Platt--Ventura (Class of 1906)

Displaying 1 - 10 of 10 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
1 Ventura Platt
Normal Eyte 17:11, p.166
Doing well in Garwin.
2 Student portraits
Pedagog 0:0, p.46
Student portraits; photo.
3 The Zetalethean Society
Pedagog 0:0, p.91

Brief history of the organization; photo.

4 Ventura Platt
Normal Eyte 16:19, p.302
Entertained friend.
5 Society
Normal Eyte 16:4, p.58
Neos perform program and hold debates; Ossolis held a Eugene Field meeting; Zeta elect officers..
6 Zeta
Normal Eyte 15:30, p.476
Programs that were presented at the recent Zeta meeting.
7 Zeta
Normal Eyte 15:22, p.348
Describes the presentations given at the recent Zeta meeting.
8 Zeta
Normal Eyte 15:10, p.153
Gave Philippine program.
9 Zeta
Normal Eyte 15:6, p.93
Details of the recent Zeta meeting.
10 Philo
Normal Eyte 15:4, p.61
Article lists the details of the Philos' last meeting.