Popejoy--Ruth Irene (Class of 1922)
Displaying 1 - 23 of 23 in reverse chronological order
# | Title | Date | Summary |
1 | Ruth I. Popejoy Alumnus 30:1, p.23 |
Missionary to Ecuador for the past fifteen years, returned to the United States last year and is now in Omaha, Nebraska. | |
2 | Pioneering in Ecuador Alumnus 26:4, p.22 |
Ruth Popejoy went to Ecuador in 1929 and founded a school for children of missionaries. | |
3 | Ruth I. Popejoy Alumnus 21:3, p.21 |
Teaches at the missionary school in Quito, Ecuador. | |
4 | Ninety-two alumni live, work in foreign fields Alumnus 21:1, p.7 |
Roster of alumni in US possessions or foreign countries. | |
5 | Ruth Popejoy Alumnus 19:3, p.20 |
In the United States for a year on furlough from her missionary work in Quito, Ecuador, South America. | |
6 | Greetings to alumni in foreign mission fields Alumnus 19:2, p.7 |
Harold Bosley greets missionaries; roster of alumni who serve as missionaries. | |
7 | Ruth Popejoy Alumnus 19:1, p.20 |
Returned to the United States for a year on a break from her missionary work in Quito, Ecuador, South America. | |
8 | Extension Service at far corners Alumnus 18:3, p.18 |
Correspondence courses reach students around the world. | |
9 | Extension division teaches Spanish to Iowan in Ecuador College Eye 25:43, p.1 |
Ruth Popejoy is teaching in Quito; taking Spanish via mail. | |
10 | Schoolteacher studies Spanish by correspondence with the extension division of the college. Public Relations News Release 1934:475, p.1 |
Ruth Popejoy is a schoolteacher who is now employed in a mission school in Quito, Ecuador. She is farther away than anyone now enrolled. | |
11 | Mrs. C. W. Anderson, Ruth Popejoy, Lucille Popejoy, Keith Popejoy, and Paul Popejoy Alumnus 15:1, p.32 |
Mrs. I. M. Popejoy died June 16, 1930 at York, Nebraska, where her daughter Maude Anderson resides. Ruth is in Quito, Ecuador, Lucille is a nurse at the Omaha City Mission; Keith and Paul are both band instructors at Cresco and Marion, Iowa. | |
12 | Students attend conference at Des Moines College Eye 12:22, p.1 |
Student Volunteer Convention to be held. | |
13 | Irving Old Gold 0:0, p.207 |
Colors, mascot, motto, flower, candid photos, presidents, honorary members, and members of the Irving Literary Society; photo. | |
14 | Student Volunteers Old Gold 0:0, p.236 |
Members and activities of the organization; photo. | |
15 | "Broken China" a success; large crowd sees play College Eye 11:25, p.1 |
Review of the performance put on by the Student Volunteer Band. | |
16 | "Broken China" coming; play tonight College Eye 11:24, p.1 |
Y. W. C. A. will perform play; roster of cast members. | |
17 | Marietta Hostrup College Eye 11:21, p.8 |
Plans to go to Waterloo to report on the Student Volunteer Convention for the Y. W. C. A. with Lena Houge, Ruth Popejoy and Helen Draper. | |
18 | Student Volunteers College Eye 11:7, p.2 |
News from students who have been interested in mission work. | |
19 | Y. W. C. A. Old Gold 0:0, p.258 |
Roster of officers and committee chairmen; advisory board members; overview of the year, including readjustments to the organization; student volunteer band; photo. |
20 | Juniors Old Gold 0:0, p.115 |
Roster of officers and junior students; poem; humorous comments about the students; formal and informal photos; photo. | |
21 | Junior College Old Gold 0:0, p.119 |
Class officers; photos. | |
22 | Irving Old Gold 0:0, p.256 |
Roster of Irving Literary Society members; photo | |
23 | Society College Eye 9:28, p.3 |
Irvings elected officers; Clios entertained founding members of their group and discussed Clio history. |