Displaying 1 - 50 of 78 in reverse chronological order
# | Title | Date | Summary |
1 | Buttigieg hosts town hall Northern Iowan 116:29, p.1 |
Democratic presidential candidate Pete Buttigieg hosted a town hall in Maucker Union on January 15 in advance of Iowa's February 3 caucus; photo. |
2 | Redefining the word 'patriot' Northern Iowan 110:17, p.3 |
Says what it means to be patriotic has changed over the years. Says that being patriotic should not mean that you are a beer guzzling, cutoff denim-wearing person yelling about "Murica." | |
3 | The problem with America today is that some of us have lost our sense of patriotism. Northern Iowan 109:21, p.5 |
American patriotism is an attitude about the country; recognizing the opportunity for success. | |
4 | Modern day patriotism: a need to revival, not rejection Northern Iowan 109:6, p.4 |
Response to Nat Konrardy column. Author believes that modern day patriotism is based on the belief that the United States of America can be a better place tomorrow than it is today; photo. | |
5 | Destroying America, the task of the modern day patriot Northern Iowan 109:4, p.4 |
Listening to other points of view can strengthen your beliefs. It forces a person to examine why they believe. Patriotism means different things to different people; photo. | |
6 | Stars and stripes for now Northern Iowan 108:34, p.5 |
Believes that Millennial voters are not impressed with the flag waving and nationalist views of the political candidates. They are looking for positions of candidates on the real issues; photo. | |
7 | UNI to host 'Reaching for Higher Ground: Community after 9/11' Public Relations News Release 2011:11, p.1 |
Several events are planned to recognize September 11th including a flag planting and several guest speakers. | |
8 | Turkey was once considered a national symbol Northern Iowan 103:61, p.4 |
Commentary on Benjamin Franklin's reasoning that the turkey should be the national bird. | |
9 | Campus school lives democracy Alumnus 26:1, p.3 |
Program of studies and activities in Training School aimed at building strong and patriotic Americans; photo. | |
10 | Folk dances of all countries to be danced at festival College Eye 21:23, p.1 |
History of folk festival on campus; had origins in Americanization process after World War I; will include demonstrations and participation by all those who attend. | |
11 | "I pledge allegiance to my flag" College Eye 19:21, p.1 |
Explores meaning of nation's pledge. | |
12 | Independence Day observed today; Prof. Campbell gives patriotic address at chapel College Eye 18:4, p.1 |
Text of Professor Campbell's address. | |
13 | Jefferson paid high tribute throughout land; Monday chapel service given in honor of Jefferson's birthday College Eye 18:4, p.1 |
Professor Shannon lauds Thomas Jefferson in patriotic week chapel exercises. | |
14 | Macy Campbell to speak on program July 2 in Chapel College Eye 18:2, p.1 |
Will give patriotic address. | |
15 | American or Christian! College Eye 17:35, p.4 |
Asks if one can be a patriotic citizen and a Christian. | |
16 | Prof. Robinson College Eye 17:32, p.1 |
Professor Robinson spoke on Americanism in Cedar Falls. | |
17 | Student attitude on war resented by Chicago Tribune College Eye 17:31, p.1 |
Tribune believes some students' patriotism is questionable. | |
18 | Liberty Bell to ring Dec. 31 College Eye 17:27, p.1 |
Part of US sesquicentennial celebration. | |
19 | Lillehei talks on America; praises America in a patriotic chapel address; faculty turn out in a body College Eye 17:12, p.1 |
Excerpts from his address. | |
20 | And ye shall know the truth College Eye 17:6, p.2 |
Says that there is no job more patriotic than the teaching of the truth. | |
21 | The Fourth of July College Eye 17:5, p.1 |
Poem about the Revolutionary War; honoring USA and freedom. | |
22 | My country's freedom College Eye 17:5, p.1 |
Poem about the good qualities of the USA. | |
23 | T. C. students observe National Defense Day; program held Friday evening College Eye 16:3, p.1 |
Several faculty and many students take part in patriotic program in Cedar Falls. | |
24 | It is well College Eye 14:48, p.2 |
Claims that Americans have become careless patriots. | |
25 | What is Americanism? College Eye 14:18, p.4 |
Wonders about the definition of "Americanism," which was quoted in a recent political speech. | |
26 | Patriotic service Alumni News Letter 6:3, p.1 |
A special chapel service is held in remembrance of General Ulysses S. Grant's one-hundredth birthday. Professors M. F. Arey and W. W. Gist head the Patriotic Faculty Committee responsible for the service. | |
27 | Teachers commemorate Washington' Birthday College Eye 13:23, p.1 |
Will hold memorial and patriotic program. | |
28 | Extension Division College Eye 12:20, p.6 |
Bulletins on citizenship are being requested nationwide. | |
29 | Teaching patriotism College Eye 11:22, p.4 |
Claims that teachers have a responsibility to teach respect for America and its values. | |
30 | Foreign Language College Eye 11:10, p.7 |
Professor Call's class hears patriotic accounts of war on Armistice Day. | |
31 | The Teachers College Valhalla Old Gold 0:0, p.187 |
President Seerley outlines plans to expand the historical and memorial museum, located in the Library, to include tributes to those who rendered service during World War I; photo. | |
32 | Professor Hersey gave fine talk to the Young Men's Christian Association College Eye 10:25, p.3 |
On patriotism during peace times. | |
33 | Student critique; the answer to dancing College Eye 10:17, p.2 |
Believes dancing is unpatriotic and should be banned. | |
34 | State loyalty College Eye 10:7, p.2 |
Editorial includes the "Song of Iowa" and encourages people to be loyal to both state and nation. | |
35 | "Iowa Day" observed this morning; annual state patriotic day given place in course of events; Dr. Gist to speak College Eye 10:7, p.1 |
Enjoy readings and song. | |
36 | Monday morning the service flag with four gold stars was uncovered at chapel time College Eye 10:1, p.4 |
In honor of Clifford J. Stevens, Henry A. Booth, Ernest F. Hansen, Axel Justesen, and Carl Chapman who gave their lives for the country. | |
37 | Schoolteacher must take oath of Americanism College Eye 9:30, p.6 |
If students wish to teach in California, they must take an "oath of allegiance" to the United States. | |
38 | Liberty Bonds College Eye 9:28, p.4 |
The college student should be committed to show patriotism by buying bonds and war savings stamps. | |
39 | Military column College Eye 9:28, p.3 |
Cadets who did not show up for the Liberty Day parade will be punished; thanks T. C. H. S. boys who helped with Liberty Day. | |
40 | College Training School shows patriotism College Eye 9:28, p.1 |
Has contributed to war campaign beyond what was expected of them. | |
41 | Liberty Day college participates in parade and celebration; battalion, classes, faculty and Red Cross march College Eye 9:28, p.1 |
Patriotic Day is celebrated instead of May Day; classes are cancelled for the day. | |
42 | Committees decide on nature of program for Patriotic Day College Eye 9:27, p.7 |
Tentative program for Patriotic Day on May 15th. | |
43 | Patriotic May Day College Eye 9:27, p.4 |
Patriotic Day will be celebrated this year instead of May Day; history of May Day celebration recounted. | |
44 | Military column College Eye 9:26, p.6 |
Encourages all citizens to sacrifice for their country. | |
45 | Sponsors decide to have Patriotic Day College Eye 9:26, p.4 |
Instead of May Day, Patriotic Day will be held this year. | |
46 | Spirit of West shown in war service College Eye 9:26, p.3 |
Stories of patriotism. | |
47 | A Patriotic Day College Eye 9:25, p.4 |
May have a Patriotic Day instead of a May Day this year. | |
48 | The patriotic rally College Eye 9:24, p.4 |
Believes that the rally was insulting to Catholics. | |
49 | Student Opinion; the patriotic rally College Eye 9:23, p.4 |
Felt insulted when the speaker suggested that the Vatican was partly responsible for the war. | |
50 | Forward, students! College Eye 9:22, p.6 |
Poem encouraging students to be patriotic. |