Pen (Magazine)

Displaying 1 - 50 of 62 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
1 New campus magazine begins publication
Alumnus 36:1, p.3
Literary and humor magazine still searching for a name.
2 First issue of the new literary and humor magazine will be distributed on campus January 2
Public Relations News Release 1951:209, p.1
Co editors are Don Coombs, Cedar Falls, and Arlene Fisher, Lehigh. The co-editors appointed Bill Roehlk, Durant, as business manager, and Carol Kamphuis, Lake Park, as circulation manager.
3 Extracurricular activities
First 75 Years 0:0, p.146
Broad survey of the history of literary societies, campus publications, music and athletics, Greek organizations, and religious groups on campus.
4 Student Board of Control postpones action on proposed college magazine
College Eye 42:24, p.3
Group will plan for magazine.
5 Pen
Old Gold 0:0, p.104
Brief description of the group; photo.
6 Kanellis reveals new Pen policies
College Eye 41:26, p.2
Articles other that short stories and poems can be submitted for review.
7 Pen to be sold starting Tuesday
College Eye 41:21, p.1
Publication of this issue delayed due to staff reorganization.
8 Winter 'Pen' to be issued March 10
College Eye 41:20, p.3
A list of those students whose work will appear in the next issue is given.
9 Pen friends welcome Pen
College Eye 41:19, p.6
The latest editions of 'Pen' have been sent to the Iowa State Penitentiary in Fort Madison.
10 Kanellis, Bichel will edit Pen
College Eye 41:17, p.1
Other staff members are listed.
11 Prizes to be awarded for Pen contributions
College Eye 41:15, p.1
Money prizes will be awarded for first, second, and third place.
12 Contributions for 'Pen' accepted until Jan. 13
College Eye 41:13, p.6
13 Student Publications
Old Gold 0:0, p.189
Brief description of the groups; photo.
14 Spring Pen will be sold May 16
College Eye 40:29, p.1
Description of the new issue.
15 Pen notice
College Eye 40:25, p.1
Seeking submissions for spring issue.
16 Art
College Eye 40:20, p.2
Questions the art used on cover of "Pen".
17 . . . Best seller
College Eye 40:20, p.1
Students gather around picking up the current "Pen"; photo.
18 Winter Pen will include 5 short stories
College Eye 40:18, p.1
Will also include poetry.
19 Pen copy
College Eye 40:12, p.4
Seeking submissions.
20 Maurer to edit fall issue of the "Pen"
College Eye 40:5, p.6
21 The Pen 1947-48
Old Gold 0:0, p.156
An overview of the student produced magazine; photo.
22 Last three students in Who's Who
Old Gold 0:0, p.136
Three students everyone should know. Brief biographies; photo.
23 Literary section included in 'Eye'
College Eye 39:31, p.1
Four page literary supplement will replace the Pen for this spring.
24 Supplement will replace spring issue of "Pen"
College Eye 39:30, p.1
Four page supplement will appear in the College Eye.
25 Around the Campus
College Eye 39:26, p.2
Due to lack of interest the Old Gold and Pen may be discontinued, a journalism fraternity should become a reality, and the concept of having a journalism minor is being considered.
26 Bulletin Board
College Eye 39:18, p.6
Meetings and important events are scheduled.
27 Presenting--Edward Nehls, 'Pen' editor, instructor and traveler
College Eye 39:9, p.4
Profile of Professor Nehls.
28 Pen contributions due Wednesday
College Eye 39:1, p.7
29 Work begins on 'The Pen' autumn issue
College Eye 38:38, p.3
Description of art work and format.
30 Campus Commentary
College Eye 38:33, p.3
Discusses the Pen Magazine, teacher George Immerzeel, memorable events in the past year, and announces Wayne Gard as Student of the Week in its last publication in the Eye.
31 Pen to go on sale
College Eye 38:31, p.1
32 Roger's Rambling Remarks
College Eye 38:31, p.2
Discusses the Eye's labor trouble and the inability to print eight page papers; reminder to purchase a copy of "The Pen".
33 "Pen" a sell-out Spring issue soon
College Eye 38:28, p.4
Three hundred copies sold; next issue will be larger.
34 Sale of 'Pen' will start Monday
College Eye 38:25, p.3
35 Pen deadline
College Eye 38:24, p.1
36 'The Pen' goes on sale after February 1st
College Eye 38:17, p.1
List of contributors.
37 'Pen' to be featured on broadcast Monday
College Eye 38:17, p.1
Students will read selections from their work.
38 "Pen" announces issue deadline
College Eye 38:13, p.7
Seeking good contributions.
39 The Pen to come off the press next week
College Eye 37:31, p.2
40 Journalism dinner featured tonight
College Eye 37:30, p.3
Will poke fun at one another and receive awards.
41 Pen deadline April 8
College Eye 37:26, p.3
42 Creative writing, art wanted by Pen staff
College Eye 37:22, p.1
Professor Buxbaum solicits contributions.
43 The Pen calls for poems and stories
College Eye 37:7, p.4
44 Bertness will edit "The Pen" this year
College Eye 37:4, p.1
Professor Buxbaum will sponsor the publication.
45 The Pen
Old Gold 0:0, p.165
Brief description of group; photo.
46 Pen magazine on sale
College Eye 36:33, p.3
47 Pen makes spring plans
College Eye 36:29, p.1
Seeking contributions of work.
48 'The Pen' goes on sale
College Eye 36:23, p.3
Seeking articles for next issue.
49 Forthcoming Pen needs original material now
College Eye 36:9, p.5
50 'Pen' editors named
College Eye 36:7, p.4
Mildred Poitevin and Doris Nelson are editors.