
Displaying 1 - 50 of 78 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
1 Buttigieg hosts town hall
Northern Iowan 116:29, p.1

Democratic presidential candidate Pete Buttigieg hosted a town hall in Maucker Union on January 15 in advance of Iowa's February 3 caucus; photo.

2 Redefining the word 'patriot'
Northern Iowan 110:17, p.3
Says what it means to be patriotic has changed over the years. Says that being patriotic should not mean that you are a beer guzzling, cutoff denim-wearing person yelling about "Murica."
3 The problem with America today is that some of us have lost our sense of patriotism.
Northern Iowan 109:21, p.5
American patriotism is an attitude about the country; recognizing the opportunity for success.
4 Modern day patriotism: a need to revival, not rejection
Northern Iowan 109:6, p.4
Response to Nat Konrardy column. Author believes that modern day patriotism is based on the belief that the United States of America can be a better place tomorrow than it is today; photo.
5 Destroying America, the task of the modern day patriot
Northern Iowan 109:4, p.4
Listening to other points of view can strengthen your beliefs. It forces a person to examine why they believe. Patriotism means different things to different people; photo.
6 Stars and stripes for now
Northern Iowan 108:34, p.5
Believes that Millennial voters are not impressed with the flag waving and nationalist views of the political candidates. They are looking for positions of candidates on the real issues; photo.
7 UNI to host 'Reaching for Higher Ground: Community after 9/11'
Public Relations News Release 2011:11, p.1
Several events are planned to recognize September 11th including a flag planting and several guest speakers.
8 Turkey was once considered a national symbol
Northern Iowan 103:61, p.4
Commentary on Benjamin Franklin's reasoning that the turkey should be the national bird.
9 Campus school lives democracy
Alumnus 26:1, p.3
Program of studies and activities in Training School aimed at building strong and patriotic Americans; photo.
10 Folk dances of all countries to be danced at festival
College Eye 21:23, p.1
History of folk festival on campus; had origins in Americanization process after World War I; will include demonstrations and participation by all those who attend.
11 "I pledge allegiance to my flag"
College Eye 19:21, p.1
Explores meaning of nation's pledge.
12 Independence Day observed today; Prof. Campbell gives patriotic address at chapel
College Eye 18:4, p.1
Text of Professor Campbell's address.
13 Jefferson paid high tribute throughout land; Monday chapel service given in honor of Jefferson's birthday
College Eye 18:4, p.1
Professor Shannon lauds Thomas Jefferson in patriotic week chapel exercises.
14 Macy Campbell to speak on program July 2 in Chapel
College Eye 18:2, p.1
Will give patriotic address.
15 American or Christian!
College Eye 17:35, p.4
Asks if one can be a patriotic citizen and a Christian.
16 Prof. Robinson
College Eye 17:32, p.1
Professor Robinson spoke on Americanism in Cedar Falls.
17 Student attitude on war resented by Chicago Tribune
College Eye 17:31, p.1
Tribune believes some students' patriotism is questionable.
18 Liberty Bell to ring Dec. 31
College Eye 17:27, p.1
Part of US sesquicentennial celebration.
19 Lillehei talks on America; praises America in a patriotic chapel address; faculty turn out in a body
College Eye 17:12, p.1
Excerpts from his address.
20 And ye shall know the truth
College Eye 17:6, p.2
Says that there is no job more patriotic than the teaching of the truth.
21 The Fourth of July
College Eye 17:5, p.1
Poem about the Revolutionary War; honoring USA and freedom.
22 My country's freedom
College Eye 17:5, p.1
Poem about the good qualities of the USA.
23 T. C. students observe National Defense Day; program held Friday evening
College Eye 16:3, p.1
Several faculty and many students take part in patriotic program in Cedar Falls.
24 It is well
College Eye 14:48, p.2
Claims that Americans have become careless patriots.
25 What is Americanism?
College Eye 14:18, p.4
Wonders about the definition of "Americanism," which was quoted in a recent political speech.
26 Patriotic service
Alumni News Letter 6:3, p.1
A special chapel service is held in remembrance of General Ulysses S. Grant's one-hundredth birthday. Professors M. F. Arey and W. W. Gist head the Patriotic Faculty Committee responsible for the service.
27 Teachers commemorate Washington' Birthday
College Eye 13:23, p.1
Will hold memorial and patriotic program.
28 Extension Division
College Eye 12:20, p.6
Bulletins on citizenship are being requested nationwide.
29 Teaching patriotism
College Eye 11:22, p.4
Claims that teachers have a responsibility to teach respect for America and its values.
30 Foreign Language
College Eye 11:10, p.7
Professor Call's class hears patriotic accounts of war on Armistice Day.
31 The Teachers College Valhalla
Old Gold 0:0, p.187
President Seerley outlines plans to expand the historical and memorial museum, located in the Library, to include tributes to those who rendered service during World War I; photo.
32 Professor Hersey gave fine talk to the Young Men's Christian Association
College Eye 10:25, p.3
On patriotism during peace times.
33 Student critique; the answer to dancing
College Eye 10:17, p.2
Believes dancing is unpatriotic and should be banned.
34 State loyalty
College Eye 10:7, p.2
Editorial includes the "Song of Iowa" and encourages people to be loyal to both state and nation.
35 "Iowa Day" observed this morning; annual state patriotic day given place in course of events; Dr. Gist to speak
College Eye 10:7, p.1
Enjoy readings and song.
36 Monday morning the service flag with four gold stars was uncovered at chapel time
College Eye 10:1, p.4
In honor of Clifford J. Stevens, Henry A. Booth, Ernest F. Hansen, Axel Justesen, and Carl Chapman who gave their lives for the country.
37 Schoolteacher must take oath of Americanism
College Eye 9:30, p.6
If students wish to teach in California, they must take an "oath of allegiance" to the United States.
38 Liberty Bonds
College Eye 9:28, p.4
The college student should be committed to show patriotism by buying bonds and war savings stamps.
39 Military column
College Eye 9:28, p.3
Cadets who did not show up for the Liberty Day parade will be punished; thanks T. C. H. S. boys who helped with Liberty Day.
40 College Training School shows patriotism
College Eye 9:28, p.1
Has contributed to war campaign beyond what was expected of them.
41 Liberty Day college participates in parade and celebration; battalion, classes, faculty and Red Cross march
College Eye 9:28, p.1
Patriotic Day is celebrated instead of May Day; classes are cancelled for the day.
42 Committees decide on nature of program for Patriotic Day
College Eye 9:27, p.7
Tentative program for Patriotic Day on May 15th.
43 Patriotic May Day
College Eye 9:27, p.4
Patriotic Day will be celebrated this year instead of May Day; history of May Day celebration recounted.
44 Military column
College Eye 9:26, p.6
Encourages all citizens to sacrifice for their country.
45 Sponsors decide to have Patriotic Day
College Eye 9:26, p.4
Instead of May Day, Patriotic Day will be held this year.
46 Spirit of West shown in war service
College Eye 9:26, p.3
Stories of patriotism.
47 A Patriotic Day
College Eye 9:25, p.4
May have a Patriotic Day instead of a May Day this year.
48 The patriotic rally
College Eye 9:24, p.4
Believes that the rally was insulting to Catholics.
49 Student Opinion; the patriotic rally
College Eye 9:23, p.4
Felt insulted when the speaker suggested that the Vatican was partly responsible for the war.
50 Forward, students!
College Eye 9:22, p.6
Poem encouraging students to be patriotic.