices
College Eye 31:13, p.3
For upcoming dances.
45 Tutor Timetable
College Eye 31:8, p.1
Events on campus.
46 Notice
College Eye 30:43, p.7
Tryouts for the Symphony Orchestra will be held; other clubs and choirs will be holding a discussion time.
47 Representative students
Old Gold 0:0, p.174
Brief description of the students; photos.
48 Close of term finds instructors planning vacations; many picnics
College Eye 27:53, p.3
Campus social calendar.
49 Annual Spring concert
Public Relations News Release 1934:458, p.1
On May 3rd the college symphony orchestra and four soloists will present their annual spring concert in the college auditorium.
50 Spring term holds many extracurricular events
Public Relations News Release 1932:446, p.1
With the senior prom, May fete, Recognition Day, recreational sports and picnic for Men's Play Day, women's farewell picnic, Commencement activities, as well as all the sports, music, tests, concerts and competitions spring is certainly a busy season.