Pozdro--John W. (Music Faculty)

Displaying 1 - 4 of 4 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
1 Pianist Henry Harris to play Sunday, January 7
Public Relations News Release 1950:166, p.1
Henry Harris, popular assistant professor of piano, will play in the college auditorium. Before coming to the college in 1941, Harris was a faculty member of the Philadelphia Conservatory of Music. He graduated from Germany's Leipzig conservatory in 1932.
2 Keister Recital Sunday, Nov. 12
Public Relations News Release 1950:111, p.1
Elwood Keister, a tenor, of the music faculty will present a voice recital in the Commons on Sunday, Nov. 12. He has been a voice instructor at the college since 1947. During his army career, he was a tenor soloist on the army network programs.
3 Faculty
Old Gold 0:0, p.211
List of faculty; photo.
4 "Overture" by Pozdro performed in Illinois
College Eye 41:12, p.6
Faculty member John Pozdro's "Overture" is performed by various groups in the Midwest.