Price Laboratory School

Displaying 1 - 50 of 970 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
1 Former UNI provost continues "no confidence" streak at NEIU
Northern Iowan 119:54, p.1
Former UNI provost Gloria Gibson received a vote of no confidence at UNI in March of 2012. She was named president of Northeastern Illinois University (NEIU) in March 2018. She received her second vote of no confidence in December of 2022; photos.
2 All staff opinion column: what does the recent tuition hike mean for UNI?
Northern Iowan 112:10, p.3

The Northern Iowan staff members Hannah Carr-Murphy, Jesse Moeller, Abbi Cobb, and Michael Jackson give their opinions on the recently-approved mid-year tuition increase; photos.

3 UNI rising in ranks for Princeton Review
Northern Iowan 112:2, p.1

UNI has once again made an appearance in the "Best in the Midwest" category on Princeton Review's list of America's top colleges. The university appeared in other reports and rankings as well, demonstrating that despite criticism for program and budget cuts in 2012, it continues to be critically acclaimed.

4 New provost, new challenges
Northern Iowan 111:43, p.1
Jim Wohlpart will be replacing Mike Licari as provost; photo.
5 Letter to the editor
Northern Iowan 111:13, p.3
Professor of finance Dr. A. Frank Thompson talks about his enjoyment in reading the article "Panther Fridays".
6 Education center will move to Sabin Hall
Northern Iowan 110:54, p.2
UNI received $2 million to operate a new education center. The Center for Educational Transformation will allow students to participate in hands-on research activities; photo.
7 The student teaching experience redefined
Northern Iowa Today 97:1, p.2
Following the closing of the Malcolm Price Laboratory School, the university is looking at new ways to provide student teaching experiences. One of those ways is to build a close relationship with local schools; photo.
8 Regents approve education center
Northern Iowan 110:18, p.1
The Iowa Board of Regents approved plans to open a new education center, "The Center for Educational Transformation" at the University of Northern Iowa. The center will replace Malcolm Price Laboratory.
9 UNI professors, United Faculty win case against BOR
Northern Iowan 110:13, p.3
United Faculty, the UNI Iowa professors' faculty union, announced that a state district court ruled that the Iowa Board of Regents must negotiate faculty job buyouts with the union.
10 An open letter to UNI President William Ruud
Northern Iowan 110:10, p.3
Linh Ta talks about the installation of President Ruud. Expresses concern about the different issues UNI is currently facing. Encourages President Ruud to remember his goals, aspirations, and commitment to serving the UNI community.
11 Ruud named UNI president
Northern Iowan 109:34, p.1
Iowa Board of Regents voted unanimously for William Rudd to become the tenth preside of UNI. Dean Moussavi commented that President Rudd will bring years of experience to UNI; photo.
12 Ruud talks about future of UNI
Northern Iowan 109:31, p.1
William Ruud was the first presidential candidate to visit UNI. He described his vision for the future of UNI and its place not only in the state of Iowa, but in the Midwest and the nation; photo.
13 UNI's CEEE partnering with FFI to bring healthy eating to NE Iowa schools
Northern Iowan 109:21, p.3
UNI, Northeast Iowa Food and Fitness Program, and Luther College team up to promote healthy eating in Iowa schools. Students are given healthier options and education on making healthy choices.
14 Student teaching fee to jump in fall 2013
Northern Iowan 109:20, p.1
Institutional Fee Committee votes to raise fees for student teaching from $50 to $300. The additional money will go to mentor teachers and institutions.
15 Price Lab families discuss the transition to different districts
Northern Iowan 109:14, p.1
Parents talk about experiences transitioning away from Price Laboratory School. Parents discuss benefits of Price Laboratory School and differences in other districts; photo.
16 Life after Price Lab: Level II field experiences
Northern Iowan 109:7, p.1
New field experience consists of a two week mini-course followed by a minimum of twenty-five hour field experience during a six week period. Waterloo and Cedar Falls schools are providing areas for field experience; photo.
17 'Made in Iowa' Exhibit opens to public
Northern Iowan 109:4, p.5
Richard Colburn's photos are featured in the Gallery of Art. His photos were taken over a thirty year time frame. Colburn is a professor in the Department of Art; photo.
18 Judge says Regents can close Price Lab
Northern Iowan 109:1, p.6
Following the recommendation of President Allen, the Board of Regents voted to close Price Laboratory School. Supporters filed a lawsuit. That suit has been denied; photo.
19 Judge says Regents can close Price Lab
Northern Iowan 108:58, p.1
The judge stated that no matter what his ruling; the other side of the lawsuit would appeal. The hearing took place less than two weeks prior to the closing date for Price Lab School; photo.
20 UNI updates BOR on Price Lab closure
Northern Iowan 108:54, p.1
Dean of the College of Education Dwight Watson discussed the placement of Level II education students. The use of block scheduling for eight weeks will aid in coordinating activities with local schools; photo.
21 UNI CDC relocating to Hillside Courts
Northern Iowan 108:54, p.4
The Child Development Center will move from its present location in the Malcolm Price Laboratory School. The process is moving quickly. The anticipated change will take place after the end of the summer session.
22 Changing of the guard
Northern Iowan 108:50, p.1
Newly elected senate and executive branch of the Northern Iowa Student Government sworn into office; photo.
23 UNI to sponsor CLIMB Theatre performances at local schools
Public Relations News Release 2011:271, p.1
The touring education theatre program CLIMB will tour schools in the cedar valley.
24 UNI to host 44th annual Reading Recovery Conference
Public Relations News Release 2011:270, p.1
The Price Lab school will host the 44th annual Elementary Literacy and Reading Recovery Conference.
25 Lawsuit contests BOR's decision to close Price Lab
Public Relations News Release 108:48, p.1
The question of who has the power to close Price Lab is the basis for a lawsuit filed in district court. The suit was filed on behalf of thirty-seven community members, parents, and educators; photo.
26 'Funeral' held to protest academic program cuts
Northern Iowan 108:45, p.1
Students United for Academics sponsored the march. The march began at Seerley Hall and made its way to the Campanile to remember Price Laboratory School; photo.
27 House panel votes to freeze tuition
Northern Iowan 108:45, p.1
Iowa House Appropriations Committee passed a bill, along party lines, that would potentially cut $31 million from Iowa's public universities next year. The bill would also freeze tuition; allowing no way to recover the lost funding.
28 Well, at least we've still got corn
Northern Iowan 108:45, p.5
It is clear that the state of Iowa no longer values education. Lack of financial support from the legislature has put UNI in the current crisis. The tuition freeze legislation and resulting cuts will only further hinder education in Iowa.
29 Board of Regents approves academic program changes
Northern Iowan 108:44, p.1
Due to budget cuts of over twenty-four million dollars in recent years and facing a nearly five million dollar shortfall, Price Lab School and the University Museum will be closing along with fifty-eight academic programs; photo.
30 Allen discusses transition from closure of Price Lab
Northern Iowan 108:44, p.3
A transition team has been formed to deal with the changes with present K-12 students attending Price Lab. The team will also address a new model for clinical experiences for teacher education students and a new R & D model.
31 The future of UNI
Northern Iowan 108:43, p.4
Representative Bob Kressig urges all in the district to contact legislators in support of UNI in the upcoming budget battle.
32 Students hold peaceful protest of potential academic cuts
Northern Iowan 108:43, p.2
Students study in Seerley Hall. The Study Vigil lasted 24 hours a day for a week. Students were protesting the proposed cuts in academic courses; photo.
33 UNI faculty pass vote of no confidence in Allen, Gibson
Northern Iowan 108:42, p.1
Meeting was called by Faculty Chair James Jurgenson in response to a petition calling for a faculty meeting, following the announced closing of Price Lab School and upcoming academic cuts; photo
34 Students react to closing of Price Lab
Northern Iowan 108:42, p.1
The upcoming closure of Price Lab School has brought out emotions among students. Some believe that the Price Lab experience was good, but other students mentioned the desire to teach in a more diverse setting.
35 Letter to the Editor
Northern Iowan 108:42, p.12
In light of the no confidence vote by the faculty, writer shows support for President Allen and his decisions to close the museum, Price Lab School, and several academic departments.
36 Letter to the Editor
Northern Iowan 108:42, p.12
Writer critical of the lack of democratic process in the changes proposed to address the budget deficit. Better communication is needed in these trying times.
37 Members of the College Hill Partnership on Price Lab closing plans
Northern Iowan 108:41, p.4

Price Lab School has been one of the major attractions for families to locate in the College Hill area. College Hill Partnership desires to maintain a balance of single family homes and renter-occupied housing.

38 Ed faculty votes no confidence in Allen
Northern Iowan 108:41, p.1
The process, data, communication, people consulted, and the closing of Price Lab School all contributed to the vote of no confidence. The Faculty Senate will also receive a motion for consideration.
39 Danielson, community discuss cuts
Northern Iowan 108:41, p.1
Elected officials hear responses from the community about the closing of Price Lab School. The community was strongly in favor of keeping the school; photo.
40 Regents approve Price Lab closure
Northern Iowan 108:41, p.1
President Allen's recommendation to close Price Lab School on June 30, 2012, has been approved by the Board of Regents. The state legislature is the next step in the closure; photo.
41 Malcolm Price Laboratory School Enrollment information session
Public Relations News Release 2011:199, p.1
Price Lab will host an information session for parents and students who are planning to open enroll at local school districts.
42 Proposed budget cuts
Northern Iowan 108:40, p.5
Questions asked concerning UNI's future role in teacher education and public safety.
43 Price Lab in perspective
Northern Iowan 108:40, p.4
Support is needed, even with the changing of higher education. The public is urged to look at political candidates' stand on support for education.
44 Open letter to faculty
Northern Iowan 108:40, p.4
The university is experiencing difficult times. Student Body president urges students and faculty to be civil and respect each other. Name calling and false information will not help the situation.
45 UNI announces first round of cuts, eyes others
Northern Iowan 108:40, p.1
Museum, print services, and Price Lab School are slated to close. The Department of Public Safety and low enrollment academic programs are under review; photo.
46 Hundreds march to keep Price Lab open
Northern Iowan 108:40, p.1
Students, parents, faculty, and community members marched from Price Laboratory School to Schindler Education Center. The event was organized to send a message to President Allen, the Board of Regents, the legislature, and the Governor; photo.
47 President Allen to recommend closing Price Lab School
Northern Iowan 108:39, p.1
Budget woes at the university have caused the President to call for the closure the Laboratory School. The museum will also close and academic programs will be cut; photo.
48 Budget talks require communication, not blame
Northern Iowan 108:39, p.4
Communication among the administration, faculty, students, and the Cedar Valley is needed during this time of restructuring. People need to know what the plans are for the future. More input has been requested by several parties.
49 Price Lab is worth keeping
Northern Iowan 108:38, p.4
Fourth grade student at Price Lab School shares feeling of the quality of education available.
50 Cuts possible for upcoming school year
Northern Iowan 108:38, p.1
President Ben Allen announced that declining support from the Iowa Legislature may cause cuts in funding to Price Laboratory School, UNI Museum, Panther athletics, and academic programs; photo.