Peterson--John Neil (Class of 1959)
Displaying 1 - 19 of 19 in reverse chronological order
# | Title | Date | Summary |
1 | SCRA Sponsors Brotherhood Trips Old Gold 0:0, p.191 |
Activities began when the Fall Officer's Leadership Conference was held; the SCRA took trips to the Moslem Mosque in Cedar Rapids, the Greek Orthodox Church in Waterloo, and to Dubuque to observe the institutions of the Roman Catholic Church; photo. | |
2 | Student League Board Provides Effective Campus Government Old Gold 0:0, p.118 |
The Student League Board consists of: the Organizations Committee, the Social Programs Council, and the Student-Faculty Relations Committee; they're the highest student governing body on campus; photo. | |
3 | Purple Key Honors Outstanding Seniors Old Gold 0:0, p.116 |
Students are recognized for excelling in scholarship by achieving a 2.6 grade point average, and who have been active in academic and extracurricular activities; this is the highest award a student can receive at Iowa State Teachers College; photo | |
4 | Political parties ready candidate slates; students begin to prepare for election College Eye 50:17, p.4 |
A look at the current candidates; photo. | |
5 | Men's Union Sponsors Intramurals Old Gold 0:0, p.121 |
Description of the Men's Union; photo. | |
6 | Choir Provides Music For Services Old Gold 0:0, p.139 |
Description of the purpose of the Chapel Choir; photo. | |
7 | All Students Receive College Eye Old Gold 0:0, p.148 |
Description of the work that is put into the publication and steps taken to get the paper into the hands of the students; photo. | |
8 | The College Eye Old Gold 0:0, p.149 |
A listing of the staff of the publication, along with photos of the staff working and taking a break from activities; photos. | |
9 | The College Eye Old Gold 0:0, p.150 |
Description of the activities and operations of the College Eye; Photos. | |
10 | SCRA Plans Campus Religious Policies Old Gold 0:0, p.190 |
Description of the Student Council of Religious Activities and a photo of the members; photo. |
11 | Pep Council Stumulates Spirit Old Gold 0:0, p.241 |
Pep Council not only promotes campus spirit during athletic events, but also in social functions on campus; photo. |
12 | John Peterson attends seminar College Eye 49:23, p.6 |
At Union Theological Seminary. | |
13 | Harriers Undefeated Old Gold 0:0, p.176 |
The undefeated Panther cross country team won all five of their dual meets; Darrell Conway placed first in four meets and set the 2.5 mile course record with a time of 12:01; photo. | |
14 | Methodist Groups Train Christian Youth Old Gold 0:0, p.200 |
The Methodist Church on campus is Wesley Foundation; one of the divisions is Kappa Phi, which is a national religious organization open to all Methodist women, and the other is Sigma Theta Epsilion, a similar organization for Methodist men; photo. | |
15 | Phi Sigs Stress the Golden Rule Old Gold 0:0, p.255 |
Phi Sigma Epsilon had a fall smoker, a Homecoming dinner held at the Waterloo Elks Club, a winter formal dance held at the President Hotel, where a Phi Sig queen was elected, a spring banquet, and a Father and Son dinner for graduates; photo. | |
16 | A Cappella and Chapel Choirs Old Gold 0:0, p.132 |
Both choirs strive to exemplify different periods of music, to give pleasure and stimulation, and to give their audience a challenge to become interested in music; activities included were: special concerts, Christmas programs and a spring tour; photo. | |
17 | Councils Provide Voice For Students Old Gold 0:0, p.114 |
Women students' councils include those in Bartlett, Lawther, and Campbell, in addition to off-campus women; men students' include Seerley-Baker Hall and the off-campus men have one council in Cedar Falls and Waterloo; photo. | |
18 | College Chorus Old Gold 0:0, p.135 |
Brief description of the group; photo. | |
19 | Sigma Theta Epsilon Old Gold 0:0, p.244 |
Brief description of the group; photo. |