Peterson--Dean (Student--1992)

Displaying 1 - 3 of 3 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
1 John Deere's Waterloo works donates hydraulic equipment to Northern Iowa industrial technology program.
Public Relations News Release 1989:71, p.1
Equipment will help UNI students obtain hands-on experience in hydralic systems. Pictured with equipment are Dean Peterson, Fred Becker, Mike Sewick and Robert Stirm.
2 University of Northern Iowa receives loan of $300,000 in hydraulic training equipment from John Deere Waterloo Works
Public Relations News Release 1989:71, p.1
The equipment is on indefinite loan, and will help UNI students obtain hands on experience in hydraulic systems. With some of the equipment are Dean Peterson, Fred Becker, Mike Sewick and Robert Stirm.
3 John Deere's Waterloo Works donates two robots to Northern Iowa's Department of Industrial Technology.
Public Relations News Release 1988:207, p.1
Jere Wheatley and Dean Peterson peer over the blueprints of one of two new industrial-sized robots. The two robots will be used by students at Northern Iowa studying manufacturing, and energy and power.