Play Days and Play Nights

Displaying 1 - 50 of 51 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
1 Play night in women's gym tonight
College Eye 59:31, p.9
2 WRA offers co-rec play night April 9
College Eye 59:30, p.5
All SCI students are invited to join in volleyball, trampoline, swimming, and recreational games; photo.
3 Play night from 7 to 9
College Eye 59:24, p.6
4 Three hundred twenty-seven girls from 14 Iowa high schools attended the annual play day today (Saturday, Feb. 16)
Public Relations News Release 1952:425, p.1
The play day is sponsored by the junior theory class of the college department of physical education for women. Activities for the day include basketball games, volley ball, roller skating, swimming, recreational games, and a campus tour.
5 Play day and Seniors Day
Old Gold 0:0, p.222
Play day is for high school women to enjoy the facilities at ISTC. High school seniors come on Senior Day to tour the campus; photo.
6 Play Day at ISTC to include seven area girls' basketball teams
Public Relations News Release 1945:55, p.1
Department of Physical Education for women sponors Play Day. Games, dancing, roller skating and swimming will also be available for girls not participating in basketball.
7 Play night
Old Gold 0:0, p.48
Brief description of the event; photo.
8 Men's union play day
Old Gold 0:0, p.121
Brief description of the event; photo.
9 Off-campus girls
College Eye 29:25, p.3
Will have play night.
10 Campusers make merry tomorrow
College Eye 29:19, p.3
At Play Night.
11 Social life group announces student play nite
College Eye 29:18, p.3
To be held in Men's Gym.
12 Annual play day
College Eye 28:35, p.5
To be held at Campus School
13 "I" Club
Old Gold 0:0, p.103

Description, activities, officers, and members; photo.

14 Annual play day
College Eye 28:34, p.3
For Campus School students.
15 Faculty frolics at play night
College Eye 28:28, p.3
Faculty enjoy an evening at the gym.
16 W. A. A. playday tomorrow; seven schools entered
College Eye 28:24, p.4
Seven schools will be represented in a basketball playday sponsored by the Women's Athletic Association.
17 Intramurals keep girls busy at gym; Hottentots on top
College Eye 28:23, p.2
Results of women's basketball play; will hold state basketball play day.
18 Let's have some more fun!
College Eye 28:18, p.2
Would like to have more play nights.
19 Play night and sorority parties head social list this week-end
College Eye 28:17, p.3
Campus social calendar.
20 Play night again gives the students chance to forget their trouble
College Eye 28:16, p.3
There will be a variety of games and treats.
21 Wednesday night set as play time for all students
College Eye 28:13, p.3
Everyone welcome for recreation.
22 W A. A. sponsors intramural hockey, soccer tournament
College Eye 28:8, p.4
23 Women's Athletic Club sponsors play night; to be weekly affair.
College Eye 28:4, p.6
Play night, which has held by the Women's Athletic Association, is to help orient new women to the extensive physical education program offered at Teachers College.
24 The third women's basketball play day has been postponed
Public Relations News Release 1935:660, p.1
Nine colleges have been invited to attend the play day.
25 The Women's Physical Education Department has invited nine colleges to basketball playday
Public Relations News Release 1935:633, p.1
Brief history and description of the event.
26 Beulah Tye and Glenn Smith are in charge of arrangements for the annual play night
Public Relations News Release 1935:579, p.1
Special exhibitions of boxing and gymnastics are planned.
27 Collegians and men faculty members will take part in the annual men's play day
Public Relations News Release 1934:609, p.1
Program for the event.
28 High school playday to be next Thursday
College Eye 25:44, p.1
29 Spring term holds many extracurricular events
Public Relations News Release 1932:446, p.1
With the senior prom, May fete, Recognition Day, recreational sports and picnic for Men's Play Day, women's farewell picnic, Commencement activities, as well as all the sports, music, tests, concerts and competitions spring is certainly a busy season.
30 First women's play night to be Tuesday
College Eye 25:35, p.1
31 Sixteen represent T. C. at Iowa City
College Eye 25:34, p.1
At Play Day competition.
32 Nine students plan to attend play day
College Eye 25:33, p.3
Will participate in sports activities at Iowa City.
33 Regular executive meeting cancelled
College Eye 25:30, p.1
Of Women's League to avoid conflict with Play Night.
34 Athletic clubs play hosts at gym fun fest
College Eye 25:27, p.4
250 attend play night.
35 Play night to attract many to fieldhouse; first annual co-educational night is sponsored by "I" Club, W.A.A.
College Eye 25:26, p.1
36 Four schools to enter play day; twelve students will take test for basketball officials
College Eye 24:24, p.1

Schools will bring teams to play at ISTC.

37 Women's Athletic Association will sponsor play day
College Eye 24:22, p.4
Women will come from other Iowa colleges to play basketball.
38 Women physical training students from the three Iowa state schools
Public Relations News Release 1930:325, p.1
Department of Physical Education for Women sponsors intercollegiate play day.
39 Intercollegiate play day will be April 11
College Eye 22:24, p.4
Women's teams from numerous colleges will participate in women's play day.
40 Untitled
College Eye 22:9, p.2
Women from the physical education department participated in hockey play day in Iowa City.
41 Untitled
College Eye 22:8, p.4
Women's field hockey team to travel to Iowa City for Hockey Play day.
42 Senior hockey team shows how it's done
College Eye 22:2, p.2
Demonstration match highlights all-college women's play day; photo.
43 The Line
College Eye 21:35, p.7
Campus gossip.
44 The Editors Column
College Eye 21:35, p.4
Farewell to the retiring College Eye staff, plans for rural education department; need College Eye reporters; a student enters a convent; students receive honors in a shorthand test, Play Day gets a new theme.
45 Juniors win Play Day loving cup
College Eye 21:33, p.1
Class day results.
46 The Editors Column
College Eye 21:32, p.2
Urges students to attend Play Day; feels the date for Mother's Day should be changed; advocates grading on a curve.
47 Girls from at least eight Black Hawk County high schools
Public Relations News Release 1929:449, p.1
High school students visit campus for play day.
48 W. A. A. play day proves successful
College Eye 20:33, p.1
For high school women.
49 Plans are being made
College Eye 15:26, p.8
Play Days will be taking place.
50 The Rural Dept.
College Eye 14:56, p.4
Closed their series of play days with events in the gymnasium.