Patton--Ashley Janelle (Student--2007)
Displaying 1 - 3 of 3 in reverse chronological order
# | Title | Date | Summary |
1 | Alcohol testing policies questioned by students Northern Iowan 106:7, p.1 |
A uniform standard for the use of breathalyzers for alcohol use urged. Currently the police need to have some type of proper cause to believe that alcohol was involved in an incident. | |
2 | Happy valentine's Day to the sisters of Alpha Xi Delta Northern Iowan 105:35, p.13 |
Alpha Xi Delta sorority honors members on Valentine's Day. |
3 | Get the big-city look for a small-town price Northern Iowan 104:48, p.1 |
Runway, a fashion boutique, opens on Main Street in Cedar Falls; photo. |