
Displaying 1 - 50 of 151 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
1 LTE: Is Trump unfit to be president?
Northern Iowan 114:19, p.3
In a letter to the editor, Professor Steve Corbin, discusses Donald Trump's presidency and whether or not he is "fit" to be president; photo.
2 Ruud discusses his future plans for UNI
Northern Iowan 109:36, p.1
William Ruud, the next President of UNI, plans to get a better feel for the university during his first days in the position. He believes he will like it here. He wants to speak with many groups on campus. He will focus on updates; photo.
3 The process of picking UNI's next president
Northern Iowan 109:35, p.4
Student body president thanks all of the students who were actively involved in UNI's search for a new president. There is also a brief overview of the process the committee went through while looking for a new president.
4 Student voices
Northern Iowan 109:34, p.1
Students answer the question; "What do you hope Ruud will bring to UNI?"; photo.
5 Ruud named UNI president
Northern Iowan 109:34, p.1
Iowa Board of Regents voted unanimously for William Rudd to become the tenth preside of UNI. Dean Moussavi commented that President Rudd will bring years of experience to UNI; photo.
6 Wartell emphasizes UNI's uniqueness
Northern Iowan 109:33, p.1
The third and final candidate for the position of UNI president spoke about his vision on UNI's place in the community and the state of Iowa. Dr. Wartell believes UNI will be censured, but will not change because of it; photo.
7 UNI presidential search narrows to two candidates
Public Relations News Release 2012:189, p.1
Avijit Ghosh, one of the final three candidates for the president of UNI has withdrawn his candidacy.
8 Student Voices
Northern Iowan 109:32, p.1
Students answer the question: "What do you think about the two presidential forums so far?".
9 Ruud talks about future of UNI
Northern Iowan 109:31, p.1
William Ruud was the first presidential candidate to visit UNI. He described his vision for the future of UNI and its place not only in the state of Iowa, but in the Midwest and the nation; photo.
10 Final candidate announced
Northern Iowan 109:31, p.1
Michael A. Wartell has been announced as the third and final presidential candidate. As chancellor he worked to expand programs and endowments, increased enrollment, and oversaw construction of more than thirty buildings.
11 Ghosh emphasizes leadership
Northern Iowan 109:31, p.1
Avijit Ghosh was the second candidate invited to interview for president of UNI. Vision, resources, and leadership would be key principles if selected. Dr. Ghosh promised transparency in his work with faculty and students.
12 Third UNI presidential candidate to visit UNI
Public Relations News Release 2012:184, p.1
The third presidential candidate will be visiting campus and speaking in the Old Central Ballroom. This is the final candidate to visit.
13 Second presidential candidate to visit campus
Northern Iowan 109:30, p.1
Avijit Ghosh, a candidate for present of the University of Northern Iowa, will visit the campus. A university-wide e-mail link will be available.
14 Second UNI president candidate to visit UNI
Public Relations News Release 2012:179, p.1
The second presidential candidate, Avijit Ghosh, will be speaking at UNI.
15 First presidential candidate to visit UNI
Northern Iowan 109:29, p.1
William N. Ruud will be the first candidate to interview for president. Two additional candidates will be interviewed at later dates. Visit the UNI presidential search website for all the candidates' names, biographies, and vitae; photo
16 First UNI presidential candidate to visit UNI
Public Relations News Release 2012:176, p.1
Three candidates will be speaking at UNI in hopes of being hired for the university President position. The first candidate is William Ruud.
17 UNI Presidential Search and Screen Committee meeting notice
Public Relations News Release 2012:171, p.1
The UNI Presidential Search and Screen Committee will be interviewing candidates.
18 Forum held to seek input on search for new UNI president
Northern Iowan 109:8, p.1
Board of Regents sponsored the forum. Faculty, staff, students, and community members were asked for their ideas on the qualities needed in the new president; photo.
19 Presidential search committee approved
Northern Iowan 109:7, p.1
Board of Regents appoints twenty-one members; roster of committee members.
20 Presidential search committee accepting nominations
Northern Iowan 109:3, p.1
Board of Regents looking for three representatives from the public for service on the University of Northern Iowa presidential search and screening committee. Nominations are due by September 5; photo.
21 University of Northern Iowa and Iowa Public radio seek presidential candidates for forums Elevating Education platform in Iowa
Public Relations News Release 2011:86, p.1
Presidential hopefuls for the election in 2012 are invited to discuss their views on education as part of UNI's Presidential Candidate Education Forums along with Iowa public Radio.
22 Provost Gloria Gibson takes over as interim president of UNI
Northern Iowan 107:38, p.1
In President Allen's absence, due to recovery from surgery, Provost Gibson has added a new title to her resume. She is a very capable leader and will do a fine job. Students, faculty, and staff have confidence in her abilities.
23 UNI faculty member expects Obama's inaugural address to draw upon campaign themes
Public Relations News Release 2008:305, p.1
The inaugural address, according to Donna Hoffman, associate professor of political science, is much more visionary and thematic than the State of the Union address given annually by a sitting president.
24 NISG president to post online updates during trip to D. C. for presidential inauguration
Public Relations News Release 2008:293, p.1
The Presidential Inauguration seminar focuses on the newly elected president and the formation of a new executive administration and the role of the media in U. S. politics. The seminar features lectures, site visits, tours, and special events.
25 NISG president to post online updates during trip to D. C. for presidential inauguration
Public Relations News Release 2008:292, p.1
Student body president, Pernell Cezar, will get a behind-the-scenes look at Washington and national politics. You can access the blog via the UNI home page,
26 UNI to send Cezar to Presidential inauguration
Public Relations News Release 2008:287, p.1
Student body president, Pernell Cezar, a junior from Gary, Ind., double-majoring in finance and marketing, will be in Washington, D. C., for the inauguration of Barack Obama, the nation's 44th President, as a part of a 12-day seminar.
27 Allen to be installed as UNI's ninth president, Friday, September 29
Public Relations News Release 2006:0, p.1
The installation of the University of Northern Iowa's ninth president, Benjamimn Allen, will take place Friday, September 29.
28 Second presidential candidate John Folkins visits campus
Northern Iowan 102:51, p.1
Presidential candidate John Folkins sees three essential pillars to university education; inquiry, engagement, and achievement for students; expressed his belief that public education should be available to everyone.
29 John Folkins
Northern Iowan 102:50, p.1
Biographical information on John Folkins: photo.
30 Presidential candidate Stephen Lehmkuhle visits campus
Northern Iowan 102:50, p.1
Stephen Lehmkuhle believes his diverse range of experiences can benefit UNI. Lehmkuhle met with a number of constituencies across campus sharing his views on topics ranging from tuition to technology; photo.
31 Come meet out next president!
Northern Iowan 102:49, p.8
Joe Murphy urges students to attend sessions with presidential candidates.
32 Stephen Lehmkule
Northern Iowan 102:49, p.1
Profile of presidential candidate who is visiting campus.
33 Media interview opportunity with UNI presidential candidates
Public Relations News Release 2005:0, p.1
Media is provided with opportunities to meet with the final presidential candidates in the Great Reading Room located in Seerley Hall.
34 Presidential candidates to visit
Northern Iowan 102:43, p.4
Schedule for candidates' visits approved; will include "airport interviews".
35 Presidential search committee offering streamlined video, wants students, faculty, staff involved in candidates' visits
Northern Iowan 102:41, p.6
Committee hopes to hold open forums for candidates; considering video streaming of candidates' presentations.
36 Voting for our leadership
Northern Iowan 102:37, p.7
Leaders should be chosen based on skills and knowledge.
37 'Students First' a necessity for next President; committee developing forums to include with campus visits for candidates
Northern Iowan 102:36, p.6
Prospective candidates will have to adhere to certain priorities and visit campus to meet students and staff.
38 Campus visit a must for presidential candidate finalists
Northern Iowan 102:35, p.8
Presidential hopefuls will be brought to campus to meet students, faculty, and staff, as well as to experience what UNI has to offer; photo.
39 Campus Committee discusses evaluation criteria for new president
Northern Iowan 102:32, p.4
Committee continues process of selecting new president for UNI.
40 First NISG meeting of 2006 brings hot topics to the table; personal wellness lecture complaints discussed
Northern Iowan 102:31, p.1
Topics at the meeting included choosing a new president for UNI, student elections, and forming committees to meet student needs; photo.
41 Students have say in search for new pres
Northern Iowan 102:31, p.8
NISG president Joe Murphy encourages students to comment on what they would like to see in a new university president.
42 Search for Pres. needs input
Northern Iowan 102:29, p.5
Students encouraged to submit ideas and opinions to search committee in pursuit of new university president.
43 Fridays with Koob
Northern Iowan 102:29, p.1
President Robert Koob discusses his accomplishments during his presidency; photo.
44 Koob announces retirement from UNI presidency
Northern Iowa Today 90:1, p.22

President Koob will leave when a new President takes over; quick look at search process for a new President; photo.

45 The Koob succession; search committee hits roadblock
Northern Iowan 102:28, p.4
Some faculty members request more representation on committee that selects new president.
46 Wanted: President, provost, dean, etc.; committees still looking to fill positions at UNI
Northern Iowan 102:27, p.1
Interim Provost Lubker explains the selection process involved in choosting a new president and other university leaders; photo.
47 Fridays with Koob
Northern Iowan 102:26, p.1
President Robert Koob discusses the process of selecting a new UNI president; photo.
48 Fridays with Koob
Northern Iowan 102:14, p.1
President Robert Koob discusses his retirement; photo.
49 Koob announces retirement from University of Northern Iowa
Public Relations News Release 2005:0, p.1
President Koob will step down at the end of the 2005-2006 academic year.
50 Raises receive criticism
Northern Iowan 97:61, p.4
Comments on the recent raises given to the three state university presidents.