Pass/Fail Grading

Displaying 1 - 50 of 91 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
1 Comments on pass/no credit
Northern Iowan 72:19, p.2
James Hearst urges students to consider the point of view of employers in the pass/no credit issue.
2 C/NC still out
Northern Iowan 72:19, p.1
Faculty reaffirm decision to limit pass/fail; photo.
3 Reconsideration shows interest
Northern Iowan 72:18, p.2
The Northern Iowan staff hopes faculty will reconsider the earlier decision to eliminate credit/no credit.
4 Credit/No credit--issues
Northern Iowan 72:18, p.1
Background and faculty and student opinions on the matter.
5 Reconsiders credit/no credit; faculty meeting Monday
Northern Iowan 72:18, p.1
After receiving a petition to reconsider, signed by the required number of faculty, Professor Crawford has called a meeting.
6 Problems are not Iowan's alone
Northern Iowan 72:18, p.2
Students question the effectiveness of the moratorium.
7 Iowan criticized
Northern Iowan 72:16, p.2
O. J. King blames the Northern Iowan for their lack of coverage and student input for the faculty's decision to eliminate the pass/fail option for general education; NI responds.
8 Classes near normal; speakout successful; over thousand gather in Union
Northern Iowan 72:16, p.1
Class attendance about normal; students and a few faculty speak and listen at speakout; consider pass/fail option, Dome, and residence hall problems; photo.
9 Commends faculty
Northern Iowan 72:16, p.3
Michael Knapp expresses his feelings towards professors who sought to inhibit student input on the matter of the pass/no credit by giving quizzes during the scheduled moratorium.
10 A note of caution . . .
Northern Iowan 72:16, p.2
The moratorium and speakout were fine; now need to follow up.
11 Moratorium schedule
Northern Iowan 72:15, p.1
Class moratorium in protest of recent pass/fail policy decision; students will do service projects instead of attending class.
12 Viewpoint; Moratorium is visually symbolic . . . However . . .
Northern Iowan 72:15, p.2
Does not believe that the class moratorium is organized or focussed well; students should go to class.
13 Carol stands corrected
Northern Iowan 72:15, p.3
Believes the C- grade option should have been tried before scrapping the pass/fail option for general education classes.
14 Joe Uni says. . .
Northern Iowan 72:14, p.3
Upset with recent change in pass/fail policy; believe vote was invalid.
15 It's sheer boredom
Northern Iowan 72:14, p.3
Believes students do not attend general education classes because they are boring.
16 Wishes for more "adult" responsibility
Northern Iowan 72:13, p.3
Unhappy with recent change in pass/fail policy.
17 UNI not "diploma factory"
Northern Iowan 72:13, p.2
Believes faculty may have acted too hastily in the recent changes in the pass/fail policy.
18 Viewpoint; Eliminating Credit/NC grading not solution
Northern Iowan 72:12, p.2
Believes faculty should be responsible for seeing that students do not slip through general education classes with a minimum of effort under the pass/fail option.
19 Campus ire
Northern Iowan 72:12, p.3
Professor Dreier believes students should have been consulted, evidence should have been produced to support action, and students deserve some options in their education.
20 Why C- system not given chance/
Northern Iowan 72:12, p.3
Very disappointed with elimination of pass/fail option for general education courses.
21 Is this jr. high?
Northern Iowan 72:12, p.2
Believes faculty treated students like children.
22 Credit/No Credit abolished; decision stirs campus ire
Northern Iowan 72:12, p.2
Believes students have right to learn as much or as little as they wish; faculty have responsibility for making the experience worthwhile.
23 "Compromise" turns her stomach
Northern Iowan 72:12, p.2
Believes students deserve some freedom of choice.
24 Credit/no credit abolished
Northern Iowan 72:12, p.1
Faculty Senate votes to eliminate the Pass/Fail option for general education courses.
25 Bothered by campus attitude
Northern Iowan 72:11, p.2
Believes recent events have shown that the university does not place a high priority on serving students.
26 "Mature" student's opinion on grading
Northern Iowan 71:54, p.2
Believes recent change in pass/fail option runs counter to good practice.
27 Pass/fail may have future effects
Northern Iowan 71:52, p.3
28 Grading overrides student priorities
Northern Iowan 71:52, p.2
Questions faculty motives for changing pass/fail procedure.
29 Who should make educational policies?
Northern Iowan 71:51, p.2
Unhappy that EPC and Faculty Senate made decision regarding pass/fail option.
30 Faculty Senate raises pass/no credit to C-
Northern Iowan 71:50, p.1
Previous level had been D-.
31 P/NC change--not a good move
Northern Iowan 71:50, p.2
Does not believe faculty made a strong enough case to change the passing grade level.
32 Present pass/no credit system retention favored
Northern Iowan 71:39, p.2
EPC outlines four possible plans.
33 Pass/no credit modified? Students must decide now
Northern Iowan 71:21, p.3
Presents brief history of grading option; believes the option may be modified in unfortunate ways.
34 Pass/no credit issue lingers . . .
Northern Iowan 71:8, p.2
Supports action of Faculty Senate in sending issue to EPC for recommendations.
35 Pass/no credit discussed
Northern Iowan 71:7, p.1
Student Senate committee will report to EPC that the passing grade should not be changed from D- to C-.
36 Points of pass/no credit
Northern Iowan 69:35, p.3
Keep the current plan at least until its effects are clear.
37 Continue pass/no credit
Northern Iowan 69:35, p.2
Keep the plan as is; poor attendance may be just as much the faculty's fault as the student's.
38 Pass/no credit proposal goes before Faculty Senate
Northern Iowan 69:35, p.1
Would further limit use of option; lack of interest in classwork and poor attendance cited.
39 "Wide and very deep chasm"
Northern Iowan 69:32, p.2
Believes it may be difficult for students to participate in a pass/fail system once they are conditioned to receiving grades.
40 UNISA supports pass-no credit
Northern Iowan 69:32, p.2
Attempts to meet objections.
41 Student apathy--pass-no credit
Northern Iowan 69:31, p.3
Believes some students do take the pass/fail option courses seriously.
42 A no to pass-no credit
Northern Iowan 69:30, p.2
Professor Krogmann believes that the grade system change has not produced good results.
43 A yes to pass-no credit
Northern Iowan 69:30, p.2
Professor Crownfield outlines benefits of grading system; asks for consistency.
44 In an effort to clear up pass/fail confusion . . .
Northern Iowan 69:11, p.6
Deadlines for registration changes.
45 Pass-fail grading
Northern Iowan 69:4, p.2
System has both advantages and disadvantages.
46 Present grading policy upheld by faculty
Northern Iowan 68:50, p.1
Pass/fail grading will not be expanded.
47 Grading bill passed by Student Senate; 24 hour visitation also gets okay
Northern Iowan 68:25, p.3
Would modify pass/fail provisions.
48 Senators discuss pass-no credit
Northern Iowan 67:13, p.1
Raises number of pass/fail hours to twenty hours; limits majors to fifty-five hours.
49 EPC of pass-fail needs clarification
Northern Iowan 66:44, p.2
Professor Longnecker attempts to clarify status of pass/fail in EPC.
50 Pass-fail program undergoes trial period
Northern Iowan 66:39, p.2
Explanation of recent actions and future of grading option.