Quirk--Charles E. (History Faculty)

Displaying 1 - 50 of 122 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
1 Editor's Note
Northern Iowan 112:48, p.2

The Northern Iowan issues a correction and apology for its April 4 article "UNI 7: Activism Impacts Campus Nearly Half a Century Later"; Charles E. Quirk was misspelled as Quick.

2 UNI 7: Activism impacts campus nearly half a century later
Northern Iowan 112:47, p.1

In 1970, a group of students that became known as the UNI Seven led a demonstration and movement on campus that eventually resulted in a space for multi-cultural students to gather; photo.

3 Facebook: UNI professors you loved
Northern Iowa Today 95:2, p.2
Excerpts from Facebook comments about favorite faculty members; photo.
4 Insights into success; UNI's first class of Presidential Scholars share success stories
Northern Iowa Today 93:3, p.7
Members of the first Presidential Scholars class tell what they have done; photo.
5 UNI professors received higher raises than UI, ISU
Northern Iowan 98:6, p.1
United Faculty President Paul Siddens discusses the need for the increase in faculty salaries.
6 Retiring long-term employees recognized
Campus News Network 11:19, p.1

Thirty-nine retirees recognized at UNI's 43rd Annual Recognition Breakfast.

7 Long-term employees retiring from the University of Northern Iowa to be recognized Saturday, April 28
Public Relations News Release 2000:383, p.1
List of thirty-nine employees who have retired or will be retiring from the university in the 2000-01 fiscal year.
8 Profile: Chuck Quirk
Campus News Network 10:19, p.3
Profile of Chuck Quirk, faculty member of the History Department; photo.
9 Faculty seeks pay raise
Northern Iowan 95:28, p.1
UNI faculty and staff unions are seeking pay raises for the next two years.
10 Charles E. Quirk
Campus News Network 6:21, p.3
Clarification of article from last Kudos: Quirk edited "Sports and the Law: Major Legal Cases" and he and John W. Johnson contributed articles; Johnson also wrote preface.
11 Why more lawyers are leading the sporting life
Public Relations News Release 1995:377, p.1
Because many NFL franchises are moving to other cities and increasing physical altercations to the NBA, the field of sports law is increasing.
12 John W. Johnson
Campus News Network 6:17, p.
Faculty members wrote various articles.
13 Reservations sought for tailgating celebration honoring metro educators prior to University of Northern Iowa game
Public Relations News Release 1995:24, p.1
Charles Quirk is taking reservations from area educators for tickets and tailgating for the upcoming football game.
14 Tailgating celebration to honor metro educators prior to University of Northern Iowa game
Public Relations News Release 1995:7, p.1
Area educators will honored at tailgating celebration at UNI.
15 Other major administrative, service, and curricular changes
A Century of Leadership and Service 2:0, p.234
The college adopts the semester plan to begin in summer, 1957; changes in student teaching supervision include resumption of work in Cedar Falls schools; institution of honors program and work with provisional students; photo.
16 Faculty affairs
A Century of Leadership and Service 2:0, p.317
A look at salary schedules, fringe benefits, faculty loads, faculty governance, and faculty organizations in the 1950s and 1960s; photo.
17 Services extending beyond the campus: Extension Service; Continuing Education; the church; the UNI Foundation
A Century of Leadership and Service 2:0, p.359
Extension services designed to meet needs of growing enrollment; efforts in radio and television; a brief history of the last years of the CHIC; early efforts of the UNI Foundation; photo.
18 Collective bargaining
A Century of Leadership and Service 2:0, p.428
Detailed account of legal actions and negotiations leading to the election of a faculty bargaining agent; photo.
19 UNI seeks to implement its mission
A Century of Leadership and Service 2:0, p.441

UNI attempts to expand its curriculum on undergraduate and graduate levels; photo.

20 UNI educators link up to form Council of Metro Educators
Northern Iowan 91:8, p.1
Computer network for educators in metropolitan area planned.
21 Council of Metro Educators formed.
Public Relations News Release 1994:30, p.1
New organization formed to connect all teachers in the metro area.
22 Quirk compiles encyclopedia
Northern Iowan 91:5, p.16
Professor Charles Quirk compiles encyclopedia of sports law; photo.
23 Two UNI history profs reader/scorers for college board program
Public Relations News Release 0:634, p.1
UNI profs participated in the annual reading and scoring of Advanced Placement Examinations in U.S. History.
24 Two UNI history profs, chemistry prof reader/scorers for college board program
Public Relations News Release 1992:759, p.1
John Johnson, Charles Quirk, and James Chang participated in the annual reading and scoring of Advanced Placement Examinations in U.S. History for the College Board Program.
25 Several Northern Iowa faculty
Campus News Network 3:20, p.4
Will score AP tests.
26 Of witch trials and Indian land claims; historic U.S. Court Cases encyclopedia edited by University of Northern Iowa professor
Public Relations News Release 1991:546, p.1
John Johnson served as editor of "Historic U.S. Court Cases". Johnson and several of his UNI colleagues also contributed essays to the book.
27 Professional leaves
Campus News Network 2:13, p.2
Roster of those receiving PDLs and their research topics.
28 Faculty Senate will ask Regents for cap on enrollment
Northern Iowan 88:22, p.1
Reject Professor Longnecker's proposals; favor motion of Professor Quirk.
29 History lecture tomorrow
Northern Iowan 87:35, p.7
Charles Quirk will present lecture on Waterloo, Iowa, on the 1960s Wednesday as part of the History Lecture Series.
30 "Communities in Conflict: Waterloo in the 1960's" is topic of history lecture at University of Northern Iowa February 6
Public Relations News Release 1990:312, p.1
Waterloo in the 1960s will be the subject of lecture at UNI.
31 Black History Month activities planned at University of Northern Iowa
Public Relations News Release 1990:307, p.1
Highlights of Black History Month activities announced at UNI. Joy Lowe and B. J. Furgerson will speak.
32 Peace groups organize and prepare for consequences of war.
Public Relations News Release 1990:297, p.1
Professor Quirk helps organize a teach-in plus other activities to help people deal with anti-war feelings.
33 Persian Gulf crisis
Public Relations News Release 1990:296, p.1
UNI has provided a roster of source people and topics concerning the Persian Gulf crisis.
34 Somervill appointed Dean of Graduate College
Northern Iowan 86:18, p.5
Dean Somervill talks about his goals.
35 Faculty approves dead week proposal
Northern Iowan 85:32, p.1
No final comprehensive examination should be given within last two weeks of class, though unit tests and papers may be assigned to be due during that period.
36 Gen. Ed. program debated; faculty concerned as
Northern Iowan 85:14, p.1
Faculty Senate considers General Education report; attempts to understand implications for students and faculty.
37 Presidential Scholars set high standards
Northern Iowa Today 15:3, p.1
Students and faculty offer reactions to program; photo.
38 Professor introduces one-of-a-kind textbook
Northern Iowan 82:39, p.10
Professor Glenda Riley discusses the role of women in United States history; photo.
39 Elderhostel to focus on music, religion, Afghanistan July 6-12
Alumnus 70:4, p.7
Courses and faculty listed.
40 Tele-evangelism questioned
Northern Iowan 82:20, p.10
Chuck Quirk and John Folkers talk about television evangelists.
41 Speakers to discuss TV evangelism
Northern Iowan 82:18, p.9
Charles Quirk and John Folkers will make presentations.
42 'Electronic Church' is topic of next talk in UNI History Lecture Series Wednesday
Public Relations News Release 1985:122, p.1
Charles Quirk and Rev. John Folkers will discuss the impact of the televised Church in America.
43 UNI's Wohl to Speak on 'Historical Perspective of Holocaust' Wednesday
Public Relations News Release 1985:76, p.1
Dr. Harold B. Wohl will give a lecture in the north Room of the Maucker Union over the holocaust and how it is overlooked in many history books.
44 First honors program beset with problems
Northern Iowa Today 13:2, p.1
Brief history of honors programs at UNI, including development of Individual Studies.
45 Panel debates prayer in public schools
Northern Iowan 80:53, p.1
Extensive excerpts from panelists' remarks.
46 Religious right history traced
Northern Iowan 80:18, p.1
Calvin Malefyt and panel hold discussion; photo.
47 A Philosophy and Religion Forum
Northern Iowan 80:16, p.7
Panel discussion on religion.
48 Panel discussion scheduled
Northern Iowan 79:50, p.6
Department of Philosophy and Religion will sponsor panel and programs relating to matters of concern to faculty and clergy.
49 Senate to organize evaluation
Northern Iowan 79:30, p.5
Faculty Senate receives petition calling for evaluation of President Kamerick and Provost Martin; considering role in presidential search.
50 Kamerick, Martin evaluation called for by faculty members
Northern Iowan 79:22, p.1
200 faculty sign petition asking for evaluation.