Pi Omega Pi

Displaying 1 - 50 of 381 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
1 Pi Omega Pi
Northern Iowan 86:63, p.4
List of new officers; scholarship winners named.
2 University of Northern Iowa business education honorary elects officers, presents awards.
Public Relations News Release 1990:704, p.1
New officers are listed and scholarships awarded.
3 Pi omega pi honorary initiates new members at University of Northern Iowa.
Public Relations News Release 1989:223, p.1
The new initiates are Wendy Scadden and Debra Uecker. To be eligible for membership, a student must be a business education major, have a B average in all business courses, rank in the upper 35th percentile of his or her class.
4 Pi omega pi honorary initiates new members and elects officers at UNI.
Public Relations News Release 1988:428, p.1
New initiates are: Kacy Bohach, Kelly Erpelding, Amy Hesiterkamp and Deanne Sweers. Elected officers are Tom Steffen, president; Susan Pearson, vice-president; Kelly Erpelding, secretary; and Amy Heisterkamp, historian.
5 Pi Omega Pi honorary initiates new members at UNI.
Public Relations News Release 1988:141, p.1
New initiates of the national business teacher education honor society for undergraduates are Mark Budach, Samra Olofson, Susan Pearson, and Tom Steffan.
6 Northern Iowa student inducted into national business teacher education honor society
Public Relations News Release 1987:337, p.1
Diane Roberts is inducted into the Gamma chapter of the Pi Omega Pi business education honor society. Members must hold a 3.0 grade point average in business and education courses, and have completed twelve semester hours of credit.
7 Honor societies announce induction of new members
Northern Iowan 84:33, p.9
List of initiates into Alpha Kappa Delta, Pi Omega Pi, and Order of Omega.
8 Four Northern Iowa students inducted into business education honor society
Public Relations News Release 1987:168, p.1
The Pi Omega Pi business education society initiates four new members. Members are required to maintain a B average in their major courses and hold a minimum of twelve semester hours of credit.
9 Pi Omega Pi honorary initiates new members at UNI
Public Relations News Release 1987:97, p.1
Covers the initiation of four student members of the business teacher education society, Pi Omega Pi. In order to qualify, students must hold a B average, be a second semester sophomore, and rank in the upper thirty-fifth percentile of their class.
10 Pi Omega Pi chooses four new members
Northern Iowan 82:29, p.10
List of initiates.
11 Pi Omega Pi honorary initiates new members at UNI
Public Relations News Release 1985:175, p.1
The four UNI students listed were initiated into Pi Omega Pi, the national business teacher education honor society for undergraduates.
12 UNI to be represented at convention
Northern Iowan 81:27, p.10
Jim Handorf and three students will attend Pi Omega Pi convention.
13 Advisors unify business students
Northern Iowan 78:39, p.7
Student groups meet to help organize and coordinate efforts.
14 Pi Omega Pi
Northern Iowan 78:35, p.3
Will meet.
15 Pi Omega Pi
Northern Iowan 78:13, p.4
Will meet in Seerley Hall.
16 Pi Omega Pi
Northern Iowan 77:55, p.6
Will meet.
17 UNI business education, administrative management students honored
Public Relations News Release 1980:560, p.1
The Pi Omega Pi Senior Banquet honored eight of its Business Education Administrative Management students.
18 Stress affects family, divorce rate
Northern Iowan 77:36, p.5
Ken Jacobsen speaks on marriage, career, and family.
19 Pi Omega Pi
Public Relations News Release 77:5, p.4
Will meet.
20 What's up
Northern Iowan 76:24, p.3
Meetings and activities; Cedar Falls Community Action Network.
21 College of Business and Behavioral Science Honoraries
Old Gold 0:0, p.19
Members of the honorary societies from the College of Business and Behavioral Science.
22 Pi Omega Pi
Northern Iowan 75:4, p.6
Will meet.
23 What's Up?
Northern Iowan 75:4, p.6
Activities and meetings.
24 Banquet
Northern Iowan 74:52, p.5
Pi Omega Pi will hold banquet for senior business majors.
25 Seven business students honored
Northern Iowan 73:56, p.15
Pi Omega Pi awards banquet held.
26 Awards banquet
Northern Iowan 72:51, p.7
Senior business education students will have banquet.
27 Pi Omega Pi
Northern Iowan 72:37, p.12
Regular meeting.
28 What's Up?
Northern Iowan 72:37, p.12
Activities and meetings.
29 What's Up?
Northern Iowan 72:31, p.8
Activities and meetings.
30 Pi Omega Pi
Northern Iowan 72:31, p.8
Will meet.
31 Business education students honored at banquet
Northern Iowan 69:47, p.4
List of award winners.
32 Business Education Recognition Night honors outstanding achievement
Northern Iowan 69:45, p.6
Meeting program.
33 UNI Receives $1,600 for Scholarship Fund
Public Relations News Release 1972:168, p.1
Orville Allen, an alumnus of UNI and vice president of an insurance company in Des Moines has given $1,600 to UNI to establish a scholarship for a business student.
34 Organizational News
Northern Iowan 68:9, p.12
Activities and meetings.
35 Award presented at recognition dinner
Northern Iowan 67:45, p.5
List of those honored at banquet.
36 Ten UNI Students and Local CPA Honored at Business Recognition Dinner
Public Relations News Release 1971:538, p.1

The dinner was held in the Commons on April 14 to recognize scholastic and business achievements.

37 Organizational News
Public Relations News Release 67:3, p.16
Activities and meetings.
38 For Immediate Release
Public Relations News Release 1969:737, p.1
Myra Ann Graves, has been named recipient of the third Lloyd V. Douglas Business Educator Award at UNI.
39 Cutline
Public Relations News Release 1969:565, p.1
Professor Douglas is shown here presenting the Pi Omega Pi national honorary society in business education awards to Ken Joos and Barb Hall.
40 Cutline
Public Relations News Release 1969:568, p.1
Professor Douglas is shown here presenting the Pi Omega Pi national honorary society in business education awards to Larry De Bower and Carol Fitzgerald.
41 UNI Business Recognition Dinner
Public Relations News Release 1969:485, p.1
Nine UNI business students were honored at a banquet to recognize scholastic and business achievement held in the UNI Regents dining center; awards
42 UNI students to honor group
Public Relations News Release 1969:396, p.1
Four business education students have been elected to membership in Pi Omega Pi.
43 Business dinner
Northern Iowan 65:51, p.8
Honors business faculty and students.
44 Gamma chapter honored by national council
Northern Iowan 64:57, p.6
Receives first place honors.
45 Pi Omega Pi
Northern Iowan 64:53, p.5
Initiates new members.
46 Pi Omega Pi
Northern Iowan 64:20, p.9
Will initiate seven new members; list.
47 Eighteen students honored at annual business dinner
College Eye 63:45, p.1
List of those who were honored.
48 Pi Omega Pi members attend convention
College Eye 63:25, p.5
Four members will attend national meeting.
49 Pi Omega Pi announces fall pledges
College Eye 63:16, p.4
List of pledges.
50 13 SCI students receive awards at annual dinner
College Eye 60:42, p.6
List of those honored at business education dinner.