Parker--Lorne F. (Class of 1901)

Displaying 1 - 28 of 28 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
1 Lorne F. Parker
Alumnus 24:1, p.33
Died at home, in Cherokee, Oct. 2, at the age of 57. He had been associated with the First Abstract and Loan Co., and the Cherokee Livestock Auction Co., in Cherokee. He was an officer of the Cherokee First National Bank from 1921 to 1930.
2 Lorne F. Parker
Alumni News Letter 5:1, p.5
Parker is Vice President of First National Bank in Cherokee, Iowa.
3 Lorne F. Parker
Alumni News Letter 4:1, p.6
Lorne F. Parker is President of First National Bank at Newell, Iowa, and reports good business conditions.
4 Lorne F. Parker
Normal Eyte 19:21, p.335
Working in Cherokee bank.
5 Lorne Parker
Normal Eyte 17:14, p.218
Managing bank in Oregon.
6 Ames-Normal debates
Normal Eyte 16:11, p.161
Reprint of the scores of the last ten debates between Normal and Ames. Score is overwhelmingly In Normal's favor; photo.
7 Ames-Normal debates
Normal Eyte 15:29, p.450
Topic, debaters, and results of the last nine debates held between Ames and I. S. N. S.
8 After two very successful years
Normal Eyte 13:35, p.556
Lorne Parker will work in bank in Larrabee.
9 The Cherokee organization
Normal Eyte 13:27, p.423
Lorne Parker, E. A. Brinton, and Guy Clevenger were on a meeting program.
10 Most excellent reports
Normal Eyte 13:25, p.394
Lorne Parker doing well in Larabee.
11 A large number of alumni
Normal Eyte 12:35, p.554
Many alumni attended Commencement.
12 Lorne Parker
Normal Eyte 12:31, p.488
Will continue at Larrabee.
13 Lorne Parker
Normal Eyte 12:14, p.220
Many Normalites were home for the holidays.
14 Thomas Hawk
Normal Eyte 12:1, p.8
Thomas Hawk resigns at Larabee; Lorne Parker takes his place.
15 Commencement exercises
Normal Eyte 11:35, p.856

Description of extensive program of activities.

16 In general; competitive drill; Company A wins
Normal Eyte 11:34, p.832
Lengthy description of the Student Battalion competition.
17 In general; candidates for graduation in June
Normal Eyte 11:32, p.783

Roster of members of the June 1901 graduating classes.

18 Athletic
Normal Eyte 10:21, p.516
Athletic Board of ten members is set up to help bring athletics under better management.
19 Aristo report
Normal Eyte 10:21, p.514
Working on parliamentary procedure.
20 The class representatives chosen for Commencement
Normal Eyte 10:19, p.463
Roster of representatives.
21 Normalites are thankful
Normal Eyte 10:11, p.261
Students and faculty tell what they are thankful for.
22 Normal's record in debate; four victories, one defeat
Normal Eyte 10:8, p.184
Recap of debates with Iowa State University in recent years; photo.
23 Lorne Parker
Normal Eyte 10:6, p.129
Visited Iowa City.
24 In general
Normal Eyte 10:4, p.80
E. S. Baker, M. J. Lamb, and L. F. Parker will compete in debate against Ames.
25 Appointment in the Iowa State Normal School cadet Battalion
Normal Eyte 10:3, p.56

Roster of officers in the Student Battalion.

26 School directory
Normal Eyte 10:1, p.17
Student organizations and their officers.
27 The Aristo-Orio debate
Normal Eyte 9:19, p.447
Recounting of the debate.
28 Lorne Parker
Normal Eyte 9:19, p.452
Brother Harry visited.