Rafanello--Nicholas (Director of Residence Life)

Displaying 1 - 8 of 8 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
1 Preferred names on UNI issued IDs in effect January 2023
Northern Iowan 119:24, p.4
Starting in January 2023, students, faculty, and staff will be able to change their IDs to reflect their preferred names. Due to the decision of the last legislative session in Iowa which banned the use of school IDs as voter identification, administration has finally agreed to push this action through; photo.
2 Changes underway in UNI Dining
Northern Iowan 119:5, p.1
Bailey Klinkhammer looks at some of the issues the dining department is dealing with such as supply chain shortages and low staff support. Some of the better changes are that dining centers are now serving hot breakfast due to student popular demands. Maucker Union now holds Godfather's Pizza and Kachin's Sushi; photo.
3 UNI responds to allegations of free speech violations
Northern Iowan 118:48, p.1
Allegations of violations of free speech by Resident Assistants on campus results in a letter being issued to UNI by the Foundation for Individual Rights in Education (FIRE) at the request of the Northern Iowan. The letter from FIRE, the response from Andrew Morse, Chief of Staff for President Mark Nook, and the official UNI statement are included; photos.
4 Campbell Hall cast away
Northern Iowan 118:26, p.1
Campbell Hall's future is unclear, as it sits almost completely empty while being used as a quarantine space for students with COVID-19; photo.
5 Campbell, Lawther to see changes in fall
Northern Iowan 117:30, p.1
With residence re-contracting approaching, the Department of Residence announced that in Fall 2021 Campbell Hall will only be used for isolation and quarantine, and Lawther Hall will be shifting into double suites and single rooms; photos.
6 Students plan for a long winter break
Northern Iowan 117:27, p.1
Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, fall semester classes will end on November 24 and spring classes begin on January 25, resulting in a longer winter break for students. Students share their plans for the break; photo.
7 RLC vacancy in Rider Hall filled
Northern Iowan 114:7, p.5
Rider Hall 's Residence Life Coordinator (RLC) position has been filled after their last RLC left in September 2017. Rider and Hagemann Hall have been sharing their RLC until this time. Students give their reactions to not having an RLC and the news they are getting a new one; photo.
8 Bad Roommates
Northern Iowan 112:44, p.1

Students, staff, and landlords reflect on roommate issues and solutions; photos.