Pierce--Robert Gene (Class of 1954)

Displaying 1 - 14 of 14 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
1 KYTC announces new jazz show
College Eye 47:26, p.3
Four ISTC students have recorded a jazz program.
2 Alpha Chi Epsilon
Old Gold 0:0, p.216
Brief description of the group; photo.
3 Bachelor of Arts Candidates
Old Gold 0:0, p.254
List of graduates; photo.
4 'Fable' gains crowd favor
College Eye 44:22, p.1
Review of "Flamingo Fable".
5 Phi Mu Alpha concert greeted with applause for fine work
College Eye 43:20, p.1
Reviews the recent jazz concert.
6 Phi Mu jazz show opens Wednesday
College Eye 43:19, p.1
Lengthy description of the upcoming program; photo.
7 Jazz tickets go on sale
College Eye 43:18, p.1
For third jazz concert.
8 Frats do have help week
College Eye 43:11, p.2
Describes the activities of the fraternity pledge week.
9 Two hundred eighty-six students received degrees and diplomas at the commencement exercises held under the lights of O. R. Latham Stadium
Public Relations News Release 1951:14, p.1
A teacher's basic loyalty to the teaching profession does not go far enough unless that loyalty includes the concepts and values which have led to the establishment of the free public school system, President J. W. Maucker declared Thursday night.
10 Special lighting effects will be used to carry out an "Over the Rainbow" theme for Friday night's, May 18, annual spring formal at the college
Public Relations News Release 1950:365, p.1
Bill Meardon and his band will provide the music. The same band played for the Christmas formal here this winter. Dance Committee Chairman Jim Young said "So In Love" will be sung for the first time at the dance by Bob Pierce.
11 "Riders to the Sea," a one-act opera, will be presented (March 9) by members of Harald Holst's opera class
Public Relations News Release 1950:256, p.1
The opera was first written as a play by J. M. Synge, Irish playright. It was later set to music by Vaughan-Williams, English composer.Five characters, a women's chorus and a men's chorus make up the cast. Character parts and chorus members are listed.
12 Twelve soloists participated in a student music recital last Friday (Feb. 2) at Iowa State Teachers College
Public Relations News Release 1950:200, p.1
The twelve soloists who participated in the student music recital are listed.
13 Twelve soloists participated in a student music recital
Public Relations News Release 1950:204, p.1
The music recital was last Friday (Feb. 2) at the college. The soloists are listed.
14 Two Contatas to Mark ISTC Advent Program
Public Relations News Release 1950:143, p.1
Two eighteenth-century Advent cantatas will be sung by the 55-voice chapel choir in the college auditorium. Director Arthur Christmann said a small orchestra, vocal and instrumental soloists will also take part in the program.