Pi Omega Pi
Displaying 1 - 50 of 381 in reverse chronological order
# | Title | Date | Summary |
1 | Pi Omega Pi Northern Iowan 86:63, p.4 |
List of new officers; scholarship winners named. | |
2 | University of Northern Iowa business education honorary elects officers, presents awards. Public Relations News Release 1990:704, p.1 |
New officers are listed and scholarships awarded. | |
3 | Pi omega pi honorary initiates new members at University of Northern Iowa. Public Relations News Release 1989:223, p.1 |
The new initiates are Wendy Scadden and Debra Uecker. To be eligible for membership, a student must be a business education major, have a B average in all business courses, rank in the upper 35th percentile of his or her class. | |
4 | Pi omega pi honorary initiates new members and elects officers at UNI. Public Relations News Release 1988:428, p.1 |
New initiates are: Kacy Bohach, Kelly Erpelding, Amy Hesiterkamp and Deanne Sweers. Elected officers are Tom Steffen, president; Susan Pearson, vice-president; Kelly Erpelding, secretary; and Amy Heisterkamp, historian. | |
5 | Pi Omega Pi honorary initiates new members at UNI. Public Relations News Release 1988:141, p.1 |
New initiates of the national business teacher education honor society for undergraduates are Mark Budach, Samra Olofson, Susan Pearson, and Tom Steffan. | |
6 | Northern Iowa student inducted into national business teacher education honor society Public Relations News Release 1987:337, p.1 |
Diane Roberts is inducted into the Gamma chapter of the Pi Omega Pi business education honor society. Members must hold a 3.0 grade point average in business and education courses, and have completed twelve semester hours of credit. | |
7 | Honor societies announce induction of new members Northern Iowan 84:33, p.9 |
List of initiates into Alpha Kappa Delta, Pi Omega Pi, and Order of Omega. | |
8 | Four Northern Iowa students inducted into business education honor society Public Relations News Release 1987:168, p.1 |
The Pi Omega Pi business education society initiates four new members. Members are required to maintain a B average in their major courses and hold a minimum of twelve semester hours of credit. | |
9 | Pi Omega Pi honorary initiates new members at UNI Public Relations News Release 1987:97, p.1 |
Covers the initiation of four student members of the business teacher education society, Pi Omega Pi. In order to qualify, students must hold a B average, be a second semester sophomore, and rank in the upper thirty-fifth percentile of their class. | |
10 | Pi Omega Pi chooses four new members Northern Iowan 82:29, p.10 |
List of initiates. | |
11 | Pi Omega Pi honorary initiates new members at UNI Public Relations News Release 1985:175, p.1 |
The four UNI students listed were initiated into Pi Omega Pi, the national business teacher education honor society for undergraduates. | |
12 | UNI to be represented at convention Northern Iowan 81:27, p.10 |
Jim Handorf and three students will attend Pi Omega Pi convention. | |
13 | Advisors unify business students Northern Iowan 78:39, p.7 |
Student groups meet to help organize and coordinate efforts. | |
14 | Pi Omega Pi Northern Iowan 78:35, p.3 |
Will meet. | |
15 | Pi Omega Pi Northern Iowan 78:13, p.4 |
Will meet in Seerley Hall. | |
16 | Pi Omega Pi Northern Iowan 77:55, p.6 |
Will meet. | |
17 | UNI business education, administrative management students honored Public Relations News Release 1980:560, p.1 |
The Pi Omega Pi Senior Banquet honored eight of its Business Education Administrative Management students. | |
18 | Stress affects family, divorce rate Northern Iowan 77:36, p.5 |
Ken Jacobsen speaks on marriage, career, and family. | |
19 | Pi Omega Pi Public Relations News Release 77:5, p.4 |
Will meet. | |
20 | What's up Northern Iowan 76:24, p.3 |
Meetings and activities; Cedar Falls Community Action Network. | |
21 | College of Business and Behavioral Science Honoraries Old Gold 0:0, p.19 |
Members of the honorary societies from the College of Business and Behavioral Science. | |
22 | Pi Omega Pi Northern Iowan 75:4, p.6 |
Will meet. | |
23 | What's Up? Northern Iowan 75:4, p.6 |
Activities and meetings. | |
24 | Banquet Northern Iowan 74:52, p.5 |
Pi Omega Pi will hold banquet for senior business majors. | |
25 | Seven business students honored Northern Iowan 73:56, p.15 |
Pi Omega Pi awards banquet held. | |
26 | Awards banquet Northern Iowan 72:51, p.7 |
Senior business education students will have banquet. | |
27 | Pi Omega Pi Northern Iowan 72:37, p.12 |
Regular meeting. | |
28 | What's Up? Northern Iowan 72:37, p.12 |
Activities and meetings. | |
29 | What's Up? Northern Iowan 72:31, p.8 |
Activities and meetings. | |
30 | Pi Omega Pi Northern Iowan 72:31, p.8 |
Will meet. | |
31 | Business education students honored at banquet Northern Iowan 69:47, p.4 |
List of award winners. | |
32 | Business Education Recognition Night honors outstanding achievement Northern Iowan 69:45, p.6 |
Meeting program. | |
33 | UNI Receives $1,600 for Scholarship Fund Public Relations News Release 1972:168, p.1 |
Orville Allen, an alumnus of UNI and vice president of an insurance company in Des Moines has given $1,600 to UNI to establish a scholarship for a business student. | |
34 | Organizational News Northern Iowan 68:9, p.12 |
Activities and meetings. | |
35 | Award presented at recognition dinner Northern Iowan 67:45, p.5 |
List of those honored at banquet. | |
36 | Ten UNI Students and Local CPA Honored at Business Recognition Dinner Public Relations News Release 1971:538, p.1 |
The dinner was held in the Commons on April 14 to recognize scholastic and business achievements. |
37 | Organizational News Public Relations News Release 67:3, p.16 |
Activities and meetings. | |
38 | For Immediate Release Public Relations News Release 1969:737, p.1 |
Myra Ann Graves, has been named recipient of the third Lloyd V. Douglas Business Educator Award at UNI. | |
39 | Cutline Public Relations News Release 1969:565, p.1 |
Professor Douglas is shown here presenting the Pi Omega Pi national honorary society in business education awards to Ken Joos and Barb Hall. | |
40 | Cutline Public Relations News Release 1969:568, p.1 |
Professor Douglas is shown here presenting the Pi Omega Pi national honorary society in business education awards to Larry De Bower and Carol Fitzgerald. | |
41 | UNI Business Recognition Dinner Public Relations News Release 1969:485, p.1 |
Nine UNI business students were honored at a banquet to recognize scholastic and business achievement held in the UNI Regents dining center; awards | |
42 | UNI students to honor group Public Relations News Release 1969:396, p.1 |
Four business education students have been elected to membership in Pi Omega Pi. | |
43 | Business dinner Northern Iowan 65:51, p.8 |
Honors business faculty and students. | |
44 | Gamma chapter honored by national council Northern Iowan 64:57, p.6 |
Receives first place honors. | |
45 | Pi Omega Pi Northern Iowan 64:53, p.5 |
Initiates new members. | |
46 | Pi Omega Pi Northern Iowan 64:20, p.9 |
Will initiate seven new members; list. | |
47 | Eighteen students honored at annual business dinner College Eye 63:45, p.1 |
List of those who were honored. | |
48 | Pi Omega Pi members attend convention College Eye 63:25, p.5 |
Four members will attend national meeting. | |
49 | Pi Omega Pi announces fall pledges College Eye 63:16, p.4 |
List of pledges. | |
50 | 13 SCI students receive awards at annual dinner College Eye 60:42, p.6 |
List of those honored at business education dinner. |