Podolefsky--Aaron Mayer (CSBS Dean; Provost)

Displaying 1 - 50 of 166 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
1 Provost search committee narrows candidates to four
Northern Iowan 95:44, p.1
Michael Marsden, Aaron Podolefsky, Patricia Cummins, and Greg Weisenstein will visit campus in turn beginning this week to interview for the position of UNI Provost.
2 UNI provost search narrows to four candidates
Northern Iowan 105:24, p.1
Provost search narrows to four candidates. James Lubker has been serving as the interim provost for four years; photo.
3 UNI executive vice president and provost search narrows to four candidates
Fourth Candidate to be on campus Nov. 17 and 18

Public Relations News Release 2008:218, p.1
Gary Olson, dean of the College of Arts and Sciences at Illinois State University will interview in the two-day process, which will include meetings with students, faculty, and staff and a question-and-answer session with the campus community.
4 UNI executive vice president and provost search narrows to four candidates
Third candidate to be on campus Nov. 13 and 14

Public Relations News Release 2008:211, p.1
Hector Flores, dean and professor of biology in the College of Science at Texas State University in San Marcos, will be interviewed in a two-day process. This will include meetings with students, faculty, and staff and a question-and-answer session.
5 UNI executive vice president and provost search narrows to four candidates
Second candidate to be on campus Nov. 6 and 7

Public Relations News Release 2008:195, p.1
Gloria Gibson, dean of the College of Humanities and Social Sciences at Arkansas State University, will interview at UNI. The two-day interview process will include meetings with students, faculty, and staff and a question-and-answer session.
6 UNI to launch national search for new executive vice president and provost
Public Relations News Release 2007:623, p.1
A committee has been appointed to conduct a national search for a new executive vice president and provost at UNI.
7 UNI to begin search for executive vice president and provost
Public Relations News Release 2007:545, p.1
The current search for an executive vice president and provost has been closed and a new search committee and search process will begin soon.
8 UNI executive vice president and provost search narrows to three
Public Relations News Release 2007:469, p.1
Donald Nieman, Lance Grahn, and Susan Carlson are the three finalists for the position of executive vice president and provost.
9 Sci-Fi writing award open to all
Northern Iowan 103:46, p.5
April 3, 2007, is the deadline for submitting entries for the Roberta S. Tamres Sci-Fi Award and the Selina Terry Poetry Award.
10 Top paid faculty at UNI
Northern Iowan 102:43, p.1
Quick look at highest paid UNI employees; rationale for rate of pay; photo.
11 Lubker named interim provost
Northern Iowa Today 89:2, p.20
Dean James Lubker will replace Aaron Podolefsky; photo.
12 UNI names Director of Academic Assessment
Public Relations News Release 2004:0, p.1
Beverly Kopper will begin her duties in the fall of 2005; brief profile included.
13 UNI graduating 23 students in Carroll 2 + 2 program in western Iowa
Public Relations News Release 2004:0, p.1
This is fifth group to graduate from the program.
14 University of Northern Iowa to host Commencements in the UNI-Dome May 7
Public Relations News Release 2004:0, p.1
Student addresses will be give by Andrew Krumm and Jenny Rokes.
15 Regents consider plan to raise standards of admission
Northern Iowan 101:46, p.1
The proposed standards will take into consideration also the classes a student takes in high school.
16 UNI names James Lubker interim provost, pending Regents approval
Public Relations News Release 2004:0, p.1
James Lubker will replace Aaron Podolefsky and his appointment will be effective no later than July 1.
17 UNI provost, VP accepts new position
Northern Iowan 101:39, p.1
Aaron Podolefsky will become the President at Central Missouri State University effective July 1, 2005; photo.
18 University of Northern Iowa commencement to take place Saturday, Dec. 18, in the UNI-Dome
Public Relations News Release 2004:0, p.1
650 students will participate in commencement ceremonies.
19 Professor named interim dean of UNI's College of Natural Sciences
Public Relations News Release 2004:0, p.1
Joel Haack is the interim dean, effective January 5.
20 Student admission based on merit, not race
Northern Iowan 101:15, p.1
Looks at affirmative action nationwide and at UNI.
21 Board of Regents to meet August 3 and 4
Public Relations News Release 2004:0, p.1
Agenda items for meeting.
22 Dean of UNI Graduate College to return to teaching, interim appointments made
Public Relations News Release 2003:0, p.1
John Somervill returns to Department of Psychology; Susan Koch to serve as interim dean; Kichoon Yang to direct other miscellaneous offices and duties.
23 Campus construction causes headaches for some
Northern Iowan 100:57, p.1
Although no major walkways have been obstructed, renovations to turn the East Gymnasium into the Innovative Teaching and Technology Center are inconvenient for some students; photo.
24 Board of Regents to meet May 18 and 19
Public Relations News Release 2003:0, p.1
Agenda for meeting.
25 University of Northern Iowa to host commencements May 8
Public Relations News Release 2003:0, p.1
Student addresses will be given by Emiliano Lerda and Robert P. Drewelow.
26 Neerly 700 to receive degrees at UNI graduation Saturday, Dec. 20, in UNI-Dome
Public Relations News Release 2003:0, p.1

Suzanne Marie Just will deliver the student address.

27 Lack of state funding: 'substantial concern' with recent cut
Northern Iowan 100:22, p.1
State funding decreased; Board of Regents voted to raise tuition 8.3 percent for the 2004-2005 school year.
28 FYI: administrators and their roles
Northern Iowan 100:11, p.1
Explains the roles of five administrators; photo.
29 FYI: Board of Regents
Northern Iowan 100:5, p.1
Explains who the Regents are; first in a five part series of informational articles.
30 Board of Regents to meet at ISU
Public Relations News Release 2003:0, p.1
UNI issues to be discussed by the Board of Regents outlined.
31 Evening library hours restored
Northern Iowan 100:2, p.1
NISG president Lerda worked with Provost Podolefsky and Dean of Library Services Mercado to keep the library open longer during the academic year; photo.
32 Pick-a-Prof contract remains unsigned
Northern Iowan 100:2, p.4
Students consider faculty rating and comment system; information provided by faculty and administration to assist senators in their decision.
33 Board of Regents meeting at Iowa Braille and Sight Saving School, May 21-22
Public Relations News Release 2002:537, p.1
UNI-pertinent issues and people listed.
34 University of Northern Iowa to host commencements May 10
Public Relations News Release 2002:508, p.1
Student addresses will be given by Jill Dee Huebner and Adam Philip Humes.
35 Controversial play revisited in panel discussion
Northern Iowan 99:54, p.1
The controversy over "Corpus Christi," performed on campus in December 2001, was discussed by panel; photo.
36 Panel to discuss controversial play 'Corpus Christi'
Public Relations News Release 2002:474, p.1
Panel will discuss "Corpus Christi and Academic Freedom," on April 24.
37 Board of Regents meeting at UNI April 10
Public Relations News Release 2002:436, p.1
Docket items are listed for the next Board of Regents meeting.
38 UNI makes its case to legislature via pamphlet
Northern Iowan 99:34, p.1
Pamphlet identifies the financial needs of UNI.
39 Task force charged with protecting student identities
Northern Iowan 99:34, p.1
Personal Identity Task Force provides security for students, by protecting against identity theft.
40 Board of Regents meeting at the University of Iowa Jan. 15-16
Public Relations News Release 2002:271, p.1
Docket issues for the Board of Regents meeting are listed.
41 University of Northern Iowa commencement to take place Saturday, Dec. 21, in the UNI-Dome
Public Relations News Release 2002:251, p.1
Approximately 650 graduate candidates will participate in fall 2002 commencement exercises.
42 UNI faculty members honored for outstanding teaching, research and service
Public Relations News Release 2002:139, p.1
Michael Shott, Sandra Alper, and Mark Grey received $2,000 awards for excellence in teaching, research, and professional service.
43 UNI ranks well in nation again
Northern Iowan 99:10, p.3
"Kiplinger's Personal Finance" magazine rated UNI 33rd in in-state tuition, 46th in four-year graduation rate, and 95th overall.
44 UNI ranks 2nd again
Northern Iowan 99:6, p.1
UNI received a second place ranking for the sixth year in a row in the 2003 'U.S. News & World Report's America's Best Colleges' under the "Midwestern Universities--Master's" category.
45 Perspective: from General Education to Liberal Arts Core--What's in a name?
Northern Iowa Today 86:2, p.32
Provost Podolefsky offers his opinion on the renaming of the General Education program.
46 College of Education dean resigns
Northern Iowa Today 86:2, p.21
Thomas Switzer will be dean of education at University of Toledo.
47 Salaries: United Faculty, UNI administration negotiations reach pay decision
Northern Iowan 98:58, p.1
The negotiated rate of 5.6% will go into effect on November 1, 2002, rather than the previously agreed to date of July 1, 2002.
48 Summer sessions cut to mainstream classes
Northern Iowan 98:54, p.1
Despite the worries of some students, summer classes have not been cut as a result of UNI's budget crisis.
49 Faculty Senate cuts number of hours needed to graduate; hopes are that the decision will give students more scheduling flexibility
Northern Iowan 98:53, p.1
By reducing credit hour requirements from 124 to 120, the Faculty Senate hopes to reduce class sizes and provide students with greater scheduling flexibility; photo.
50 Liberal Arts Core name change reflects importance of program
Northern Iowa Today 30:2, p.2
A two-year process has resulted in a name change of the General Education Program to the Liberal Arts Core.