Political Opinion

Displaying 1 - 50 of 110 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
1 The pros and cons of the Students First Act
Northern Iowan 119:37, p.3
Drew Hill writes an opinion piece about the House File 68, also known as the "Students First Act", signed by Governor Kim Reynolds on January 24, 2023. They write about the controversy, benefits for parents, and effects on funding for public schools in Iowa; photo.
2 How the most pivotal events of 2022 will shape 2023 and beyond
Northern Iowan 119:29, p.3
Drew Hill writes on events like tensions between Russia and Ukraine, women's rights, and the midterm election and gives his opinions on how they will affect the years to come; photo.
3 The red wave in Iowa
Northern Iowan 119:24, p.3
Drew Hill writes an opinion piece on the recent midterm election results which he believes confirms that Iowa is most likely moving away from being a swing state to becoming a solid Republican state; photo.
4 Vote for who you know
Northern Iowan 119:20, p.3
Drew Hill writes an opinion piece strongly urging students to vote for Kim Reynolds and Chuck Grassley during the midterm election.
5 Funding Iowa public high schools
Northern Iowan 118:50, p.3
Kilnkhammer argues that Gov. Reynolds and the Iowan Government need to increase budgets for Iowa high schools; photo.
6 Religious impressions on American politics
Northern Iowan 118:47, p.3
The columnist discusses religion's impacts on American politics; photos.
7 Ketanji Brown Jackson and misogynoir
Northern Iowan 118:46, p.3
In the author's opinion, Supreme Court nominee Ketanji Brown Jackson's Senate hearings on her qualifications for appointment were instead examples of misogynoir - a combination of misogyny and racism specifically directed at Black women; photo.
8 President Biden: Year in review
Northern Iowan 118:21, p.3
Bailey Klinkhammer discusses President Biden's first year in office, focusing on two senators who continually block Democratic bills from being passed; photo.
9 Women deserve reproductive freedom
Northern Iowan 118:8, p.3
A column arguing for reproductive freedoms.
10 Looking back at the Iraq War
Northern Iowan 117:48, p.3

In the author's opinion, the Gulf War and Iraq War were illegal actions carried out by the United States based upon faulty premises and resulting in unnecessary casualties and tragedies. Rawwas critiques the U.S. administrations involved and urges readers to be more skeptical of the government's claims, particularly relating to foreign policy; photo.

11 Voter ID is not voter suppression
Northern Iowan 117:47, p.3
In the author's opinion, election security is an important concern and the new law in Georgia, which requires ID, should stand in spite of protests of voter suppression by Democrats and the media; photo.
12 Stop the assault on assault rifles
Northern Iowan 117:46, p.3
In the author's opinion, President Biden and the Democratic party politicized the tragic shootings in Boulder, Colorado and Atlanta, Georgia in an attempt to enact gun control laws that violate a citizen's right to bear arms as protected by the Second Amendment.
13 Putting the blame on the border control game
Northern Iowan 117:46, p.3
In the author's opinion, politicians seek to shift blame instead of focusing on solving issues, particularly Republicans. Montgomery discusses immigration at the southern border and climate change in relation to the Trump and Biden administrations.
14 What's happening in the Uyghurs in China
Northern Iowan 117:42, p.3
In the author's opinion, the "genocide" against the Uyghur people in Xinjiang, China, has been created by the media based upon a misunderstanding of the facts of the situation.
15 Iowa does not protect trans rights
Northern Iowan 117:42, p.3
In the author's opinion, Iowa law and legislators do not protect transgender people. Slomka discusses recent bills concerning minors, bathrooms, and schools.
16 No relief with the relief bill
Northern Iowan 117:41, p.3
In the author's opinion, the new COVID-19 relief bill doesn't provide true relief to Americans, favors blue states, and punishes red states which handled the pandemic correctly; photo.
17 Hold President Biden accountable, abandon parties
Northern Iowan 117:38, p.3
Rawwas writes an opinion piece discussing the fallacy of political party line distinctions and beliefs and highlights bombings of Syria, the power grid failure in Texas, and immigration at the southern border.
18 The US needs the third stimulus bill, save your citizens
Northern Iowan 117:37, p.3
The author argues that there should be a third stimulus bill and expresses frustration with the United States federal government's uncaring attitude toward its citizens.
19 The Trump in sheep's clothing
Northern Iowan 117:36, p.3
Rawwas examines promises President Biden made while campaigning and whether or not he has or will go through with them while in office; photo.
20 There will be another Trump
Northern Iowan 117:33, p.3
Montgomery discusses Trump's impeachment acquittal; photo.
21 Help keep free speech free
Northern Iowan 117:32, p.3

Horning discusses free speech. In the author's opinion, it should be concerning that a handful of Silicon Valley technology companies have the power to determine who and who does not get a voice; photo.

22 The Iowa Caucuses: one year later
Northern Iowan 117:30, p.3
Madden, who worked with the Iowa Democratic Party (IDP) at the time, reflects on the 2020 Iowa Caucuses and the difficulties encountered at the time by the IDP and the Democratic National Committee (DNC).
23 On the Burma coup
Northern Iowan 117:30, p.3
Rawwas discusses the recent coup deposing Aung San Suu Kyi in Burma. In the author's opinion, the military should not be in charge, but Suii Kyi was also problematic and colluded with the military, failing to speak out or stop the genocide of the Rohingya in the country.
24 "Recovering" is not what we need
Northern Iowan 117:29, p.3
Montgomery discusses the January 6 United States Capitol attack. In the author's opinion, insurrectionists were motivated to "recover" the past instead of moving forward and fixing problems with society; photo.
25 The class pandemic
Northern Iowan 117:28, p.3
Slomka discusses class in the midst of the pandemic; photo.
26 The Liberal left has not won
Northern Iowan 117:28, p.3

Rawwas discusses liberal politics after the election of President Joe Biden and the storming of the Capitol.

27 The country in terms of red and blue
Northern Iowan 117:26, p.3
The author looks at American politics and the Democratic and Republican parties in terms of the meaning behind the colors red and blue; photo.
28 Don't stop fighting, keep pushing
Northern Iowan 117:25, p.3
The author argues the importance of continuing to fight for issues even after Joe Biden's historic presidential win; photo.
29 A disappointment for Iowa youth
Northern Iowan 117:23, p.3
Although the 2020 precedential election is still too close to call, Goedken discusses the Iowa "red shift" results and feels scared and victimized as a member of the LGBTQ+ community and a female; photo.
30 President Donald Trump resembles bad company
Northern Iowan 117:21, p.3
Professor Corbin compares Trump to other past U.S. presidents; photo.
31 This election could turn into a split electoral vote
Northern Iowan 117:21, p.3
Horning discusses possible outcomes of the 2020 election; photo.
32 What can be learned from Bolivia
Northern Iowan 117:20, p.3
Rawwas compares recent events in Bolivia to the 2020 election; photo.
33 The election is not the end of the world
Northern Iowan 117:19, p.3
Horning discusses the 2020 election.
34 Take away Trump's Twitter
Northern Iowan 117:18, p.3
Slomka argues in favor of Trump's Twitter account being suspended; photo.
35 NISG Senator speaks out about controversy
Northern Iowan 117:16, p.3
Northern Iowa Student Government (NISG) Senator Mohammed Rawwas defends the controversial ruling denying registry to Students for Life; photo.
36 Stand up against President Trump this election
Northern Iowan 117:16, p.3
Holst urges readers to vote against President Trump in the 2020 election.
37 Show you care by voting on Nov. 3
Northern Iowan 117:16, p.3

Seybert urges readers to vote in the 2020 election.

38 Iowa's marijuana laws are outdated
Northern Iowan 117:15, p.3
Slomka argues that marijuana laws in Iowa are outdated; photo.
39 Don't condemn non-voters
Northern Iowan 117:15, p.3
Horning urges readers not to condemn people who choose not to vote; photo.
40 New Exec. Order excuses racism
Northern Iowan 117:12, p.3
The author discusses President Trump's proposal for an educational commission called the 1776 Commission, calling it propaganda and nationalistic; photo.
41 Seybert: The truth behind defunding the police
Northern Iowan 117:10, p.3
Addi Seybert explains the movement to defund the police; photo.
42 Rawwas: Stop making heroes out of political leaders
Northern Iowan 117:10, p.3
Mohammed Rawwas argues that political figures shouldn't be idolized.
43 Rawwas: U.S. makes 'enemy' out of China
Northern Iowan 117:7, p.3
Mohammed Rawwas argues that the U.S. has made China into an unjustified enemy; photo.
44 LTE: Advocate for global poverty
Northern Iowan 117:5, p.2
Nicole Iradukunda urges readers to contact Iowa politicians to advocate for action against global poverty.
45 Political parties and police brutality
Northern Iowan 117:4, p.3
Mohammed Rawwas writes an opinion piece about political parties and their response to police brutality; photo.
46 Biden: a return to the Obama presidency
Northern Iowan 116:43, p.3
In the author's opinion, Joe Biden is a poor presidential candidate who lacks a coherent leftist policy, instead seeking to build on Obama's policies, which the Obama presidency actually failed to fulfill during his presidential years; photo.
47 'Super Tuesday' leaves uncertainty
Northern Iowan 116:41, p.3
Horning comments on Super Tuesday, which resulted in a narrower Democratic nominee field: Joe Biden, Bernie Sanders, Elizabeth Warren, and Tulsi Gabbard are still in the race. In the author's opinion, Donald Trump has strong voter support and a high probability of being re-elected, since Democratic front-runners Bernie Sanders and Joe Biden either can't win over more moderate voters or don't have energy surrounding their campaign; photos.
48 Democrats should not divide the vote
Northern Iowan 116:40, p.3
In the author's opinion, once a candidate is chosen for the Democratic nomination, voters should cast their ballots for them regardless of who they supported as a nominee. Seybert discusses the divides over candidates in the Democratic party and how such divisions could harm the party's chances in the general election against Donald Trump; photo.
49 The rise of Michael Bloomberg
Northern Iowan 116:38, p.3
Horning speculates on Michael Bloomberg's entry into the 2020 Democratic nomination race, discussing potential outcomes of primary season and the general election depending on who secures the nomination; photo.
50 Sinn Fein and political counter-trajectories
Northern Iowan 116:35, p.3
In the author's opinion, the recent election in Ireland shows a counter-trajectory to the rise of far-right politics in other parts of the world. Rawwas discusses how the Sinn Fein party won the election and will likely form a coalition government instead of the previous Fine Gael and Fianna Fail parties, and their victory is a response to Brexit in the UK and indicates a likely forthcoming referendum on Ireland and Northern Ireland will go in favor of reunification instead of establishing a border.