Popejoy--Ruth Irene (Class of 1922)

Displaying 1 - 23 of 23 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
1 Ruth I. Popejoy
Alumnus 30:1, p.23
Missionary to Ecuador for the past fifteen years, returned to the United States last year and is now in Omaha, Nebraska.
2 Pioneering in Ecuador
Alumnus 26:4, p.22
Ruth Popejoy went to Ecuador in 1929 and founded a school for children of missionaries.
3 Ruth I. Popejoy
Alumnus 21:3, p.21
Teaches at the missionary school in Quito, Ecuador.
4 Ninety-two alumni live, work in foreign fields
Alumnus 21:1, p.7
Roster of alumni in US possessions or foreign countries.
5 Ruth Popejoy
Alumnus 19:3, p.20
In the United States for a year on furlough from her missionary work in Quito, Ecuador, South America.
6 Greetings to alumni in foreign mission fields
Alumnus 19:2, p.7
Harold Bosley greets missionaries; roster of alumni who serve as missionaries.
7 Ruth Popejoy
Alumnus 19:1, p.20
Returned to the United States for a year on a break from her missionary work in Quito, Ecuador, South America.
8 Extension Service at far corners
Alumnus 18:3, p.18
Correspondence courses reach students around the world.
9 Extension division teaches Spanish to Iowan in Ecuador
College Eye 25:43, p.1
Ruth Popejoy is teaching in Quito; taking Spanish via mail.
10 Schoolteacher studies Spanish by correspondence with the extension division of the college.
Public Relations News Release 1934:475, p.1
Ruth Popejoy is a schoolteacher who is now employed in a mission school in Quito, Ecuador. She is farther away than anyone now enrolled.
11 Mrs. C. W. Anderson, Ruth Popejoy, Lucille Popejoy, Keith Popejoy, and Paul Popejoy
Alumnus 15:1, p.32
Mrs. I. M. Popejoy died June 16, 1930 at York, Nebraska, where her daughter Maude Anderson resides. Ruth is in Quito, Ecuador, Lucille is a nurse at the Omaha City Mission; Keith and Paul are both band instructors at Cresco and Marion, Iowa.
12 Students attend conference at Des Moines
College Eye 12:22, p.1
Student Volunteer Convention to be held.
13 Irving
Old Gold 0:0, p.207
Colors, mascot, motto, flower, candid photos, presidents, honorary members, and members of the Irving Literary Society; photo.
14 Student Volunteers
Old Gold 0:0, p.236
Members and activities of the organization; photo.
15 "Broken China" a success; large crowd sees play
College Eye 11:25, p.1
Review of the performance put on by the Student Volunteer Band.
16 "Broken China" coming; play tonight
College Eye 11:24, p.1
Y. W. C. A. will perform play; roster of cast members.
17 Marietta Hostrup
College Eye 11:21, p.8
Plans to go to Waterloo to report on the Student Volunteer Convention for the Y. W. C. A. with Lena Houge, Ruth Popejoy and Helen Draper.
18 Student Volunteers
College Eye 11:7, p.2
News from students who have been interested in mission work.
19 Y. W. C. A.
Old Gold 0:0, p.258

Roster of officers and committee chairmen; advisory board members; overview of the year, including readjustments to the organization; student volunteer band; photo.

20 Juniors
Old Gold 0:0, p.115
Roster of officers and junior students; poem; humorous comments about the students; formal and informal photos; photo.
21 Junior College
Old Gold 0:0, p.119
Class officers; photos.
22 Irving
Old Gold 0:0, p.256
Roster of Irving Literary Society members; photo
23 Society
College Eye 9:28, p.3
Irvings elected officers; Clios entertained founding members of their group and discussed Clio history.