Pattee--William (Steward)

Displaying 1 - 36 of 36 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
1 Gestation and birth
A Century of Leadership and Service 1:0, p.7
General educational background in Iowa prior to the founding of the Normal School; description of General Assembly actions which resulted in the founding of the school; initial actions of Board of Directors; photo.
2 Administering the Normal School
A Century of Leadership and Service 1:0, p.71
Duties of the Principal and the Board with regard to appointments and curriculum; continuing difficulties with the Model School; salary controversies; photo.
3 Changing the leadership
A Century of Leadership and Service 1:0, p.82
Analysis of the Board's dismissal of Principal Gilchrist and election of Principal Seerley; photo.
4 The quest for adequate financial support
A Century of Leadership and Service 1:0, p.37
Early changes in faculty; General Assembly actions affecting the Normal School; the building of the second hall: South Hall, later Old Gilchrist Hall; photo.
5 The Board of Directors, 1876-1897; the Board of Trustees, 1897-1909
First 75 Years 0:0, p.27
Board members who had particular influence on the Normal School; duties of the Boards; difficulties involving selection of faculty.
6 Former student recalls the spirit of '76
Alumnus 30:4, p.15
Ella M. Jones Burnell talks about the earliest days of the Iowa State Normal School.
7 Normal faculty establishes the school's prestige
College Eye 28:5, p.1
Profiles of early faculty members.
8 First meetings of the Board of Directors
Fifty Years at the Teachers College 0:0, p.41
The election of the first faculty; establishing rules of operation.
9 The first Board of Directors
Fifty Years at the Teachers College 0:0, p.29
Biographical sketches of the members of the first board as well as other early officials.
10 The Boarding Department
Fifty Years at the Teachers College 0:0, p.62
Professor Wright discusses the administration of student boarding in the early years of the Normal School.
11 A chapter of important events in the annals of the I. S. N. S. and the I. S. T. C.
Old Gold 0:0, p.194
History of school events; photo.
12 A chronicle of I. S. T. C. in 1878
College Eye 16:2, p.1
Description of the school from an 1878 issue of the Iowa Normal Monthly.
13 The first faculty, 1876
Normal Eyte Annual 0:0, p.10
Brief profiles of the original Normal School faculty; photo.
14 Official; beginnings of the Iowa State Normal School; the first steward
Normal Eyte 11:29, p.710
Profile of Steward William Pattee; photo.
15 Official: Beginnings of the Iowa State Normal School; getting ready
Normal Eyte 11:25, p.602
Professor Wright writes about getting the campus ready for students in 1876.
16 Misses Maxfield and Mrs. Daugherty
Normal Eyte 9:6, p.131
Visited Cedar Falls.
17 Iowa State Normal School; history; a general survey
Normal Eyte 7:35, p.1
History of the founding and the governing boards; photo.
18 George and Willie Osburn
Students' Offering 8:36, p.8
Visit their grandfather, Colonel Pattee.
19 Mrs. Maxfield
Students' Offering 8:36, p.8
Visits her parents, the Pattees.
20 Col. P., through the telephone
Students' Offering 8:34, p.9
21 Kate Daugherty
Students' Offering 7:30, p.6
Visits the Pattees.
22 What did we do Thanksgiving?
Students' Offering 7:27, p.5
Thanks to Colonel Pattee for turkey and oyster feast.
23 Emma Maxfield
Students' Offering 7:26, p.6
Will study music in Ann Arbor.
24 Thanksgiving came and went
Students' Offering 6:21, p.6
Description of Thanksgiving meal and entertainment.
25 The Chapelites
Students' Offering 6:20, p.5
Building has been redecorated.
26 A few evenings ago
Students' Offering 4:13, p.10
Colonel Pattee tussles with a kitten.
27 Our steward and his wife
Students' Offering 4:12, p.6
Employees present armchair to Mr. and Mrs. Pattee.
28 The universal verdict
Students' Offering 4:10, p.7
Students appreciate efforts of the Pattees to make the school a pleasant place to spend the vacation.
29 Col. and Mrs. Pattee
Students' Offering 3:9, p.7
Visited by granddaughter Emma Maxfield.
30 Thanksgiving
Students' Offering 3:9, p.7
Students enjoyed fine meal and social activities.
31 W. W. Pattee
Students' Offering 2:7, p.7
Visits his father the Steward.
32 Mail matters
Students' Offering 2:7, p.6
Steward distributes mail after first supper bell.
33 The entertainment
Students' Offering 2:7, p.4
End-of-term social event includes presentation of the play "Bread upon the Waters", orations, recitation, music, and a dinner.
34 Col. and Mrs. Pattee
Students' Offering 2:5, p.7
Spent holidays in Janesville and Grundy Center.
35 Thanksgiving day came
Students' Offering 1:4, p.4
Students assemble for religious service and then enjoy a good dinner.
36 Colonel Pattee
Students' Offering 200:2, p.6
Has been able to handle increase in students.