Pershing--Barbara E. (Home Economics Faculty)

Displaying 1 - 34 of 34 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
1 Profile: the retirement "Class of '95-'96"
Campus News Network 6:17, p.3
Retirees share memories of their years at UNI; photo.
2 Sources
Public Relations News Release 1992:492, p.1
Topics for discussion this week at UNI include; don't rush yard work, spring cleaning, and cults & popular religious movements.
3 The weekly allowance -- a good idea? If so how much?
Public Relations News Release 1988:380, p.1
Barbara Pershing says managing a child's allowance can be done in a way that's both positive and almost painless to a parent's pocketbook.
4 Advice offered on holiday budgeting
Northern Iowan 85:29, p.12
Professor Pershing offers tips.
5 Tis the season to overspend... will Santa make his budget?
Public Relations News Release 1988:177, p.1
Barbara Pershing says there's no reason the season can't be festive without overspending. Many people let their emotions contol their pocketbooks, and adds that can get consumers into hot water, especially if they say "charge it."
6 Emotions are the number one problem in Christmas budgeting says Northern Iowa professor.
Public Relations News Release 1988:181, p.1
Barbara Pershing says that establishing a budget and sticking with it is the ket to remaining out of financial trouble during the Holidays. One way to keep emotion out of Christmans spending is to keep credit card use to a minimum.
7 Finding a financial planner...Who do you trust?
Public Relations News Release 1988:30, p.1
Finding a reputable and qualified planner takes some homework. Millions of dollars have been swindled from people who thought they were dealing with a legitimate investment planner.
8 Children move a plane ride away; families can still keep bonds strong, says Northern Iowa prof.
Public Relations News Release 1988:454, p.1
Economic factors are keeping many young people from finding jobs close to home and more parents and grandparents are learning to adjust to long distance communication. Family members must work together to maintain strong bonds.
9 Radio News Network Broadcast Briefs
Public Relations News Release 1987:132, p.1
Michael Sonnleitner scrutinizes public officials. Joanne Spaide dispels vitamin C myths. Jane Richards discusses hypnotherapy. Jesse Jackson appears at the Auditorium. Barbara Pershing speaks on the dangers of coupon shopping.
10 Radio News Network Broadcast Briefs
Public Relations News Release 1987:6, p.1
Robert Hartman gives advice on avoiding homesickness. Ken Jacobsen advises freshmen to visit career counselors. Seniors give freshmen tips on maintaining a successful college career. Barbara Pershing examines budget problems for new freshmen.
11 Radio News Network Broadcast Briefs
Public Relations News Release 1987:415, p.1
Scholarships are awards are distributed to lower-income students. Barbara Pershing explains the sacrifices required to pay tuition. Larry Kelsey offers an astronomy course during RAGBRAI. Joanne Spaide discusses George Washington's ice cream obsession.
12 Radio News Network Broadcast Briefs
Public Relations News Release 1987:374, p.1
Ken DeNault compares nuclear destruction with natural disasters. Barbara Pershing discusses why graduates are unprepared for living costs. Joann Spaide examines health risks of fast food. Pat Moffitt explains the goals of the All American Buckle-Up.
13 Learning to budget time, money is important item on summer 'to do' list
Public Relations News Release 1986:462, p.1
Barbara Pershing is teaching a class on basic principles of money management called "Management of Family Resources"; the course also covers human resources and time management.
14 Students lack management skills
Northern Iowan 82:46, p.4
Survey looks at students' attitudes towards money.
15 Students show responsible attitudes towards money but lack important financial management skills in UNI study
Public Relations News Release 1986:321, p.1
Pershing surveyed three hundred and ninety-four UNI students enrolled in general education classes; the results showed students had good intentions, but lacked the skills or motivation to follow a budget.
16 Pershing attends national conference
Northern Iowan 80:15, p.8
17 Students man your pencils instructors target writing skills
Northern Iowan 79:38, p.10
Faculty talk about their experience with the Writing Across the Curriculum project.
18 Prospective teachers live in home management house
Old Gold 0:0, p.44
Living in the Home Management house is part of every Home Economics major's schedule; photo.
19 Holidays need not send you into bankruptcy
Northern Iowan 78:25, p.7
Barbara Pershing offers tips on Christmas spending.
20 Special programs to be held this summer at UNI
Public Relations News Release 1980:598, p.1
Single parent families, stress management, and consumer issues are some of the topics of special programs that will be offered this summer at UNI. A brochure on the special programs and workshops offered is available in Room 135, Gilchrist Hall.
21 Comparison shopping lowers grocery bills
Northern Iowan 77:44, p.8
Barbara Pershing talks about smart shopping.
22 UNI professor Barbara Pershing to conduct consumer education workshops
Public Relations News Release 1980:401, p.1
Professor Barbara Pershing will teach a summer course to help high school teachers improve on teaching consumer education in their classrooms.
23 Home management program--training better teachers since 1909
Alumnus 66:1, p.16
History of home economics courses and home management facilities at UNI; photo.
24 Family systems conference to be at UNI January 23
Public Relations News Release 1980:280, p.1
UNI will host a conference on the changes, choices, and challenges the American family is facing.
25 Smart shopping can cut high food costs
Northern Iowan 77:25, p.6
Barbara Pershing gives tips on shopping.
26 UNI Professor Barbara Pershing gives tips on smart grocery shopping
Public Relations News Release 1980:241, p.1
Professor Barbara Pershing talks about shopping around and getting the most for your money when it comes to buying groceries.
27 UNI faculty member (Barbara Pershing) attends consumer institute
Public Relations News Release 1980:40, p.1
Barbara Pershing recently participated in the institute 'Economic Education: A Key to Consumer Proficiency' in St Louis.
28 Home Economics
Old Gold 0:0, p.16
Home Economics Department does more than cooking and sewing. Students learn to look for changes in consumer products and use laboratory facilities, food, clothing and nursery school with an observation booth; photo.
29 Merchandise parties may give poor quality, high prices; could save $382
Northern Iowan 74:49, p.1
Professor Pershing advises buyers to look very closely at costs.
30 UNI's Home Management House: more than just a classroom
Northern Iowan 74:15, p.7
Professor Pershing describes the home economics program carried out in the building.
31 Cooking class
Northern Iowan 73:18, p.5
Adult education cooking class is scheduled for Tuesday evenings.
32 Women's studies offered
Northern Iowan 72:23, p.5
List and description of courses to be offered, including courses in literature, history, physical education, and home economics.
33 Home Ec students teach adults money tips
UNI Century 3:3, p.
Professor Barbara Pershing teaches adult course on inexpensive cooking.
34 Parenting course offered
Northern Iowan 71:4, p.4
Professor Pershing talks about the course at length.