Potter--Jeannette Rogers (Class of 1929; Physical Education Faculty)
Displaying 1 - 26 of 26 in reverse chronological order
# | Title | Date | Summary |
1 | "You can never quit learning"; Potter looking forward to retirement Northern Iowan 71:56, p.8 |
Lengthy profile of Professor Jeannette Potter. |
2 | "Preview UNI" Acquaints New Students, Parents with Life at UNI Public Relations News Release 1971:699, p.1 |
Around 1600 student and 950 of their parents are scheduled to visit the campus during the summer for "Preview UNI". The program conisists of 9 two-day programs, beginning June 24 and lasting until July 30. |
3 | Dr. Potter receives P.E. Award Northern Iowan 65:15, p.4 |
Jeannette Potter received an award from the Iowa Association for Health, Physical Education and Recreation for outstanding contributions in the field; brief profile. | |
4 | Faculty plans to travel, research for the summer College Eye 60:60, p.3 |
Survey of faculty plans for the summer. | |
5 | Folk Festival Wednesday in Women's Gym College Eye 60:41, p.6 |
200 students will participate in the dancing. | |
6 | 3 SCI profs are committee heads in ISEA College Eye 60:17, p.6 |
Professors Potter, Nielsen, and Wiederanders serve. | |
7 | Committee named to study role of Greek organizations on campus College Eye 58:19, p.6 |
List of committee members. | |
8 | Play nights set for Wednesday College Eye 52:34, p.4 |
Recreation nights for men and women. | |
9 | Dance festival to be Friday College Eye 52:24, p.4 |
Physical education classes will demonstrate dances. | |
10 | Women's PE Under Two Way Program Old Gold 0:0, p.104 |
The Department of Physical Education for Women has two main purposes. One is to educate teachers and physical educators and the second, is to create various activities and sporting opportunities for women students. | |
11 | Anyone for tennis? College Eye 50:34, p.4 |
Department of Physical Education for Women offers many recreational opportunities. | |
12 | Students Acquire Skills in the Women's Physical Education Department Old Gold 0:0, p.110 |
The main goal of the Women's Physical Education Department is to train physical education teachers for the secondary and elementary grades, and to give women students a chance to acquire physical skills; photo. | |
13 | Physical Education Club in Charge of Student Convention Old Gold 0:0, p.183 |
At the convention, the local Physical Education Club had charge of the student section; they also purchased crests which were designed by a member; the Physical Education Club for Women is open to all majors and minors in physical education; photo. | |
14 | Women's Phys. Ed. Teaches Skills Old Gold 0:0, p.110 |
Description of the department and photo of the staff; photos. | |
15 | PE Club Conducts "Play Nites" Old Gold 0:0, p.242 |
Monthly meetings, play nites, a fall picnic, a Christmas party, and a graduation dinner highlight the activities for the PE Club's year; photo. | |
16 | PE's travel College Eye 49:26, p.2 |
Many faculty headed for meetings. | |
17 | International dinner here next week College Eye 48:36, p.1 |
Will feature decorations and entertainment. | |
18 | Department of Physical Education for Women Old Gold 0:0, p.52 |
The Department of Physical Education for Women offers a major for secondary and elementary teachers and has sponsored the Physical Education Club, Marlins, and Orchesis; this department gives students the opportunity to acquire recreational skills; photo. | |
19 | PE Club Explores New Trends Old Gold 0:0, p.240 |
Miss Skittery, an exchange teacher from England, spoke on the American and English systems of physical education; weekly coffees and parties referred to as "Fun nites," were a part of the Physical Education Club program as well; photo. | |
20 | Women's Physical Education Old Gold 0:0, p.102 |
Brief description of the department; photo. | |
21 | Many join faculty to fill old and new staff positions College Eye 47:1, p.3 |
Brief profiles of new faculty and staff. | |
22 | Mrs. Donald Potter, (Jeannette Rogers) Alumnus 29:1, p.22 |
Is assistant professor of physical education at the Women's College of University of North Carolina in Greensboro. She has been teaching for over fifteen years. | |
23 | Mrs. Jeanette Rogers Potter Alumnus 20:2, p.23 |
Teaches physical education in Des Moines, Iowa. | |
24 | Jeannette Rogers Potter Alumnus 19:4, p.24 |
Teaches physical education at the public schools in Denison, Iowa. | |
25 | Mrs. Donald K. Potter Alumnus 18:2, p.28 |
The former Jeanette Rogers teaches physical education in Dennison, Iowa. | |
26 | Jeanette Rogers Alumnus 14:1, p.31 |
Jeanette Rogers married Donald Potter, Dunlap, Iowa, on Thursday, November 28, 1929. A wedding dinner was held afterwards at Hotel President, Waterloo, Iowa. |