Paul--Emily (Student--2018)

Displaying 1 - 3 of 3 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
1 Student body elects new NISG representatives
Northern Iowan 118:37, p.1
The new Northern Iowa Student Government (NISG) representatives are announced. Leila Masinovic and Micaiah Krutsinger are student body president and vice president; Sam Caughron, Trevor Meyers, James Carolus, Geneva Bell, Jacob Merill, and Emily Paul were elected as senators; photos.
2 UNI has strong showing at the Drake Relays
Northern Iowan 117:53, p.6
Both the men and women's track and field teams finished seventh overall at the Drake Relays.
3 Students walk out for gun control
Northern Iowan 114:39, p.1
A large number of students participated in a walkout for gun control organized by UNI student Emily Paul. The gathering was in reaction to the shooting at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School; photos.