Partington--John E. (Class of 1914; Social Science Faculty)

Displaying 1 - 50 of 54 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
1 Partington award goes to UNI junior
UNI Century 3:2, p.12
Nina Birkedal honored.
2 $20,000 gift given to school
Northern Iowan 70:54, p.14
Gift will honor John E. Partington.
3 John E. Partington
Alumnus 28:1, p.21
Works in the office of custodian of alien property in Washington, D. C.
4 Civilian soldiers
Alumnus 27:4, p.21
Brief notes on ISTC alumni and former students who are contributing to the war effort outside of military service.
5 J. E. Partington
Alumnus 27:1, p.7
Works in the Office of Alien Property Custodian in Washington, D. C.
6 Richman, Jackson to compete for Faculty Men's Club golf title
College Eye 23:54, p.1
7 History professor reviews new book at Rotary meeting
College Eye 23:54, p.4
Professor Partington reviews book on gold.
8 Five instructors to join teaching staff here for summer quarter
College Eye 23:44, p.1
Brief profiles of summer faculty.
9 Professors prepare course of study for Iowa high schools
College Eye 22:19, p.1
Several faculty members are on state curriculum committee.
10 Iowa State Teachers college professors
Public Relations News Release 1930:192, p.1
Several ISTC faculty took part in preparation of high school curriculum.
11 With a second school on its debate schedule
Public Relations News Release 1930:109, p.1
Debate team prepares for upcoming season; ISTC debates ISU for the first time since 1912.
12 Dr. John E. Partington
Alumnus 14:4, p.25
The assistant professor in the Department of Commerce at the University of Iowa, who taught at the Teachers College during the Summer Term, is author of "Railroad Purchasing and the Business Cycle."
13 J. E. Partington writes book on business cycles
College Eye 21:43, p.1
Book receives good reviews.
14 New lineup on summer faculty
College Eye 19:39, p.1
Notes on professors' summer activities.
15 Philomathean
College Eye 19:13, p.5
Regular meeting program; officers announced.
16 Y. W. C. A.
College Eye 18:51, p.8
Professor Partington will speak at next meeting; Professor Keim will speak at the following meeting.
17 J. E. Partington
Alumni News Letter 6:1, p.5
J. E. Partington works twoard a Master's Degree at the State University of Iowa.
18 Brief Reports 23
Alumni News Letter 2:2, p.1
John E. Partington reported for duty.
19 John Partington
College Eye 9:20, p.8
Was superintendent in Swea City but was called to duty at Camp Dodge.
20 Jolly weekend house party
College Eye 7:13, p.2
Paul Farlow and Harold Frisby entertained their friends at Paul's house.
21 John E. Partington
College Eye 4:24, p.6
Is principal in Swea City and visited Cedar Falls.
22 Several I. S. T. C. alumni
College Eye 4:14, p.6
Visited campus the last day of school; tells where some alumni are working.
23 Supt. John E. Partington
College Eye 4:12, p.6
Is working in Swea City.
24 John E. Partington
College Eye 3:29, p.486
Elected principal of the schools at Swea City.
25 Mr. John Partington
College Eye 3:14, p.246
Entertained a company of young men with a Christmas breakfast.
26 Graduates at summer term commencement
College Eye 3:2, p.33
Roster of graduates and degrees.
27 The memorial gateways
College Eye 3:1, p.11
Program for dedicating the gateways; history and background.
28 Students' Commencement recital
College Eye 3:1, p.19
Program of students and their work.
29 Y. M. C. A.
Old Gold 0:0, p.142
Roster of officers, cabinet members, and a brief history of the group; photo.
30 Photos of graduates
Old Gold 0:0, p.57
1913 graduates; photo.
31 Debating
Old Gold 0:0, p.181
Featured debates; photo.
32 Miss Davenport
Old Gold 0:0, p.310
33 The Teachers College Y. M. C. A.
College Eye 2:23, p.5
The gospel team conducted meetings in Walker, Iowa.
34 Debate; merits of "recall" thoroughly threshed out by the Cedar Falls and Ames College Debaters; negative won at both ends; Ames 4, Teachers College 2
College Eye 2:12, p.1
This debate was one of the most interesting and easy to understand in the past five years.
35 Dual debate; Ames-Iowa State Teachers College forensic contest Friday, November fifteenth
College Eye 2:11, p.1
The big debate against Ames is coming up; support your fellow students; they are well prepared; Peter Hansen, Arben Young, and Williard Patty; photo.
36 The Ames debaters
College Eye 2:10, p.1
Carl Erickson, Brian Condit, and John Partington, photo.
37 Ames debate; November fifteen chosen as date for Ames debate
College Eye 2:6, p.1
A big debate against Ames is scheduled for November 15; both Ames and Teachers College are expected to have strong teams.
38 Y. M. C. A.; informal banquet given for the benefit of the new young men
College Eye 2:2, p.1
Group entertains new men students.
39 Oratory and debate
College Eye 2:1, p.4
Carl Erickson, winner of first place in interstate oratorical contest; photo.
40 Training School alumni banquet
College Eye 2:1, p.10
Alumni hold banquet for Class of 1912.
41 Negative team Ames debate
Old Gold 0:0, p.106
Photos of debaters.
42 Untitled
Old Gold 0:0, p.293
Cartoon regarding the "Has-Been Club" and Professor Colegroves "shot gun tests."
43 Morningside debaters chosen; six men selected to represent the college in debate with Morningside; three men's societies equally represented
College Eye 1:17, p.6
Summary of the debates.
44 Morningside preliminary will be held Saturday evening February third; men will battle for places on inter-collegiate teams on that date
College Eye 1:15, p.1
Preview of the contest to select interstate competitors.
45 Ames wins both debates; Aggies get five points; Teachers one--debates are hard fought
College Eye 1:11, p.1
Recount of debate highlights.
46 Ames-Teachers debate
College Eye 1:10, p.5
Sixteenth annual debate coming up; brief history of the series; will debate government control over strikes.
47 Commencement play
College Eye 1:12, p.14
A review of the Commencement play "A School for Scandal", with a roster of cast members.
48 Minnesingers
Old Gold 0:0, p.146
49 Philo
Old Gold 0:0, p.237
Overview of the society and the year in review; glee club and debating team; photo.
50 The School for Scandal; seniors at college present play next Monday evening
College Eye 1:11, p.190
Roster of the cast of the senior class play.