Phi Sigma Phi
# | Title | Date | Summary |
1 | Honors week: Comics, trivia and pomp Northern Iowan 112:49, p.4 |
Multiple events will take place during Honors Week, April 11-15. They include: a book discussion of "Enrique's Journey" by Sonia Nazario, hosted by Sigma Delta Pi in Lang Auditorium; a quiz bowl, hosted by the Honors Student Advisory Board (HSAB) in Maucker Union; professor Harry Brod and his class on the topic "Graphic Novels: Narrative Art and Sequential Story Telling" in the Honors Cottage; Phi Alpha Theta's induction ceremony and speaker Chris Shackelford in Seerley Hall; honors Olympics hosted by HSAB; Sigma Gamma Epsilon hosting an earth science museum in Latham Hall; and Phi Sigma Pi hosting a movie screening called "Lift the Blindfold - A Documentary on Homelessness in New York" in the Honors Cottage. |
2 | Parade prevails in the cold Northern Iowan 112:15, p.1 |
The homecoming parade was held on Saturday, October 17, with many student organizations participating. Awards were announced at the football game: UNI Health Center one first place and Panther Pep Crew won "Most Spirited"; phoots. |
3 | Miss Iowa speaks on diversity Northern Iowan 111:48, p.5 |
Alyson Lou Olson came to UNI to speak on diversity; photo. | |
4 | Expanded co- and extra-curricular activities A Century of Leadership and Service 1:0, p.448 |
Survey of activities of literary societies, drama, athletics, Greeks, debate, oratory, and college student publications; photo. | |
5 | Untitled Public Relations News Release 66:43, p.8 |
Phi Sigma Phi becomes Epsilon Theta chapter of Alpha Phi sorority; photo. | |
6 | Sorority scrapbook UNI Quarterly 1:2, p.32 |
Brief history of women's Greek societies on campus; linking of old local names with national chapter names; a look at the current sororities and their activities; photo. | |
7 | Pledges Named for New Sorority at UNI Public Relations News Release 1969:167, p.1 |
45 UNI women students are pledges of the newly established Epsilon Theta chapter of the Alpha Phi national social sorority. | |
8 | Greek activities are successful Northern Iowan 65:55, p.12 |
Highlights of Greek Week. | |
9 | Phi Sigs will celebrate their 50th anniversary Northern Iowan 64:36, p.4 |
Brief history and current activities. | |
10 | 118 coeds pledge sororities fall semester Northern Iowan 64:27, p.5 |
List of pledges, by sorority. | |
11 | Two sororities receive youth service awards College Eye 63:30, p.8 |
Pi Tau Phi and Phi Sigma Phi honored. | |
12 | Social sororities announce semester service projects College Eye 63:21, p.6 |
Brief description of philanthropic projects. | |
13 | Two sororities complete their X-mas projects College Eye 60:25, p.4 |
Groups complete charity work. | |
14 | 3 sororities volunteer help to handicapped College Eye 58:7, p.5 |
Will assist handicapped students in Cedar Falls. | |
15 | Christmas service activities include collecting food, toys College Eye 56:13, p.1 |
SCI Yule time services are mainly for the kids. |
16 | It's Hell . . . Week! College Eye 52:30, p.5 |
A collection of photos showing new pledges to fraternities and sororities. | |
17 | Local area girls pledge sorority at ISTC Public Relations News Release 1960:257, p.1 |
Rush activities begin with the Intersorority Tea, featuring open houses and sorority parties. Sorority members listed by hometown. | |
18 | Homecoming entries winners revealed College Eye 52:6, p.3 |
List of winners of Homecoming parade prizes. | |
19 | Phi Sigma Phi Promotes Friendships Old Gold 0:0, p.209 |
Phi Sigma Phi had overnights, picnics, coke dates, caroling, and numerous other events including the annual chili party with their brother fraternity, Phi Sigma Epsilon; these activities have helped make these friendships a lasting memory; photo. | |
20 | Greek Column College Eye 50:31, p.8 |
News about Greeks and their organizations. | |
21 | Greek Column College Eye 50:29, p.7 |
Greek events and activities. | |
22 | Phi Sigs win intra-cage title College Eye 50:24, p.6 |
Summarizes the game. | |
23 | Greek Column College Eye 50:23, p.5 |
Listing of Greek events and activities. | |
24 | Greek Column College Eye 50:21, p.3 |
Greek organizations and activities. | |
25 | Greek Column College Eye 50:20, p.10 |
Greek events and activities. | |
26 | Greek Column College Eye 50:19, p.8 |
Greek organizations and activities. | |
27 | Greek Column College Eye 50:18, p.8 |
Greek activities. | |
28 | Greek Column College Eye 50:14, p.3 |
News and events of campus Greek organizations. | |
29 | Greek Column College Eye 50:13, p.4 |
Greek organizations and their activities. | |
30 | Greek Column College Eye 50:12, p.4 |
Campus Greek activities and events. | |
31 | Phi Sigma Phi sends newsletter Old Gold 0:0, p.250 |
The motto of the sorority is "We build for character, not for fame". This is the first year a quarterly newsletter has been sent. | |
32 | Phi Sigma Phi Wins First At Homecoming Old Gold 0:0, p.248 |
Together Phi Sigma Phi and Phi Sigma Epsilon sponsored the first prize winning float at the Homecoming parade; this year Mrs. Bert Woodcock held a homecoming tea in her home, and Kathryn McDaniel held a Christmas party in her home; photo. | |
33 | Phi Sigs Stress the Golden Rule Old Gold 0:0, p.255 |
Phi Sigma Epsilon had a fall smoker, a Homecoming dinner held at the Waterloo Elks Club, a winter formal dance held at the President Hotel, where a Phi Sig queen was elected, a spring banquet, and a Father and Son dinner for graduates; photo. | |
34 | Phi Sigs win intramural crown College Eye 48:26, p.4 |
The Phi Sigs won the intramural basketball championship. | |
35 | Greek Letters College Eye 48:14, p.6 |
News from Greek organizations. | |
36 | Greek Letters College Eye 48:9, p.10 |
News from Greek organizations. | |
37 | Greek Letters College Eye 48:5, p.10 |
News from Greek organizations. | |
38 | Greek Letters College Eye 48:4, p.6 |
News from Greek organizations. | |
39 | Greek Letters College Eye 48:3, p.8 |
News from Greek organizations. | |
40 | Phi Sigma Phi Old Gold 0:0, p.254 |
The summary of the year's activities includes: Homecoming float, dinner in the Commons, Christmas party, and dinner for graduating Phi Sig's; photo. | |
41 | Greek Letters College Eye 47:32, p.10 |
News from Greek organizations. | |
42 | Greek Letters College Eye 47:31, p.8 |
News from Greek organizations. | |
43 | Greek Letters College Eye 47:30, p.8 |
News from Greek organizations. | |
44 | Greek Letters College Eye 47:29, p.6 |
News from Greek organizations. | |
45 | Greek Letters College Eye 47:28, p.8 |
News from Greek organizations. | |
46 | Greek Letters College Eye 47:24, p.6 |
News from Greek organizations. | |
47 | Greek Letters College Eye 47:20, p.6 |
News from Greek organizations. | |
48 | Greek Letters College Eye 47:19, p.5 |
News about Greek organizations. | |
49 | Greek Letters College Eye 47:17, p.8 |
News from Greek organizations. | |
50 | Greek Letters College Eye 47:13, p.10 |
News from Greek organizations. |