Paine--Olive (Education Faculty)

Displaying 1 - 45 of 45 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
1 Faculty
Old Gold 0:0, p.110
List of faculty; photo.
2 Faculty
Old Gold 0:0, p.60
Photos of the faculty.
3 Our faculty--their hobbies and interests
Old Gold 0:0, p.57
Faculty members discuss their hobbies.
4 Faculty
Old Gold 0:0, p.52
Faculty; photo.
5 What if Johnny fails? Answered in radio show
College Eye 35:28, p.6
Marna Peterson, Olive Paine, and Bernice Helff offer advice.
6 Dial Dope
College Eye 35:16, p.5
Announces upcoming broadcast on KXEL.
7 Faculty
Old Gold 0:0, p.44
Roster of faculty; photo.
8 Teachers meetings will have speakers from local faculty
College Eye 34:27, p.1
At ACEI meeting.
9 Community Convention
Public Relations News Release 1943:62, p.2
A convention for Cedar Falls, Hudson, and Waterloo. The theme is, "Childred in War-Time and Afterward."
10 Faculty
Old Gold 0:0, p.56
List of faculty; photo.
11 Rural conference scheduled April 25
College Eye 33:28, p.3
Many ISTC faculty on program.
12 Faculty
Old Gold 0:0, p.60
List of faculty; photo.
13 Faculty members slated to speak at convention
College Eye 32:8, p.1
A look at the topics that they will address.
14 Teaching
Old Gold 0:0, p.249
Brief description of the department; photo.
15 Faculty
Old Gold 0:0, p.56

List of faculty and brief description of what they do; photos.

16 Dr. Olive Paine
Alumnus 23:1, p.32
Author of an article, "Learning Arithmetic While Living," in Midland Schools for November.
17 Three college professors listed in Who's Who
College Eye 29:11, p.2
Professors Luse, Paine, and Ruegnitz are included in Who's Who among American Women.
18 Faculty will vote
College Eye 29:10, p.1
For Faculty Senate; roster of nominees.
19 Kindergartners honor mothers at holiday party
College Eye 28:40, p.3
20 Dr. Paine gives talk before education majors
College Eye 28:38, p.3
Twenty-six initiated into Kappa Pi Beta Alpha.
21 Youngsters soar high; build satisfying planes
College Eye 28:38, p.3
Kindergarten children build planes.
22 Teaching
Old Gold 0:0, p.55
Description of duties and new members; photos.
23 Activities of faculty
College Eye 28:26, p.3
News notes about faculty activities.
24 Professors speak at convention
College Eye 28:5, p.3
Roster of faculty who spoke at Northeast Iowa Education Association meeting.
25 Radio child study group to offer four new courses
College Eye 28:4, p.3
Several ISTC faculty will participate.
26 Dinners, teas, music, and studio productions take up leisure time
College Eye 27:11, p.3
Campus social calendar.
27 Teaching
Old Gold 0:0, p.49
Description of duties; affiliated schools; photos.
28 Last of Faculty Dames' teas in Commons held
College Eye 27:53, p.3
29 Teacher needs tact, Miss Paine says at forum
College Eye 27:50, p.1
Excerpts from address by Olive Paine.
30 Faculty members named in Who's Who
College Eye 27:49, p.1
Professors Luse, Paine, and Ruegnitz honored.
31 Completed projects and materials used in activity work will be exhibited by the primary department
Public Relations News Release 1934:1125, p.1
The exhibit will include work from kindergarten through third grade students.
32 College Faculty Club to have tea series
College Eye 27:46, p.3
Will hold four teas.
33 Topics announced for forum meets
College Eye 27:44, p.1
Roster of speakers and their topics.
34 Teaching
Old Gold 0:0, p.30
Description of curriculum; photos.
35 Nine members of faculty to attend N. E. A. meeting
College Eye 26:32, p.1
In Atlantic City, New Jersey.
36 Nine faculty members will attend the convention of the department of superintendence
Public Relations News Release 1934:922, p.1
Fred Cram will lead the faculty members at the National Education Association convention.
37 College professors to give seventeen talks over radio
College Eye 26:21, p.1
Will participate in Iowa Radio Child Study Club series.
38 Seventeen radio talks by fifteen professors will be included in three courses being offered by the Iowa Radio Child Study Club
Public Relations News Release 1934:693, p.1
Schedule of the courses.
39 Schools could be more democratic, speaker declares
College Eye 26:20, p.2
Olive Paine states views on democracy in schools.
40 Teaching
Old Gold 0:0, p.49
Description and staff; photos.
41 Faculty members to speak over air on child problems
College Eye 25:20, p.1
In series of child study broadcasts on WSUI and WOI.
42 Luse and Paine to talk at meeting of Kappa Delta Pi
College Eye 25:19, p.3
Will speak on supervision of teachers.
43 Three newcomers on teaching staff
Alumnus 17:4, p.17
Short biographical sketches of Professors Olive Paine, Lulu Jenkins, and Dorothy Koehring.
44 College Club holds meeting at Commons
College Eye 25:14, p.3
Professor Geiger spoke.
45 Four new names are added to faculty roster
College Eye 25:12, p.1
Short bios of the new faculty members are provided along the names of those who will be on leave or are returning.