Paxton--David A. (Class of 1976)

Displaying 1 - 10 of 10 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
1 NI editor receives Jordan award for journalism
Northern Iowan 82:55, p.7

Lynn Olson wins Cubby Award; list of past winners; photo.

2 UNI grads featured on journalism panel Thursday
Northern Iowan 73:12, p.3
Terry Besser, Bob Dorr, Deb Lorenzen, Ann Michaelson, and Dave Paxton to participate in panel discussion at Northeast Iowa Professional Chapter of Women in Communications meeting.
3 Senior players clarify story
Northern Iowan 72:56, p.2
Senior football players react to Dave Paxton's column on the alumni in the alumni-varsity game.
4 Paxton honored
Northern Iowan 72:54, p.4
Wins Cubby Award.
5 Grins and gripes
Northern Iowan 72:5, p.3
Northern Iowan would like to hear people's likes and dislikes.
6 Iowan fall staff is announced
Northern Iowan 71:55, p.1
Roster of staff with their assignments.
7 Bathrooms--an issue at the library
Northern Iowan 71:42, p.2
Urges writer to give himself plenty of time.
8 Fall staff announced by new Iowan editor
Northern Iowan 70:55, p.11
Staff roster.
9 Stewart declares we've hit new low
Northern Iowan 70:21, p.2
Believes cowpaths are natural development in light of inadequate sidewalks.
10 Cowpaths not pretty
Northern Iowan 70:19, p.2
Does not like look of paths across lawns; photo.