Parker--Clarence M. (Classes of 1905 and 1909)

Displaying 1 - 40 of 40 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
1 Alumni Association of college holds annual reunion
College Eye 21:35, p.1
Roster of officers.
2 Dinner next week honors graduates
College Eye 21:11, p.1
Will hold dinner for graduates.
3 C. M. Parker
Alumni News Letter 4:4, p.2
Was delegate to Republican State Judicial Convention July 27.
4 Alumni Day
Alumni News Letter 4:3, p.2
Alumni Day was held May 31, 1920. Many speakers and topics were presented.
5 W. S. S. campaign in full sway; professors active in work
College Eye 9:16, p.1
Teachers in Rural Education are encouraging their students to buy War Savings Stamps.
6 Supt. Clarence Parker
College Eye 1:19, p.7
Visited friends and relatives in Cedar Falls on Sunday.
7 Supt. C. M. Parker
College Eye 1:9, p.2
Son of Anita and C. E. Blodget; is in charge of the superintendents and principals of Cass County.
8 Mr. Fred Cram
College Eye 1:6, p.3
Fred Cram in principal at Mason City; C. M. Parker doing well in Anita.
9 Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Parker
College Eye 1:12, p.27
Visited the College during Commencement week.
10 Clarence Parker
Normal Eyte 20:2, p.35
Married Mae McCaffree.
11 Miss Mae McCaffree
Normal Eyte 19:30, p.476
Will marry Clarence M. Parker.
12 C. M. Parker
Normal Eyte 19:23, p.364
Doing well with Oakland schools; other Normalites teach there, too.
13 Clarence Parker
Normal Eyte 18:25, p.399
Principal at Oakland, Iowa.
14 Familiar faces were seen
Normal Eyte 18:25, p.393
Many alumni have visited recently.
15 Clarence M. Parker
Normal Eyte 17:12, p.185
Studying law at University of Iowa.
16 Roy Hoats, Emil Tostlebe, Nathan Gist and Clarence Parker
Normal Eyte 17:9, p.141
Came home from University of Iowa in order to vote locally.
17 The Aristotelian Society
Pedagog 0:0, p.86
Brief history of the organization; photo.
18 The school board of Grundy Center Iowa
Normal Eyte 16:27, p.428
Clarence Parker is high school principal there; C. L. Love is superintendent.
19 Clarence Parker
Normal Eyte 16:24, p.382
Visiting campus.
20 Clarence M. Parker
Normal Eyte 16:10, p.155
Principal in Grundy Center.
21 Society
Normal Eyte 16:8, p.119
The Aristos were visited by past members and put on a program for them; the Ossolis performed a Japanese program; the Zetas installed a new president and gave a program; the Alphas gave two programs last week.
22 Clarence Parker
Normal Eyte 16:5, p.75
Visited home.
23 The Shake-Aristo banquet
Normal Eyte 15:34, p.543
Had a good time in Waterloo.
24 The Normal Orchestra
Normal Eyte Annual 0:0, p.56
Began in 1895 and has prospered through two talented directors; photo.
25 The Aristotelian Society
Normal Eyte Annual 0:0, p.36
Discusses rough start for organization and impressive oratorical achievements; photo.
26 Philo
Normal Eyte 15:32, p.509
New officers were installed and a triangular debate was held with the Aristos and Orios.
27 Triangular Debate; the societies break even, each winning three points
Normal Eyte 15:31, p.483
In the intersociety debate, the three men's societies each earned three points.
28 Aristo
Normal Eyte 15:30, p.477
Provides a recap of the recent Aristo meeting.
29 Aristo
Normal Eyte 15:29, p.460
Provides a summary of the recent meeting.
30 Aristo
Normal Eyte 15:8, p.124
Recap of the Aristo meeting.
31 A large audience gathered
Normal Eyte 14:21, p.335
Aristos presented Dickens program.
32 Aristo
Normal Eyte 14:6, p.90
Aristos select officers for the term.
33 Aristo
Normal Eyte 14:3, p.43
The Aristos present a vacation program.
34 The opera
Normal Eyte 13:28, p.438
Cecilians and Minnesingers will present "Robin Hood".
35 Society
Normal Eyte 13:26, p.405
Shakes give Marine program; Aristos give athletics program; Ossolis give advertising program; Alphas present ideal program; Shakes give Lent program.
36 Society
Normal Eyte 13:24, p.374
Aristos elect officers.
37 Society
Normal Eyte 13:20, p.314
Alphas installed officers; Shakes have French program; Clios have Italian program; Zetas hear papers.
38 Society
Normal Eyte 13:16, p.250
Zetas enjoy women's program; Aristos hear papers and debate; Chrestos hold New Year's program; Ossolis give Eugene Field program.
39 Society
Normal Eyte 13:15, p.236
Aristos enjoy literary program; Philos work on debates; Chrestos feature poetry.
40 Society
Normal Eyte 13:10, p.156
Chrestos elect officers; Aristos hear papers; Zetas enjoy Halloween program; Ossolis present Gibson program. Orios hold literary program; Alphas present parody.